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Could it have been her name... much peace it would drive a man insane
Right in the midst of it all I found her like diamonds in the dirt... she was my first, the lady who let me sleep on her breast
She was cruel enough to be a killer yet my lover... cold she could freeze my heart but kept me warmer
If red is the color of love then stab me straight to the heart...
...let that blood spill all over & tell them all that I drowned in-love
Some will die & some will grow wrinkled & grey...
...some will never even remember the very day
Where Love hit them in SILENCE and left them silent...
...I swear to God that, that is the only pain my soul will bare
The only memory my mind will have...
...if I were to die before this love despairs

Shhhhhhhhhh...!!! SILENCE is what I need to remember her verse
The words she uttered with fear hence she meant
Shhhhhhhhhh...!!! SILENCE is what I need when I take my last breath
Turtle Eyes Sep 2014
Don't tell anybody, but I have a crush on you!
a m a n d a Dec 2018
no one touches
the downstairs
down there
down hairs.
A L Davies Oct 2011
loud now but fading
one big long shhhhhhhhhh
taps of water on leaves                                          (the spirea bush)
as they bend more & more.
big cat in a dark porchcorner
yawning. tired but up she gets
for a quick pat.
porchsitting/my cold bare feet in the night.
sounds from out the door
Lawrence Hall Aug 2017
4,000 More Light Casualties

A group of journalists arrived from Moscow and were told that the Afghan National Army…had taken the ridge. (They) were posing for victory photographs while our soldiers lay in the morgue.

-Svetlana Alexeivich, Zinky Boys: Soviet Voices from the Afghanistan War

A touchy old man who never went to war
Now poses with his decorative generals  
In their tailored Ken-and-Barbie battle dress
All prepped for combat in the officers’ clubs

New president, same as old presidents
And generals, awarding each other medals
And promotions for their golden resumes’
For sending not-their-children off to die

While they prosper on defense industry bids,
Afghanistan is the graveyard of our kids

(Shhhhhhhhhh…Don’t disturb Congress; they’re all asleep.)
Bryan E StJohn Jan 2018
A fire came and set beside me and I kept it warm as it read a book of shadows to a tree
The wind suggested it could take me anywhere but it blew on by before I could catch a ride and Im stuck here with a dollar and a song with playback on a vinyl 78
The dogma looked at me and smiled and threw me the SUN.. I missed it and it went on bye..and the fire beside me got up and went south..I laughed and cried and my soul inside died for a moment..I took mouth to mouth from a succubus she giggled as she flew on bye..everything flew on bye
Inside everyone hates..we all drown in the marsh of ugliness and we strive to hide in our pockets that thing for no one to see
SHHHHHHHHHH in the corner and stacked upon high my spirit lifted up and it flew on bye..the wayside beside the back of my soul..somewhere the fire keeps me warm
RobbieG Dec 2021
An eye for an eye 
you killed, life taken 
your life, life-sentence 
Privatized business 
storage sheds, store cells 
concrete walls and floors 
Privatized profits 
it's all just business 
where's the main focus 
Privatized answers 
no rehabilitation
no help for the helpless 
Private eye for all eyes 
that decide to break the law 
profits soar as crime does too
Privatized Government
who really knows now 
what is going on ?
Well my eyes are wide open 
my ears continue to fear 
words spoken and more so 
the words that are not 
Privatized statistics 
the numbers always fall 
in the direction needed
to feed the viewers views 
from the media noose 
Privatized comfort comment........
for this topic.............
Privatized fear
the list goes on 
like Buzz Lightyear 

"To infinity and beyond "


Privatized victims 
for the men in power 
you know the filthy rich 
making profits off the 
Lawrence Hall Feb 2018
A group of journalists arrived from Moscow and were told that the Afghan National Army…had taken the ridge. (They) were posing for victory photographs while our soldiers lay in the morgue.

-Svetlana Alexeivich, *Zinky Boys: Soviet Voices from the Afghanistan War

A touchy old man who never went to war
Now poses with his decorative generals  
In their tailored Ken-and-Barbie battle dress
All prepped for combat in the officers’ club

New president, same as old presidents
And generals, awarding each other medals
And promotions for their golden resumes’
For sending not-their-children off to die

While they prosper on defense industry bids,
Afghanistan is the graveyard of our kids

*Shhhhhhhhhh…Don’t disturb Congress;
they’re fast asleep.
Delton Peele Feb 2023
Sad song looms....
Gray consumes blue hues..........
Horizontally I lean into....
A burgeoning
Bellicose  wind .

Lightning blooms strobe
Early nights sky........
Echoing visions
Diluted by time
Less frequent I see.
Causes  Increase in gravity.
Pressure builds ,
Disguising the difference between
Fate and destiny .
Unstable ......
A paradoxical paradigm
I find ......
In order to mend.
Fabricate an illusion
An era when things seemed right.
Which is difficult when you are un able to understand when you've been.
Carefully.  Easy...  Eaazzzyyyy,
Shhhh... Take off the training wheels ...
You got this....


Flash .......
Fallen into the past again,
Lost in reminiscing
Inner child despondent,
I play ,stray ,medicate ,
Running from string tied to my heels...
From my mind's eye  
Depicting  interpretations
From days filled with unconditional love.    ......endless summers
Non SPF sunscreen
Fishing and wanderlust fun......
With one crucial expectation!
The one .........

pictures painted
By Elders,and mentors
Betrothed ...........
Bound by contract .......the future....

" me "
I still could be,
Fast forward.  
Lightning flashes
Illuminating my destiny
Crashing thunder......
Underlines my path to fate
Just under the horizon of my psyche
The crushing  
 echoing vision .......
I'm chasing this fantasy ......
Further and further .....
Into some sort of philanthropic
martyred schism ......
And I'm failing in....
Fail forced winds .....
Taking me
Leeward from where I've been.
I Return to comfort.......
Slither back into
My Machiavellian realm.........
Crochet blanket made of qiviut and porcupine quill
If you stay still
A cold brume looms
Patiently waits before setting in.....
Always reminds me of that old saying .......
Into everyone's life some rain will fall........
Ionization ......
In the air I smell ,
Wells fill.......
Dollops of saline fall
pattering of raindrops
Que the violins...........
Fade to black and white...........

Love lorn loon
(Ex-wife ,playing her part ..........
Hauntingly ....
Honestly I love her so desperately,
Makes it easy to play my part.  
Even though I know that her love is not real...........
My tears flow . ..........
Because I really don't know .....
If she knows.   ........and if so.      
Either way.    .....
Its killing me.     ........
Crazy thing ?...........?......
((oh yah sorry let's return to the movie.))
calls for her drake.

I know  my lost love
My heart still yearns for you to....
I should have stayed and taken the pain
you had received before me.....
Which you refracted onto me......

If it helps .....
I'm alone and cold   ...
My life long song......
Has quietly
Been .....
Each love taking it more out of ...
(Fade to dark grey..............make it grainy.              
Start the rain.      
Slowly ......
Darken till all you see is my lonely
Silhouette.. )          
Hard walled and
ON GUARD against
errant beams of light,
my cubicle is
half my home
but at night.

Memo to Self,
in Memorandum
a small death everyday
to be slave in return for pay
work, ALL work
and no play.

and all the dull boys
Jacks on their hills
work and work to pay the bills
to buy all the right toys
hope to play with the big boys.
and I sit quiet
in a box
I make no noise.

my machines
hum and whisper
they say 'don't worry sister...
you won't go far'.

— The End —