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my eyes are filled with wonders,
my heart is filled with spirit
like coffee for the soul
gelato for the brain,
travel makes me sing,
zambia, mallorca and spain.

mother and my friend,
embracing, reuniting
tightening the over stretched
ropes that bind
a mother and
her daughter

under a tourist's sun,
upon white sand beaches
luxury at my beck and call,

i will recover from this
third-world hell-hole

to be conflicted, engages,
happy and bitter-sweetend,

all of this and more, i
am acutely eager to live through.

come on, june 1. you can run to me faster than this.
Oskar Erikson Mar 2017
There's Honeycomb stains
in my drained coffee!
Twisting amber lines on porcelain
so faint the eye barely sees!
What, don't believe me?
So I'm gonna drain cup after cup
all so you can see;
Golden honeycomb stains
in my drained, love-sweetend coffee.
Vasya Jul 2016
they say you´re scottish whiskey
they say I´m swedish *****
but together we´re some caribbean ***
sweetend by the numbness and disguised by the heat


— The End —