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The one who LOVEz
Their name is LOVERz

The one who is LOVED
Their name is BELOVEDz

LOVING is both's religion
LOVE is their essence & spirit

The same LOVE for which
Became the fragrance of
Everything that represented
LOVE in nature

The same LOVE for which
Farhad cut a mountain to
Carve out a river through it

The same LOVE for which
Majnun searched a dew drop
In the parched deserts of Sahara

The same LOVE for which
Zuliet picks up a dagger to die
Along with one's

The same LOVE for which
Radha danced the whole night
Around the trees of Vrindavam
Singing the songs of Krishna

Today the world remembers their
names, date, time and place
"Immortal, Eternal LOVE"

For the same "LOVE"
We all are born again
To honor and fulfill
The existence of nature

For blessing humans
The manifestation of LOVE

The moment we are born
The battle lines are drawn by society
To keep us away from LOVE & LOVING

The struggle of life is to fight
An eternal holy war for LOVE

Yet, against all dire circumstances
The LOVE within all of us
Brings with itself
An inner strength and belief
To go ahead on the path of LOVING

Because history has shown evidence
Time and  again...
That one in LOVE
Is always "right" -
A Winner

From centuries
That is what has happened
For centuries
This is what will happen

In the surrender to LOVE
In the kneeling of LOVERz-BELOVEDz
The victory of LOVE is destined
The triumph of nature is fated

It is LOVE that
Lights a candle in a storm

It is LOVE that
Sails a drown person to ocean's shores

It is LOVE that
Rises a fallen in the valley to its apex

That is what exactly NATURE wishes
To illuminate the darkness of LOVE
Within the eyes of LOVERz-BELOVEDz

The one I wonder about
The Nature
The skies and the earth
The universe and the galaxy
I bow to YOU -
In salutation
For making us born here
To realize LOVE

Hamed M Dehongi Feb 2019
Oh! Woe to the poor captivated lover
Being trapped in love, but beloved gone

Oh! The moment I'm sitting as tulip alone
In my heart's blood, she is gone as wind

The voice of ax didn't come from Bistoon
Shireen is gone to Farhad's dream tonight

Oh! I will inform you of my painful alas
The day my enormous patience finally gone

Pity lover that flew your grapevine hair
With a hundred hopes come, gone unhappy

I am happy you abandoned all my rivals
Although, you left me as fistful of soil to wind

Mountains and deserts are mournful tonight
Lovers as Majnoon and Farhad gone forever
- Inspiration from a classic Persian poem
- Shireen and Farhad is an ancient Persian love story
- Bistoon is a mountain that Farhad had to finish a tunnel to reach to Shireen but eventually died there
- Leili and Majnoon is an ancient Persian and Arabic love story
David P Carroll May 2022
Al Jazeera reporter shot in the
Head by the Israeli army in occupied West Bank Palestine.
This won't be on the news because they won't  report what Israel is doing.
Nicola Wood Aug 2017
The Smuggler’s Angel
(Ser Davos and Shireen)

too much ice
on weary bones
in your heart

a fortress, guarded
what flowed within
was silent, deep

empty rooms
cobwebbed, grey
and full of dust

till innocence
disarmed you

with a smile like
healing balm
that found you

in distant lands
found the light
in you, buried

trust opening
out like a rose
petal by petal

beyond all scars
visible, invisible
a home at last

for your spirit
bruised and grey
this not yet flower

almost butterfly
untouched by spring
your snowflake girl

ethereal, a feather
blown away, purity
melted, vanilla skin

reduced to ashes
night rain falling
behind your eyes.

you carry her
in your heart
love’s memory

made of wood
a titanium star
Written in response to characters from Game Of Thrones
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023
Samer & Shireen

a camera’s not a gun

    it has no bullets

  a pen is not a rifle

    it has no sights

  a war is not a pun

    it’s full of zealots

those who try to stifle

  and take our rights.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 28

        I found this pen and a
        fully loaded cartridge
        by her side and I am
        wondering what it was
        she intended to write.

        The ink’s blood red as
        you notice, not a ball
        point either, it is a real,
        nibbed hemophiliac, I’d
        say she knew too much.


Shireen Abu Akleh

— The End —