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A Gelouan Feb 2014
A myriad of reminders
he unto her life
Vivid, jaded memories
in turn would heft much strife.
Darkened, shady characters
amid her thoughts of him ~
Feelings untoward this woman
of his so soon turn dim.

As a leaf which falls from a shakened tree
Never returning to its orgin ~
Jay Jimenez Oct 2012
A old gentleman in a bar was sitting next to a very beat up man this tattered man He wore no shoes
He smelled
He was soaking wet and looked very pale.
The old gentleman bought the  man a beer
and ask him what his story was
the man told him that he was once a successful buissness owner
a man of high class and standard.
He wore the finest clothes,
wore the most beautufl jewelry,
and went on amazing journeys.
The old gentleman began to laugh
he sipped his drink
looked over the man and asked him what happened
the man told him that he was driving out in the country comming home from a buissness meeting
He said he had been drinking and reached for his scotch when he
looked up
his car swirved in the lake
water seaped in
He said " water came rushing in so fast"
the old gentleman looked down at his beer
looked up
and the man was nowhere to be seen
he asked the bar keep if he saw where the man went
the bar keep insisted that the old gentleman was crazy that he saw the old gentleman  talking to himself...
The old Gentleman heard a voice over the television " Good evening we have breaking news it appears that Lyon Lemon Owner of Inka Industries has gone missing. Police have recovered his viechle but with no trace of Lyon inside it. They've issued scuba divers to search for the Lyons body. We will keep you posted on this story.

The old gentleman suddenly felt quezzy and uneasy. His lips dried, his skin went clammy, and his hair stood on the back of his neck. He knew he had seen Lyon not moments ago in the bar. The old gentle dropped a handfull of silver and paper on the counter and rushed out.

Javier Timble once a Master Con Artist and a Cheat was now the one being fooled and tricked with. He knew the game that was being played on him and he was to have no part of being set up for a ******. Timble was shakened but was far from scared. As he walked out the bar he noticed wet footprints. But they were forming as if someone was walking. Timble again felt the rush of adrenline come into his heart he began to mutter to himself and wonder what kind of trick this was. Javier stepped slowly towards the footprints and noticed that there was letters forming on the wall to the right of him. slowly the words formed out to say "InKa"
mj cusson Nov 2012
The final breath is entreated by the breaths of wind,
the sky returns again as the stormy clouds depart.
Droplets of water, from seas all over Earth
Puddles of mud which use to be dirt.
Centuries of creation all about,
Weep as fast as the swimming trout.

The morning birth of the turtle doves,
peaceful and sad to see the dark night.
The atmosphere of peace in might,
As it pecks its way out of shell.
Beneath the bone of its mother,
She nurtures without a bother.

The evening loss of dogs of war.
At last the threat returns,
****** turned out of sores.
Teacher sick of burns.
Fire of skies tormenting,
Precipitate of dirt fomenting.

The freedom of the snake is not so seditious,
It feeds on the nest of the turtle dove.
Protect O mother-bird your love,
Jettison the hatred deep inside,
And **** the snake with severely brutal guile.

The final wind is shakened by the quakes of ground.
Hurt is one dove but there is three.
Enough to go around,
Eaten as food by thee.
Hurt I'm, Hurt I be, nature you sicken me.
Nature you sicken me.
Melia Nov 2016
Ringing ears
Drop dead silence
Revealing fears
Under the influence

Tired flesh
Mind awakened
Spirit shakened
Day is night
Night is day

Monologue conversations
In an overflowing mind
Personal revelations  
Are harder to find

Verbal diarrhoea
Fitting nothing in criteria
Spreading like bacteria
Repressing hysteria
Stu Harley Jun 2016
crossbow of love
Peace Jun 2018
I have taken a turbulent, tumble in the darkness of my mind. In here I lay naked. Shakened but unmoved. I want to grab hold of the rope but in my quest to find peace, I rest in this void. I sleep in this delusion. I delight in the waves. Here, I lose parts of me. Here, I search for solitude. Here, I see the life before me unfold; until I decide I don't want to be here anymore..

a servant
Eriko Aug 2017
I stood in awe
in the most perplexing
silence which was not quite
like the trickle of water
but of a stunned recognition
of crackling thunder, of
electrifying energy rolling,
writhing like a bonfire
I stood, my chest thumping
like something of numbing euphoria*
as the dancing, dancing man
with passion blanketing him
and music pouring from his creation
forged a union, a marriage
between the living thing
of man and music
and I was nothing more
than an earth-shakened leaf
taken by a singing light
*dappling the sweet forest floor

— The End —