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glenn martin Jun 2015
A talking winds pure side  
Blows in a world living told
what you are  meant to be  
not a mere born  you dream
the wind  a wisp of lavender and sage
Starlight of day a lightening in the veins
a thundering heart starlight eye sparkling gold
the body seeping fingertips
at the end of a rainbow a *** of gold eyes
the nature that believes in faerie tails
Earth shine the pure side shows off
the world born from ideas thinking
a spirit created life our flesh and blood
spirit being living life   created shadows
on the edge of night   eternity of Starlight
living Pleiades Star seed temple  Poseidon
Cape SoUnion Greece   eye of the world
Starlight wills  transition from light
sustainable living evolves  a blessing concerned
the Earth tenderness  clutching the living
creatures and Earth creation in the womb
Focus the golden eye of living light
making our eye the world of living beings
all equally living  in dream  the body sustainable
life craving attention  let it live   grow
alive being wonder fulfilled  the eye open
burning the energy to live within you  
rising falling will to survive succeed
in the expansion of eternity  to be more
than we know to be the right of living life
to recreate eternity  Worlds of life creation
rely on sincerity optimism growing Earth
community with love let Starlight reign
in living peace security emanating joy
in spirit amongst all earth creations
intentions plan for the future  set the course
get a compass await the epic the 5th element
Ether a consciousness place a survivor door
a step a layer of oxygen that unites
our cosmic intelligence growth to stop bad karma
its long term death from happening to you
evolution of earth humanity the wisdom
of ancient cycles do well unto others
our brave new world the eye of Star will
yet humans hold an eye in the palm of the hand
denying the hearts thunder swelling muscles
predators ruling the land of Earth sustainable
for all creatures of Earth live the senses
alive together as one  the same glory in life
birthing  babys  a family  a home  air  food
all Earths eye seek the same life living
alive in this sustainable abundance of water
the physical world the achievable reality
the senses within spirit sharing a common life
our Earth being to perceive protect the living
a language our senses of sight and sound
in memory building a path of activity a living womb
Earth gravity    bright Starlight   grows all
the spirits reveal  share the vision of eternity
a living life  do not let the making of products
steal your destiny to live eternity...
oh great earth  and Universe of Star
your world is precious a life of intelligence
a free clean living being  love conceived in joy  
recycle the honor our elements of hope in life
the beings the living pinnacle of modern living
the astral world plain of existing
the apex of creation Earth world gravity
mobius-drift celestial spheres birthing
the souls past-life apex Ether tip of ancient pyramids
blocks of life centering the celestial spheres
birthing  recycling of death cross thru
a magician the right arm skyward gravity
feed above the head a mobius drift celestial spheres
heralding the spirits thoughts in mind
being born thru the spirits the elements joined
the recreation of Earth realm design
giving spirit a body the Higgs *****  recreates eternity
aligning the heavens celestial spheres
a magician the left hand leading the Ether
thru gravity Earth a spirit to survive to build
the living body Higgs ***** an apex mobius drift
our ancient thoughts and present too
all directed by love leading the binding of Higgs
for as to the Ether celestial spheres
the birth of spirit to form the creation of Earth realm
Being born in a body and living after death
returning to the spheres population
pure spirits immaterial beings...
as one leaves the spheres
an eye to the world of living
a wonder in Earth time born
let all life stop eating the creatures
let them live commune in family
let Earth forests grow
let the oceans thrive
live in harmony
share the sustainable diet
stop extinction for the love of life...
planet Earth of the cosmic divine
love peace the joining of life
let all creations family commune...
            gjmars 6/23/15
Zywa Jun 2022
It is getting dark, we walk away
from the couples, who, just like us
have not seen the sun go down

The picnic baskets are empty
You pack up the peels and I
pretend to look past you

pretend not to attract attention
knowing that
our skin is glowing for more

Your body shines
sculpted tensely
like a Greek god

I brush through your hair
The sea moans under the rocks
Our room is still far away

but I can imagine you
hanging out nicely, kneadable
in the grip of my hand
September 24th, 1989

Collection "Take a picture, now"
Peter Rennick Oct 2014

Over the restless stones of the Parthenon
the hurrying footsteps of Athena
pursued by Poseidon down
the narrow ***** streets
past our still-arguing parents
past our still harrowing childhoods
we remember going away from here
quickly carried on the salt breeze
the swelling falling away of seasons
wanting what was never enough
forgetting what was never enough
green we said just give us that
and maybe the blue would be enough
but when they took our mother away
we cowered and when our father
was drowned we stood silent
the green watched and what we
thought was the blue became
a whole millenium a conflagration
finally the boat turned into the harbor
and we went up among the dark trees
we have come back to listen
to what the stones are listening to
we are listening to that

2. Sounion

So we sailed past Sounion
our sails holding and letting go
of the little gusts of light fading
and washing over us
we could feel our weary thoughts
slipping from us now our hearts
holding the darkness close like a mirror
an emptiness we wanted to love
and then Mycenae’s hill’s scant shade of
one tree the hot breath of Perseus
the stillness of shining stones
from wherever the enemy comes
he must scale this height
taste the blood of Agamemnon
on the thyme-rinsed breeze
to what god do we sing now if not
the hidden one known to these hills
in these bodies how many
broken columns will have to be
raised again and in that place
where only thresholds remain
dividing the green grass inside
from the green grass outside
how much labor to become no one
to step right past ourselves and speak
at last out of the merciful
into the pure silence

3. Patmos

The petals of the flowers on her dress
as she stands in the bow of the ferry
rounding the last trace of Samos
make me remember Pythagoras
said music heals their turning
and rippling in the wind now
more intense then quieting
and I can either watch those
petals or these waves and feel
what the night has made of me
a mood like that one house there
on the hillside of the far shore
only an eternity of lapis between us
or I can hold the mountains up ahead
the boat’s slippery progress toward them
the sea sloshing as we cut through it
feel how these islands were formed
from all these pictures all these sounds
so it hardly matters right now
if we ever get to Patmos
if we ever climb the steep hill to the cave
where the terrible words were spoken
or see the view John saw or dream
of spending a winter in that
abandoned windmill there
because right here and now
watching the petals on her dress
it hardly matters much at all

— The End —