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Peter Balkus Apr 2016
People who shout deserve no sympathy,
shouting is stupid, callous, rude, and cheap.
Nothing good can come out of it, but bad,
it made those shouted ones scared, frightened, stressed.
Honestly, shouting's the worst thing, I guess.

Those husbands yelling on their caring wives,
they don't deserve to be loved, should be banned
from getting married, making women cry.
Or fathers shouting on their kids. Oh no,
they don't deserve to see them, oh they don't!

Not only them, but anyone with voice
raised to the level of barbaric noise,
should have their shouty mouths zipped, forcefully,
if they don't want to calm down, quiet be.
It is a matter of human dignity.

People who shout should go to prison, yes,
punished for making other's lives a mess.
Look at dictators, they shout to terrorize
their own people, they are never nice,
most of them are just heartless psychopaths.

I don't hate anyone, for it's not fair,
but people clamouring - I can't stand them.
Shouting to do is a very shallow thing,
sign of pure lack of common decency,
barbaric, rude, inhuman, callous, cheap.

If you do shout, please keep away from me,
and I will keep away from you, I will,
for life's too short to live under the thumb
of shouting idiots, monsters, psychopaths,
barbaric, rude, inhuman, callous brats.
Brent Kincaid Apr 2018
Loosey goosey, Gary Busey
Makes more sense than you!
What do you see, big kaboosie?
What would Vladdy Putin do?

Fussy wussy, presidential woosy
Tell a whole buncha more lies.
Flappy *****, big **** slappy
The best your money buys.

Choppy woppy, never stoppy
Even when caught on tape.
Shouty, pouty, tough it outy
Completely out of shape.

Fleecer, squeezer, ugely obese
Shadow of your youth
Ripoff, tipoff, always lipoff.
Incapable of truth.

Heapy cheapy, never sleepy
Won’t pay your own bills.
Brainless pain, runaway train,
All your ideas can ****.

Neego, peego, bloated ego
The little kids you scare,
Shard, pard, big tub of lard,
As attractive as your hair.
Terry Collett Dec 2013
Della lays in bed.
The moon is full
shines through the
window. Her mother

seemed angry, about
her getting into the
car, with the man who
was her mother's friend.

Shouting voice, long words.
The police questioned
the man about it, but
nothing was done, so

he was released with
a warning, not to pick
her up again. She liked
the car. The seat was

comfortable. Springy
over bumps. The man
said: do you want to see
the ducks? She likes ducks,

like the colours, the way
they seem to glide on water.
The man said that she was
very pretty, she liked it

being said she was pretty,
many tell her she's ugly,
a duckling, a plump *****,
whatever that was. She

watches as the moon seems
to drift across the window,
clouds cover it and uncover
it like a magic trick, she smiles.

The man said she had nice
legs and eyes. She liked  him
for saying nice things. Some
boys at school call her monkey

face. She saw the man's hand
touching her leg. She thought
his hand was warm, soft touching.
He never said anything about

her being Downs. He never
seemed to mind her tongue
sitting on her lower lip when
she spoke, never made fun of her

as some girls did when she spoke
to them. She liked seeing the ducks,
the colours, the way they swam.
He held her hand. He said in case

she fell and her mother would be
worried. His hand was hairy, the
hairs tickled her. After the ducks
he put her seatbelt on, leaning over

her. He said her perfume was lovely.
He was kind to kiss her hand; some
boys squeeze it to make her cry.
Her mother is angry, she hasn't told

her mother about the man kissing;
she got so angry about the car ride.
She said nothing more. Looked at
the fire in her mother's eyes; her

shouty voice hurt her ears. She
closes her eyes. The police lady
asked her questions. Some words
she didn't know, she just shook

her head, said nothing more.
Her mother wide eyed crying.
All because of a car ride. Della
liked the car, the colours, the

smell of leather on the seats.
The man had a nice smell; his
voice soft and deep. She hears
the wind outside. Time to sleep.
brandon nagley Jun 2015

Wo­nder whyeth?

Mommy !!!


Man in chains!!
OOris Oct 2018
Lust in the woods
Twenty kilometer away from fidelity

With a teenager
Who looks just like Whitney...........................

But with more dope

Her face was bruised with a pale smile
And her words shiver

I stared at her innocence for two minutes
But i was too hungry to think

So i feast on her pride
In a shaky blue tent

Hoping this singing birds
Won't wake karma

"Pains don't hurt when am with you"

Ignorance finally speaks
As i spurge with regret
thinking about my pregnant wife

"Your wife just welcomed two bouncing baby girls"

Karma whispered in a Shouty voice
Donall Dempsey Dec 2016

clouds racing
across a sky
across a lake

we dive into the clouds
leaving behind us the sun
wondering where we've gone

two shouty splashes
with legs sticking out of them
the lake covering us with stillness

we swim under the clouds
our lungs greedy for air
the silence roaring

we break back into the world
we had left centuries ago
our bodies shedding silver

the sky shy
embarrassed by what
Spring has suggested

we flop on the grass
like freshly caught fish
as if we have created ourselves

we the new
constantly coming
into view

we of an age
to be

a cuckoo's cry
stretching all the way
from there to where we were

joining the distances
the countryside dozing in the sun

it seemed that Time
would be always
this one moment forever

and so
it was
and is

— The End —