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Ndagire Shamim Nov 2018

walking through life
brings calm to my heart
as i know that i am progress
the process always ongoing

waiting on life
brings moments of wander
not sure if my life is in order
i wait for the things out of my control
to figure out the part i don't need to be still
the process always ongoing

wanting better for myself
i look around for options
for a chance to be more than i have
to change the almost rare said for me
the process always on going
to keep me feeling alive

i have learnt to limit when i experience
these precious moments in my life
that seem to forever be apart of me
to allow my process of growth and success to
be ongoing forever

In my Heart
love Shamie
Ndagire Shamim Dec 2018
One can assume that we all walk through life
Heading forward
Over coming our fears and getting stronger with every weakness we beat
That when life gets hard, we have over come because we obviously are made of tougher substance than they ever got a chance to know
That in our hearts we never meandered
That we were focused to the end
To the point that any sacrifice we made was never a question

We do face up
To the little dought in our hearts
To the little fear in our thoughts
To the past that we only can never forget
To the little unknown that is to come
To the fact that we are not actually in control
We face up
To the little uncertaininy that we might end up alone
To the need deep in our spirits to find ourselves
The assumption that we already have seen our deepest inside

Don't hold on too much
To the system that makes you stop
The planing that allows you to hide
The fear that keeps you from trying
The uncertainty of your deepest desire
The flaws that make you seem less
And the now that seems empty

Inspire growth
Ndagire Shamim Nov 2018
Everyday we grow
in body, spirit, mind, wisdom, insight and understanding
change is so common that we think its nothing
that it is doable and minor
until its consequences are loud in our eyes
that we feel them when we close our eyes
then we know that we are transitioning

when i look around i see
the outstanding bodies, spirits and minds
that have grown me and held me
close to allow me to feel normal through my growth
to bring needed direction to my daily transition

i felt strong even when i knew weakness
even when i saw darkness, i was firm
to the knowledge that i was still heading in the right direction
to meet my all in all my strengths
that one day i will see my direction in all exceptions

I know my calling, to be the best i can
live the best way i can
stand up tall at all times
not to mean that i am already there
so i search for the misfit
to see if i can find the unseen to my eyes
to open my body, spirit, mind and soul
that i will live without doubt

i see the potential as well
i don't want to hide in the outstanding bodies i know
the outstanding minds and best wisdom there is
to truly transition into myself

i know i will hide
if i allow myself to
constantly hide within your outstanding
body, spirit, mind, wisdom, insight and understanding
so i will commit to only myself
to searching for your body, spirit, mind, wisdom, insight and understanding when i am out of balance
to allow my own to reach the height it will reach non shielded

love shamie
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2017
i once stated:
my allegiance to the tongue
overpowers my
allegiance to the body...
(insert snigger
out of repose
being able to laugh at
oneself) -
      and this remains true,
the rest? truant.
the tongue remains with
me beside a need for
a body...
             i no longer need
claim of claimant,
i am here for
the claim of ownership,
it's a part of me,
you'll get this tongue when
you cut off my tongue
that's, how, i, will,
part with it,
  under do Irish circumstance
unless it be spoken
by a Gaelic!
   and from the lips that didn't
even pucker up the courage
to kiss a trumpet /
modestly aimed at the sax...
a ******* Broonie...
fancy that...
                  i think that's
called Irish in the royal
               sometimes a  broom,
other times a Shamie...
         a second slang term!
                   you had your turn;
my turn;
god, watching her dance...
       Alexandra Burke...
got a hard-on for ebony...
had to **** one off..
                       never in my life
the desire for contrast!
              that age old fascination for
******* black chicks...
        it never abides to sit
quiet and become the teachers' pet...
loud mouth always has inkling
to the fetish...
                   ivory beauties the
whole lot of them,
no wonder Solomon was compelled,
given that Sheba was African.
Got thee from water
Sitting position
According to host
It’s a herbal plant
But don’t know this one!

From a rich maiden
In town she’s famous
Ex-SB Member
A lady so fair
She’s Joy Paredes

Fifth day of August
Year Twenty Thirteen
It is a Monday
Local holiday
It’s our Town Fiesta

One of concoctions
Of rare drink to me
With other sliced fruits
First time to take it
Said it’s fat water

Fiesta remembrance
Another rare chance
Still with Joy, Shamie,
Arnold & Almars
Was nice being there!

*My Toladas Collection
My Poem No. 219

— The End —