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Ken Pepiton Aug 2023
A teaspoon of tincture, to the actual worth
of a Kuerig waste eventually, in return
for a breath.

How slow do we sink below our bouancy specs?

Sein- in my future plastic accountibility,
a form of artifact that shall signal affluence killed us all;
any way, same thought, nine ounces of our local kush…
ah, it has a weak genealogy, nothing fancy, no Joe Herrera,
but a hermaphroditical what the hell,
seems some years ago, down in Lemon Grove,
one branch, in our first legal garden, in three generations,
one branch,
we seemingly never noticed until John harvested,
and had like 200 seeds,
- at that house
not far from where the 9/11 crew stayed during flight school,
but about ten years later,
-------- bubble memory on all along
we had a crop of ****,
plain old garden variety seeds from a bag.
And as we eliminated all the males, we spied,
using our YouTube assist- what does this look like? Abnormal
or normal
are no longer first page words worthy choices,
norms are not known
to be essenstial,
esse, essense essence yes sense, in no wise
as evidence from this POV, mine, on loan, you can use it,
you can hold it,
as a thought,
what if,
we knew at once, words are not Lotech. Let us express,
once hindered
by those that let, let us let free.
Read, discover the realm of minds past normal,
long before Art Intuited a system
to inter connect tight
thinking, sieving contraptions
for sacred secrets, light
reveal, see the bunny in the cage,
prior to the hat, right.

Plain Truth, Garner Ted 'n'em, made some money selling
a home grown version of once pure good news, from a spring,

oh, nobody lives forever,
ain't that a relief?
Think a spell.
I meant to give you the recipe, but got to vegetating how
chthonic circumstances determine much of the luck, but

Nine or ten ounces of cured and cooked to peak, commercial
quality cannabis, from any garden in Free States, nowadays,
steeped in Arizona legal Everclear, 95% pure moonshine,
for around a year or so… seems to become stronger,
could be a brandy evaporation kinda thickening,  plot that.

In the course of a novel day, I did deliver the recipe. That is it,
the deed, indeed, does call for more knowing, however, I do.

So I read it, and figured I'd said it. Right enough to work.
I felt I owed the plant some assistance credit since the cloud is holding me up.
Ai expect to live forever. Plants understand us better. ;}
I am not a carnivore
but a ****** man eating
the flesh of the baboons.

Colonies of monkeys in
awe watching David in
enterprising exploits slaying
Goliaths in heroism of liberty
for equity.

It'll not be long when the night'll
break into day of  freedom when the baboons will leave the bananas for the monkeys.

Till this ugly night of injustice turns a summer day of freedom when all sieging clouds are cleared, it's war!
chimaera Nov 2014
Life walks by
and in a useless longing
I dive into the crowdy time.

Then, unexpectedly,
a chord fills my mind,
words arise together
sieging me in opacity,

in a growing uneasiness
of a mouth full of marbles
that finally fall
with a heart rythm
as omen stones of a sybil voice.

* poem inspired by "When you write", by Pradip Chattopadhyay:
Dawnstar Apr 2019
Oureana, Queen of Granada,
Looks from her Moorish palace veranda,
Reclined in a den of lavish repose,
Sipping sweet milk from a porcelain bowl.
Draped in damask and easter green,
She watches the soldier ride below.

“Resist your whim, don’t look at him!”
Softly comes the desperate hum
Of a servant forgot and ignored.
“For you, this sin evokes the din
Of sieging torrents, wind and war…
I wish, my friend, you’d hear again
The crack of battle nevermore.”
I reworked this poem from last year.
Manauwer Raza May 2014
another night the inevitable prolongs
another day just another dawn…
for all that remains of her memory, i see
her eyes is all that makes me think of thee...

often in the memory of my mind
have not i seen the eyes of her kind..
the way they do appeal to me
i think to spare everything on thee...

the tempt of her eyes' closed beauty
fills my heart with an utter modesty…
like petals of rose which lay numb
it takes my emotions dead and dumb...

the gleam of those sightseeing pearls, sieging all
which can make a man of mirth, creep and fall…
the power so sensual, arising from the thong
that none, but none would stand to it so bold, so strong...

those eyes contain an amazing fay
a lovely pearl of a perfect ray…
certainly, they belong to a lovely fairy
whom i owe all my life and glory...

my only wish is to drop by and drown
in the depth of her eyes, which are dazzling and brown…
only if, i get a chance to stare it close
my God, i know, i will certainly repose...

those invincible eyes do not belong to a lady ordinary
but to her, i delete not from memory…
she is the one, very dearest to me
of whom, i always want to be...

often in the memory of my mind
have not I seen the eyes of her kind…
Bryant Aug 2018
You are a crowded intersection
Ebullient bloating, churn
Bustling with acquaintances

They know your name
Know your way, but see you mearly as an impass
Navigated with neither choice nor decision
Route without resistance
Path of least conviction
A jumping of point
Endeavors formulated; yet your corridors are never considered

No exceptional exemptions
Chimerical observers,  are shuffled and thumb  Fulminant prostration; muddling insertion
Maudlin automaton corral

An adverse opposition, preferring to evaluate you at night
Your gaslit candescence reaches in all directions
Ebbing lambency traversing space
Conveyance of curious possibility

Enveloped in your vacancy
Swaddling spances; rampart wrapping
Quarantined and completely mine

Somber meditation tranquility
All of my substance settling to a manhole center
Shedding all my persistent memories
Unencumbered relife; unfettered elation
Ravishing beatitude exaltation
Distracting detraction
Time abstractedly trickling away

Disecting rays of light clutching the arc of the Plutonian horizon
Stampeding hordes in infinite single file lines
Sieging you from every direction
Like a colony of ants disintegrating a discarded carcass
You are gone
Drew Oct 2020
It’s always in one ear
Then out the other
Never truly hearing me
Never really saying something
Just stand politely and agree
Do what they say and hope it all passes

As dark falls
And no one is around
It’s okay to lock yourself away
Crying the day away
Just until you fall asleep
Ready to restart and hope for freedom
Freedom from the demon dwelling

You think I’ve got thick skin
But it’s this thick skull
Just here to protect
Force away all that have nothing to say
Keep what stability is left
Just before it crumbles

Just gotta bury myself deeper
Let the breech come
Sieging what sanity was left
Driving myself mad
Only becoming my own worst enemy
Just don’t let me drown in my sorrow

You just sit there clueless
So unnerved by the brutality
To the possibility of fail
Yet here we stand
Just trying not to cry
Taking them deep breaths

But these intrusive thoughts
Just hacking away at the last of my heart
Trying to force me into numbness
Unwavered by the dangers of finalizing
Arms going limp
Unable to speak
This is about people assuming you have thick skin, can take anything ever said to you, but all it is, is that you cannot hear them

— The End —