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Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
6 a.m di Surabaya - 1 a.m di Gaza

Saat bangun tidur badanku terasa lemas.
Masih terlalu pagi aku masih ingin berbaring di kasur.
Sambil kubuka akun X orang orang Gaza yang kukenal.
Tapi hanya akun Omar yang tampak aktif.
Memposting apapun yang sedang dia alami.

Omar mengeluh susah tidur.
Kedinginan berselimut kain tipis usang.
Banyak nyamuk masuk ke tendanya.
Sementara di luar suara zanana mengganggu.
Diselingi ledakan bombardir pesawat jet.

10 a.m di Surabaya - 05 a.m di Gaza

Aku bosan menunggu antrian bank yang ramai.
Sambil menunggu sepi kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh melihat banyak belatung.
Merubung sisa tepungnya yang hampir kadaluwarsa.
  Dia tak bisa lagi membuat roti.

11 a.m di Surabaya - 06 a.m di Gaza

Aku menunggu ojek online di tepi jalan.
Sambil merokok kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh kehabisan sabun dan shampo.
Sementara air untuk mandi dan mencuci.
Hanya tersisa setengah ember.

01 p.m di Surabaya - 08 a.m di Gaza

Aku sedang makan siang di Peneleh.
Makan pecel sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh saat mengantri di toko.
Menghabiskan waktu dan tenaga.
Berdesak desakan hanya untuk sekantung roti.

04 p.m di Surabaya - 11 a.m di Gaza

Saat sore aku nongkrong di Wonokromo.
Minum kopi sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh setelah belanja di pasar.
Bawang , tomat , terong , kentang dan cabai.
Harganya semakin naik tak terjangkau.

06 p.m di Surabaya - 01 p.m di Gaza

Aku sedang duduk di beranda masjid.
Menunggu isya sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh setelah berjalan jauh.
Merasakan kepanasan dan kelelahan.
Hanya untuk mengecas ponselnya di solar panel dekat pantai.

08 p.m di Surabaya - 03 p.m di Gaza

Aku masih makan malam di Tunjungan.
Makan rawon sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Ternyata di Gaza sedang hujan deras.
Omar mengeluh setelah tendanya kebanjiran.
Barang barangnya basah terkena air hujan.

09. p.m di Surabaya - 04 p.m di Gaza

Temanku mengajak minum kopi di kafe.
Minum cappucino sambil kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh sudah lama tidak makan ayam.
Yang bisa dia lakukan hanyalah menggambar ayam.
Lalu menaruhnya di atas piring kosong.

10 p.m di Surabaya - 5 p.m di Gaza

Aku sedang menonton sepakbola.
Saat jeda kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Dia mengeluh setelah memeriksa Gofundme.
Hampir seminggu tak mendapat donasi.
Sementara uangnya hanya tersisa puluhan shekel.

01 a.m di Surabaya - 08 p.m di Gaza

Tengah malam aku bersiap tidur.
Sambil berbaring di kasur kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Ternyata pemukiman dekat tendanya baru saja dibombardir.
Omar mengeluh setelah kelelahan membantu evakuasi.
Dia hampir muntah melihat serpihan tubuh berlumuran darah.

03. a.m di Surabaya - 10 p.m di Gaza

Aku merasa kesulitan tidur.
Sambil mendengarkan musik kubuka lagi akun Omar.
Ternyata dia masih tetap mengeluh.
Merasa lelah terus menerus mengeluh.
Terlalu banyak keluhan hingga kelelahan mengeluh.

Aku juga lelah melihat Omar terus mengeluh.
Tapi orang yang menderita memang harus mengeluh.
Hanya mayat yang tak bisa lagi mengeluh.
Mayat tak merasakan penderitaan untuk dikeluhkan.
Daripada menjadi mayat lebih baik Omar tetap hidup walaupun terus mengeluh.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
31 Oktober 2016
Dini hari, Jakarta-Surabaya, Pukul 00.45

30 menit yang lalu, kau bertanya kepadaku,
"apa yang membuatmu bahagia?"
secangkir kopi, malam dan hujan jawabku
lalu kau mengernyitkan kedua alismu dan bertanya,
"kenapa? kopi itu pahit, malam itu sendu dan hujan hanya membawa pilu"

"Karena aku menyukai kejujuran pada kopi,
Ia jujur akan dirinya. ia yang pahit rasanya. ia yang hitam parasnya. tanpa bersandiwara. tapi itulah hal yang mencandu darinya.
Karena aku menyukai kesederhanaan malam,
Ia tak perlu harus bersinar, ia cukup indah dengan bintang di dalamnya tanpa dengki ingin menjadi siang.
Karena aku menyukai keikhlasan hujan,
Ia tetap ikhlas menjatuhkan dirinya meski banyak yang memaki dirinya dan berharap ia tak pernah datang."

kau termenung kembali,
dahimu berkerut memikirkan sesuatu
"apakah hanya itu?" tuturmu lagi
dan aku hanya tersenyum,

"aku hanya ingin menjadikan diriku seperti mereka, tidak berlebih pun tidak mengapa, hanya ingin menjadi dan merasakan kejujuran seperti kopi, kesederhanaan seperti malam dan keihklasan seperti hujan."*

kau tersenyum mengejek
"Kau terlalu naif" tandasmu dan aku hanya tergelak,
seperti itulah aku, jawabku
pada akhirnya, kau turut tergelak jua bersamaku
menutup pembicaraan dini hari kita kala itu.
kepada kamu yang telah mengajarkanku mengenai kejujuran, keikhlasan dan kesederhanaan, terima kasih telah menjadi kopi, malam dan hujan bagiku.
Ek May 2018
It happened early one morning.
It happened like it always does,
times 3.

Strapped, armed, holding hands
what every loving mother
shouldn't do.

Word of it traveled
like the winter flu,
by noon everybody had heard

of maniacal faithers
who took home her children
lighting up fireworks.

The sun blazed dazedly
evaporating 3 crosses,
not quite melting the ice.

Until it reached my porch step,
it were but distant voices.
now it's here

and real. like it always is of course

but now it's closer than ever
bursting at my door.

Sliced up like a juicy tomato
his screams are muffled by
a screen screening bright information

into the heads of mouths
who offer surreal commentary
disguised as jokes.

We're terrified.
We're hypochondriacs fearing
contamination of a rampant

A plague we've never seen before.
Our ****** eyes.

So many have already
been ***** by fate.
Faith in fatherly beards

granting wishes to
obedient children
who go tarnishing other fathers' gardens.

What an absurd world
where IS is ice that
cannot melt.

What an absurd world
where children weep
at mothers' debt.

What an absurd world
where faithful supremity
reigns unchecked.
Diska Kurniawan Apr 2016
Pukul satu, kakiku melangkah ke sudut warung kecil itu
Sunyi, lalu ku pilih tempat duduk di ujung sana
Setelah memesan kopi, pilot ku menggores kertas
Yang sama putihnya dengan kulitmu
Tak lupa kubakar ujung rokokku
Yang namanya sehangat pelukanmu
Lalu kuhembuskan kepulan asap tembakau
Menguar sama harumnya dengan tubuhmu
Sepekat nikotin di pembuluhku

Ku tulis kisah kita, dari awal mula hingga akhir bersua
Yang terdampar di sudut kenangan dan rindu,
dan kupaksakan masuk ke dalam loker kerjaku
Sehingga lupa ku adalah tabu, dan memoir adalah *****
Dirimu ku lukis dalam surat ini;

"Di hingar bingar kota, dimanakah kau berada?
Jika lelahmu beradu, dimakah kau berteduh?
Aku disini kasih, Surabaya tempatmu lari
Menolehlah jika kau ada di sudut persimpangan
Mungkin, aku disitu mencari dan mencari
Sisa-sisa cintamu jika itu memang terjatuh
Menadah air matamu, jika itu memang tercecer.
Temui aku, jika berkenan menjumpa nostalgia"

Kuhembuskan uap-uap tar yang menguning
Menerawang di bohlam remang-remang.
Ketika kabut itu pergi, begitu pula aku
Saat api ini padam, redup juga jiwaku

Pukul tiga aku beranjak,
Bayar dan pergi
Surat itu kutinggalkan di atas meja.
Credit to Burhan-san for title
"Senja dan jingga kembali bertemu,
aksara tentang rindu terlantun hingga senja kembali ke peraduannya.
Ada jeda diantaranya yang tak bisa dieja, gelap meleyapkan, bulan menggantikan.."

Surabaya, 31 Juli 2019
Fleetwood May 2019
Blue-green ocean tipped with whitecaps rolling toward the shore
Plane is humming with the pilot talking about life and your ride is there parked on the hill for easy starting next to the palm oil trees and oxen plowing the field with an old worn wood plow
The faded leather bag with delta memories is loaded to the jeep on a hill, the pilot is the driver and talks about this being a Japanese air base during the war, jeep looks good for thirty-five years hot sun is glaring down, the people stare
Intrepid, the vessel, is as faded as the bag and stands waiting, wanting to please her new chief as he walks the long pier to his home for twelve months or so, plane is humming and wiggles his wings as he passes over, you wave into the hot glaring sun
Captain greets you with a smile, dressed in khaki and a baseball cap that says captain, asking about mail and if you want a gin and tonic, for the mosquitos you know, first coolness you have felt since leaving Surabaya, what about another
Days are long and greasy and sweaty as you check out home, she’s purring like a kitten and ready for the sea swells and the crying sky and storms that lurk around the islands, you watch the brown bodies glisten as they throw nets catching the small fish
You walk the pier to the store you can buy beer and fresh coconut candy and something served on a coconut leaf that is extra hot and spicy, beer is as cold as the water well, the kids touch your hair and ears and tattoos and compare their skin next to yours

Duty calls and you sail to Surabaya for the crates and oil and helicopter fuel in barrels for the rigs, you spend the night in air con heaven with steaks and wines and big eyed girls telling you their family buffalo died, drinks are strong, you miss the island
You try to remember everything you will need back on the island, oranges and apples and cookies for the kids, Tanqueray and tonic, for the mosquitos you know ice cream and a box of chocolates for the old woman who gets the beer from the well
Work is done and we nestle back into our spot alongside the pier, shared the gifts with the kids and others, they are happy but want more, now it’s back to coconuts and bananas, I’m learning to throw the net for the small fish, the teachers laugh a lot
I’m diving everyday enjoying the mysteries of the sea, brain corals and rays hiding in the sand, small sea critters nibbling at my feet, the Captain leaves his room and walks the pier free at last from his demons, I venture farther out into deeper water
Having coffee on the bridge deck gazing out to sea when I notice a shadow, maybe a ray, maybe an old oil drum, maybe an old pirate chest, the pulse quickens as I ask the old Chinese deckhand to go with me in the twelve foot work boat
We get over the shadow and I can see it’s a plane, I dive down and it’s just a hulk that has been salvaged of everything removable over the years, an old Japanese warplane with memories as it lays there waiting for me to add to my memories
Over gin and tonics, for the mosquitoes you know the Captain starts talking about life, about his life of privilege, his kids and his wife they had a happy home with good schools and vacations and private yachts, his factory doing good
His son starts having trouble cannot seem to get along, complaints come from the schools, there is friction in his home he spends his money happily to buy his son some time and then the death of a vagrant man and his son has to pay for the crime
The son goes to prison but the Captain still has faith until the son does ****** again, the family spend all their money to keep one of them alive but tensions rise and words are said and the factory cannot survive
So now he’s a working man, his vacation is his home he tells me he has envy for the life I have known, a life I spent rambling ‘round the oceans of this old world, doing good and doing bad, while searching for that pearl
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Tengah malam di pinggiran kota Surabaya.
Aku duduk sendiri di teras kafe tua.
Kupandangi jalanan yang lengang.
Sambil kuhisap pelan pelan rokokku.
Dan kuteguk kopiku yang tak lagi panas.

Tapi pikiranku tidak berada di sini.
Pikiranku masih berada jauh di Gaza.
Dimana kekacauan panjang tak kunjung berakhir.
Hingga aku lelah melihatnya setiap hari.
Seperti pertunjukan horor harian tanpa akhir.

Kusambungkan ponselku dengan wifi.
Lalu kulihat layar ponselku yang kusam.
Dan kubuka akun sosial media orang orang Gaza.
Ahmed , Omar , Eman , Mariam , Abdallah , Mohammed dan lainnya.
Seperti biasa mereka selalu memposting.
I'm still alive... I'm still alive... I'm still alive...

Tapi ada akun Facebook yang telah lama membisu.
Akun ini tidak lagi memposting apapun selama berbulan bulan.
Tentu saja aku sangat mengkhawatirkannya.
Dan aku menerka nerka apa yang terjadi padanya.
Apakah dia masih hidup atau sudah mati ?!?...

Akun ini milik seorang gadis bernama Nour.
Dia mengungsi dari Al Rimal kota Gaza.
Aku mengenal dia sejak akhir tahun kemarin.
Lalu kami merasa saling dekat satu sama lain.
Terhubung pikiran dan perasaan.
Antara Gaza dan Surabaya.

Aku ingat setiap hari aku selalu memberinya kata kata penyemangat.
Agar dia sanggup melalui hari demi hari yang kacau , berat , melelahkan dan berbahaya.
Nour selalu menceritakan apapun yang dia alami.
Penderitaannya... ketakutannya... kegetirannya... kecemasannya... kelelahannya... kesedihannya....
Aku juga merasakannya.

Ada kalanya situasi tenang sesaat.
Cukup tenang bagi Nour untuk mengenang kehidupannya.
Dia mengunggah foto rumahnya , lingkungannya , kampusnya dan juga sudut sudut indah kota Gaza.
Saat semuanya masih ada sebelum 07 October.

Bagi Nour nostalgia adalah penghiburan sesaat.
Pelipur lara di tengah penderitaan panjang.
Aku selalu terlarut nostalgia apapun yang dia ceritakan padaku.
Bersama teman temannya dia suka nongkrong di kafe tepi pantai.
Menyusuri keramaian jalan Al Rashid lalu makan jagung dan es krim di tepi jalan.
Atau menghabiskan uang untuk belanja baju di Watan mall dan Capital mall.

Membaca buku adalah hobi utama Nour.
Dia sering membeli buku di toko Samir Mansour.
Lalu dia membaca buku buku itu di kamarnya.
Berdinding pink , meja yang tertata rapi.
Dan sebuah teddy bear besar di atas kasur.

Memasak adalah hobi Nour yang lain.
Setiap hari dia memasak apapun di tungku tanah liat depan tendanya.
Falafel , mulukhiya , shakshuka , maqluba.
Tampak begitu lezat hingga membuatku penasaran.
Seumur hidup aku tidak pernah memakan hidangan Arab.

Nour juga suka mendengarkan musik.
Dia menyuruhku mendengarkan lagu lagu Fairuz.
Penyanyi diva legendaris dari Lebanon yang dia idolakan.
Aku terpesona mendengarkan suara lembut Fairuz.
Menyanyikan lagu lagu Arab yang liriknya tak kumengerti.

Nour punya kucing berbulu putih tebal.
Kucing gemuk dan lucu yang bernama Kimba.
Setiap hari Kimba selalu dimanjakan Nour.
Tapi terkadang Nour mengeluh karena Kimba makan terlalu banyak.
Sementara makanan kucing susah dicari dan harganya naik tinggi.
Tragisnya , setelah lebaran Kimba menghilang berhari hari lalu ditemukan tewas tertembak quadcopter.
Kematian Kimba membuat Nour sangat depresi.

Nour kuliah di Universitas Islamic Gaza.
Kampusnya telah hancur dan kuliahnya terhenti pada semester lima.
Tapi dia selalu bangga pernah menjadi muridnya Refaat.
Mewarisi ajarannya untuk melawan dengan tulisan.
Menulis apapun tentang Palestina dan kehidupan apa adanya di Gaza.
Dimana jiwa jiwa yang punya kehidupan tidak cuma dianggap sebagai angka.

Aku takut jika pada akhirnya Nour hanya menjadi angka.
Angka statistik para martir yang terus bertambah setiap hari.
Sementara dunia tidak mampu melakukan apapun selain hanya melihat pembantaian tanpa akhir.
Merampas kehidupan secara paksa dan menyakitkan.

Tak ada yang tidak menyakitkan di Gaza.
Tapi bagiku lebih menyakitkan tidak ada kabar apapun dari Nour.
Aku merasakan kehampaan kehilangan dia.
Aku merindukan percakapan dengan dia.
Yang bisa kulakukan sekarang hanyalah memandangi foto wajahnya yang cantik.
Aku sungguh mengagumi kecantikannya.
Tatapan matanya yang berkilau , senyuman bibirnya yang mempesona.
Sepertinya aku telah jatuh cinta padanya.

Where are you now ?... Where are you nour ?...
Selama berbulan bulan aku selalu bertanya seperti itu pada Nour.
Tapi hingga sekarang tak ada jawaban sama sekali dari Nour.
Jika seandainya dia memberiku kabar singkat saat ini.
Aku benar benar akan merasa sangat lega.

Don't leave me !.. please don't leave me alone !..
Nour selalu memohon seperti itu padaku.
Dia ingin aku selalu ada untuknya.
Tapi sekarang dia tidak ada untukku.
Dia telah meninggalkan aku tanpa kata.

Ketika kupandangi langit malam untuk sesaat.
Aku bertanya tanya tentang takdir Nour.
Apakah dia telah menjadi satu diantara bintang bintang di langit ?!
Ini tidak adil , aku mengenal Nour terlalu singkat pada waktu yang buruk ini.
Aku hanya ingin dia tetap berada di bumi , berada di kota Gaza yang dia cintai.
Aku sangat ingin menemuinya pada waktu yang baik seperti yang kami harapkan , waktu ketika tanah Palestina telah terbebaskan.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
I bet the sounds inside my head were noisier than the sounds of cars that jammed in the middle of traffic in Surabaya.
Especially when it comes to rush hour.
I often caught myself were slowly dying.
And I'm not even sure who the hell I am.
But I'm always like this, isn't it?
Isn't it a tragedy?
For being someone who watches me with misery.
That's why I made this poetry.
But someone out there is despising this part of me.
I wrote this because my capability with words that I put and I spend to think are well composed than the words that I never been able to say out loud.
So please, honks by all means.
So I wouldn't hear the sound inside my head was talking about.
A day with hundreds of overthinking
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
It's midnight on the outskirts of Surabaya.
I'm sitting alone on the terrace of an old cafe.
While looking at the empty street.
Slowly smoking my cigarette and sipping my coffee which is no longer hot.

But my mind is not here.
My mind is still far away in Gaza.
Where there is long chaos that still not over for more than a year.
Until I'm tired of seeing it every day like an endless daily horror show.

Now my phone is connected to WiFi.
Then I open the social media accounts of people from Gaza.
Ahmed , Omar , Eman , Abdallah , Mariam , Mohammed and others.
As usual they always post.
I'm Still Alive... I'm Still Alive... I'm Still Alive...

But there is a Facebook account that has been silent for a long time.
This account has not posted anything for months.
Of course I am very worried and I always wonder what happened to her.
is she still alive or dead ?!

This account belongs to a girl named Nour.
She fled from her home in Al Rimal , Gaza City.
I have known her since the end of last year.
Then we felt close to each other.
Connected thought and feeling.
Between Gaza and Surabaya.

I remember that usually every day I always gave her words of encouragement.
So that she could get through the chaotic , heavy , tiring and dangerous days.
Nour always told me whatever she was experiencing.
Her fears... her suffering... her bitterness... her anxiety... her sadness... her exhaustion...
I feel it all too.

Sometimes the situation was calm for a moment.
Calm enough for Nour to reflect on her past life.
She uploaded photos of her house , her neighborhood , her campus and the beautiful corners of Gaza City.
When everything was still there before October 7.

For Nour nostalgia was a momentary consolation.
Her solace in the midst of long suffering.
I was always lost in her nostalgia no matter what she told me.
With her friends she often hung out at beachside cafes.
Walked along the busy streets of Al Rashed then ate corn and drank coffee on the corniche.
Or spent money shopping for clothes at Watan mall and Capital mall.

Reading novels was Nour's main hobby.
She often bought novels at Samir Mansour's bookstore.
Then she read the books in her comfort room.
Pink walls , a neatly arranged table and a big teddy bear on the bed.

Cooking was another of Nour's hobbies.
Usually every day she cooked anything on the stove in front of her tent.
Falafel , mulukhiya , shaksuka , maqluba, Everything looked so delicious that it made me curious.
In my life I have never eaten Arabic foods.

Nour also had a hobby of listening to music.
She told me to listen to Fairuz's songs.
A legendary diva singer from Lebanon who she idolized.
I was fascinated by listening Fairuz's soft voice singing an Arabic songs whose lyrics I didn't understand.

Nour used to have a cat with thick white fur.
A fat and cute cat named Kimba.
Every day Kimba was always pampered by Nour.
But sometimes Nour complained because Kimba ate too much.
While the price of cat food went up high.
Tragically , after Eid Kimba went missing for days and then found dead after being shot by a quadcopter.
Kimba's death made Nour so depressed.

Nour studied at the Islamic University of Gaza.
The campus had been destroyed and her studies stopped in the fifth semester.
But she was always proud to have been Refaat's student.
Inheriting his teachings to fight with writing.
writing anything about Palestine and life in Gaza.
Where souls have life not just considered as numbers.

I'm afraid that in the end Nour will just become a number.
A statistical number of martyrs that continues to increase every day.
While the world is unable to do anything but just watch endless massacres.
Taking lives forcefully and painfully.

Nothing is not painful in Gaza.
But for me it hurts more not to have any news from Nour.
I feel the emptiness of losing her.
I miss conversations with her.
But now there's nothing I can do but just look at her photos.
Admiring her beautiful face , her sparkling eyes and her charming smiling lips.
It seems like I've fallen in love with her.

Where are you now ?.... where are you Nour ?...
For months I have always asked Nour like that.
But until now there has been no answer at all from Nour.
If only she gave me any news for a moment.
I would feel very relieved.

Don't leave me !.. please don't leave me alone !..
Nour usually always begged me like that.
She wanted me to always be there for her.
But now she's not there for me.
She has left me without a word.

When I'm looking at the night sky for a moment.
I wonder about Nour's fate.
Has Nour become one of the stars in the sky ?!...
This isn't fair , I've known Nour for too short at this bad time.
I just want Nour to stay on earth , stay in the city of Gaza that she loved.
I really wanted to meet her at the good time we hoped for , the time when the land of Palestine has been liberated.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Andii Sandi Apr 2019
A nation splits in two
Noises in tube and ballyhoo
Fabricated news to spread and spew
Bias and distorted point of view
Serenity is long overdue
Stay calm without further ado
One or two, it's up to you
Remember what is always true
We are Indonesia through and through

                 Surabaya, March 28, 2019.
Just a note for all my fellow Indonesian.
Andii Sandi Mar 2019
Where should I look for them?
Sounds echoed from valley of thoughts
Beautiful, soft and clear
Ones I'd always want to hear
It's been a while since then
Ventured further to the glen
Heard them and jot them down
But they are nowhere to be found
Maybe I have to go way deeper
Further down into the mind chamber
Keep wandering, in search of freedom
And be lost only to find them.
                        Surabaya, March 21, 2019
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Bulan tampak besar dan terang.
Aku memandangnya pada saat tengah malam.
Sambil berdiri di tepi sawah yang sepi.
Dekat rel kereta pinggiran Surabaya.

Kukeluarkan ponselku dari saku celana.
Lalu kupotret bulan yang kupandang.
Setelah itu langsung kuunggah fotonya.
Pada akun Instagramku.

Kulihat ada banyak postingan foto.
Dari akun Instagram orang orang Gaza.
Ternyata mereka juga sedang memandang bulan.
Bulan yang sama dengan yang kupandang.

Maha sedang duduk di atap rumah.
Dia memandang bulan sambil minum kopi.
Tanpa peduli bombardir pesawat jet.
Meledakkan pemukiman di Deir El Balah.

Omar sedang nongkrong dengan temannya.
Dia memandang bulan sambil merokok.
Melepas lelah setelah membantu relawan.
Membagikan makanan di Khan Yunis.

Mariam sedang termenung di depan tenda.
Dia memandang bulan sambil mengenang.
Kehidupannya yang hilang tak tersisa.
Terkubur puing puing rumahnya di Tel El Hawa.

Malak sedang menangis sedih.
Dia memandang bulan sambil mengingat.
Seorang teman akrabnya yang telah tiada.
Tewas terkena tembakan ******.

Dr Abraham sedang duduk di balkon.
Dia memandang bulan sambil mengeluh.
Kelelahan mengurusi orang orang terluka.
Memenuhi rumah sakit Al Nasser.

Saleh sedang melihat sekumpulan anak muda.
Mereka gembira menari dabke dan bermain oud.
Di atas puing puing reruntuhan bangunan.
Sementara bulan bersinar terang di belakang.

Begitulah bulan yang besar dan terang.
Menjadi penghias malam orang orang Gaza.
Yang masih terjebak kekacauan panjang.
Tanpa tahu kapan akan berakhir.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Sore hari setelah hujan reda.
Temanku mengajak keliling Surabaya.
Dia menyetir mobilnya yang usang.
Melewati jalanan kota yang ramai.

Kami melewati beberapa restoran Amerika.
Mc D , KFC , Burger King dan Pizza Hut.
Semuanya tampak ramai dipenuhi orang.
orang orang itu masih tetap makan di sana.
Tanpa peduli dunia sedang memboikot.

Lalu kami berhenti di minimarket.
Temanku ingin membeli rokok dan jus buah.
Tapi di dalam ada banyak orang berbelanja.
Membeli produk produk P&G , Nestle , Mondelez dan Unilever.
Tanpa peduli dunia sedang memboikot.

Tak jauh dari minimarket ada taman bunga.
Kami nongkrong sebentar sambil merokok.
Ada banyak juga orang yang sedang nongkrong.
Sambil meminum Coca Cola atau Pepsi.
Tanpa peduli dunia sedang memboikot.

Kami merasa heran dengan semua orang.
Apakah mereka tidak tahu atau tidak mau tahu ?!..
Bahwa produk produk Barat yang mereka konsumsi.
Berlumuran darah dan bercampur serpihan tubuh.
Orang orang dan anak anak Gaza.

November 2024

Alvian Eleven
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
It's midnight the moon looks big and bright.
I look that moon on the edge of a quiet and dark rice field.
Near the train track on the outskirts of Surabaya.
Which goes towards Sidoarjo.

I'm taking a photo of that moon.
Then I immediately upload it to my Instagram account.
I see there are lots of photo posts from the people in Gaza.
It turns out they were also looking at the moon.

A few minutes ago Maha uploaded her photo.
She was sitting on the roof of the house with her cat.
She looked at the moon while drinking coffee.
Without caring that jet planes were bombarding the neighborhood in Deir El Balah.

Half an hour ago Omar uploaded his photo.
He was hanging out in front of the tent with his friends.
They were looking at the moon while smoking hookah.
Relaxing after helping volunteers in Khan Yunis.

Half an hour ago Mariam uploaded her photo.
She was sitting pensively in front of the tent.
She looked at the moon while remembering her family who had died.
Buried among the rubble of her house in Tel El Hawa.

An hour ago Dr Abraham uploaded his photo.
He was sitting on the balcony of Al Nasser Hospital.
He looked at the moon while complaining.
Tired of taking care of the injured people who were arriving.

An hour ago Saleh the journalist uploaded his photo.
He saw a group of young people dancing dabke and playing oud guitar.
They were standing together on the rubble of a building.
While the moon seemed to be shining brightly behind them.

This big and bright moon really looks beautiful.
Decorating the night of the people in Gaza.
Who are still trapped in the long chaos.
Without knowing when it will end.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven

— The End —