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Sito Fossy Biosa Jul 2019


oklasasadu is a diction that was deliberately created by Sito Fossy Biosa to express his frustration with God, disappointment, against God, and the concept of Godhead. ⊙a concrete poetry project⊙
               EN ULMEN
                           INDRE VARME, SVITSEN
               UNDER DEN GÅ, OPBRUGTE

                       PÅ TRODS AF MIN
                            FORBRÆNDINGER I TANKERNE
                      FOR JEG ULMER STADIG;
                                    ILDEN ER IKKE
     ­                       JEG BRÆNDER
­                    LANGSOMT
                                    ­                          SÅ KOM IKKE NÆR
forlængst glemt lille perle i en tilfældig bog jeg faldt over igen. ville gemme det
Terry Collett Jan 2015
You make a good bed,
Sophia said.

I smoothed the top sheet
of Mr H's bed
with a motion
of my hand,
trying hard not
to look at her
by the sink
in the corner.

It's a firm bed,
isn't it?

It's metal framed
for endurance,
I said,
lifting my head,
seeing her standing there
with Vim powder
in her hand
and cloth in the other.

We have ****?

I pulled up the blankets
and duvet,
pretending I hadn't heard.

No one around,
she said,
be safe.

Until Mr H
or some other old boy
comes along
and keels over
clutching their heart,
I replied.

She smiled, turned
and began powdering
the sink and scrubbing
with the cloth.

I looked out the window
at the grounds below;
the grass
was a bright green,
the few trees
in full leaf.

I turned
and she was
standing there
with one foot
on the bed
and her skirt hem
lifted, showing
a fair glimpse of leg.

You sure
we not have ****?

Not here, not now,
I said,
taking the glimpse
of leg inside my head.  

She pouted her lip
and shook her long
blonde hair.

it could be good.

I went out the room,
closing the door,
thinking of my next task,
giving Sidney
his morning bath,
and as I walked on,
I heard her
mocking laugh.
Nienke Jun 2015
een meisje wilt iets
na een feest
slapen bij jou
want ze is nog nooit
zo ver weg geweest

aan jouw zijde sta ik
en met meelevend hart
zei je 'dat is goed'
op dat moment zei ik
'goodbye' to my mood

ik hou me groot
ik hou mijn mond
terwijl ik wil zakken
me laten vallen
op de grond

als van binnen
een demoon of meer
mij aan het verslinden zijn
negatief van de pijn
ik voel me klein

dat het goed is, zei je
tegen wat?
bij mijn ex had ik hier
nooit last van
geen moeite mee gehad

nu graaf ik dan misschien
elke keer mijn graf
maar dit hier was een droom
gebroken wakker
is niet iets dat ik mezelf gaf

en ik weet niet wat te zeggen
weet niet wat ik moet doen

misschien is jouw hart goed
maar zo is onze ****
laat het de onze blijven
niet verpesten door een heks

rampscenarios om te overleven
bedrogen door eigen boven kamer
maar om **** niet erger te maken
is het soms beter te zwijgen

omdat je de 'ja' hebt
maar 'nee' nog **** krijgen
Sy vra: "Hoekom is jy nou so n non"?
Ek sê: "**** is mos eintlik net vir die lewendes".

Ek is my eie memento mori.
Jy is die oorsaak van dood.
Laat dit so op my graf geskrywe staan:
-Hier lê die skerwe van iets amper heel-
,want nou sit ek weer aan jou tafel
en my laaste maaltyd is n herkouing
van spoegsels vergete tye saam met jou
En ek kou en ek kou en ek onthou:
*** warm jou hande was teenoor jou hartskou
, *** gretig jy was om my vas te hou
en na die tyd toe te snou.

"Ek sit nou waar jy gesit het"
, grinnik jou wellus oor die porselein rand
en ek wil vir jou sê staan op en gee vet
want almal wat daardie stoel beset
wals met die noodlot en wink vir seer.
"Kom ons probeer , nog n keer"
Sê jou hand langs jou ritsluiter
, maar ek voel n veer
, want kadawers ken nie lustigheid nie
en ek is oorgebalsem met n gelofte.

Los die dooies dat ons rus,
Los daardie "ons" begrawe in die kis.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2017
i don't know, maybe my writing has overtones
of begun conversatioin, never finished...
or maybe conversation is all my writing ever
              it's almost as if want to talk...
but never muster enough will for it to take place...
   i could reread Kant's transcendental methodolgy
over and over again,
       i don't know, maybe because i'm european?
and i feel no allegiance toward feeling bereft
in dealing with a colonial past?
         european-centralism is nothing western...
it's not even muskovite, so what the hell is it?!
           when i read kraszewski is didn't beg for
              England was a marr bruise, 1 thousand
miles off from Reykjavík...
a lost cause...
                    dead in the artcic, alongside the scutter
of: the tales of the beheading monk...
          should he ever arise: and make Diana
the patron saint: as is her due...
             whenever i spent three weeks
starved from the medium of defeat,
                                 i did read Kraszewski as antidote toward
the fluke that's: paweł jasienica & sienkiewicz...
                    if ever poszukiwana, poszukiwany, (1973),
czy tem myś, czy tem: **** misja!
riplej! riplej! oh! nie dadzy ripleja!
   o **** to pytać: kurwe z amsterdamu.
ty? ty to huja dawny o zzadźwi zakonice w chomoncie
     nabić krojem: w babylonskie obietnice...
   szomota kryju skarg...
and this the end-trip of polish culture,
and me scold, that rubric of a wish to forget china-town!
you just savor that phrase: designed in California...
manufactured in Beijing!
         Mao-Tse chung-fowl kung-fu chop!
hrabia Ezzex...
                            fat-ma-gil turkczynka wiodle:
chóra! brak Arraba! tak, ten spustoszały
                        zagwizd smroden pełny, czworakim,
  obgadany w kodym: Lałrancja blondaßa!
                 anglischen: murgrabiaschen bach!
                          obejmać: wielbłąda, też mu pisano!
cycor wydajny... pierś też nie brak!
   cycek to też twój idol... ziarno maku zjem...
piasku: wpluje ci w oko i powiem: pieprz!
  sfędzi? czyli: trafiony: zatopiony... u-zbek u-bjojten.
jak tylko mu to Bóg zapisze...
tak zaklęty pismem: jak i czołem wyryty!
w swej mądrej czuwości! w bidzie będzie cytaty wtedy...
   czoło jego wyryć da kilo czerni wydobytej:
bo bendzie mógł mówić: szmacznie: stolec kwit!
i to straty: tak naprawde pragne.
                   at tu sra, sra sra: wielbłądzą flegmą:
by tej nie-wyparzonej gębie nadać nowy czyn
takiej to samej orgii pewności, jak zza wieku począt 2, 1.
                    to ja też go: o pardom: krawatem i
kajtanem obuznajm spytam... i co on mnie wtedy
nie powi! o jo jo jo joj! asz: sie boje.... boże boże:
   daj mi tchu: by w tą arabską morde
   na pluć co zwe: żyć z tobą nie łatwo...
  ale trza...
   pokajrze mordzine my bratku...
                                     daj! wszyje ci uśmiech
                poza granice policzek! tak na zbyt,
tak na gwarancje...
                               bo może i zapomne,
co kiedyś na mej, twarzy, nadać słowo zakwitu:
                       słać raz jeszcsze, szęst; czuwam więc, onajmić szeście
tym statkiem: to konieczne, spartańskie: wzbudzenie,
                    o to zór wojenny! nawet ten
ostatni angol... będzie pierdolił mi smutki
                       o swym: wzbogaceniu na wichurach
              zdobycia: koron i grzbietów pochyłych
w skraj kolonii... opłoczynnach: morgrabia szczoch...
teraz raptem: revolt... ha ha...
niby marionetka i światem poczytna znaleźli sie:
                           niewiasta narodzin absurdalnych wiar!
   no kurwa! w bieli syta! ja cie kręce!
    takich to wymówek to mi naprawde, za mało!
Christina Sep 2014
hendes farveløse slappe mund
rodløs og opgivende
*** kysser min hals af kærlighed og uvidenhed
*** ved ikke bedre
hendes liv forsvandt for **** år siden
jeg kan mærke hendes desperate forsøg
*** anstrenger sig for at eksistere
om ikke andet så kan sorgen bringe os sammen
Terry Collett May 2015
Who is the boy?
Sophia's father asked.

Sophia looked at him:
the greying moustache,
dark eyes,
but solid build.

A friend from work,
she said.

Her mother walked
in the background
never interfered.

What's his name?
The father asked,
examining her,
eyes searching
her features for signs
of lies or deception.

she replied,
good Catholic boy,

The father
walked past her,
then circled her.

She thought of Benny
having nodded
and spoken briefly
to her parents then
had left the house.

Good ***.

Miał dobry ****,
she said to herself
in Polish,
pretending she was
talking to her father.

Not dare.

Good Catholic?
Her father said,
he come to the house
and no one to safe guard
your honour here?

We talked; had coffee,
she said,
thinking of the safe things.

Those outside
may think otherwise,
he said.

Sophia asked,
sensing her father
walking behind her,
as he did when
she was a child,
he did to her as a child.

Now he just walked
around her, hands behind
his back.

Neighbours see
these things,
think what they think,
he said,
in front of her
staring at her eyes.

Those who sin, see sin,
she said,
holding herself firm,
eyeing her mother
in the background,
no words,
not a sound.

This Benedict,
he likes you?
The father asked.

Yes, he does,
she replied,
thinking of Benny
******* *******.

He must consider
how it could looks
to others,
her father said,
not come while
we are out.

She nodded,
looked at her feet,
wiggled her toes.

He may come while
we are here,
her father conceded,
eyeing her firmly,
walking away,
hands behind his back.

She breathed out
no whack
whack whack.
jd Jan 2018
*** var en fløjlsblød stemme i kakofoni, en rød rose i regnvejr, smeltet ost i en french toast. Creme de la creme de la creme de la creme de la creme… I et flygtigt øjeblik var *** min. Jeg gav slip, da *** lod facaden krakelere. Der var mere larm, mere regn og mere tørt brød. Det glansbillede, jeg havde malet af hende, var en parodi af virkeligheden. Jeg forelskede mig i en forestilling – en opdigtet person, der stadig lever i min fantasi, æder mine minder og erstatter dem med forvrængede forestillinger.

Så jeg savner hende. Jeg savner hendes ustabile psyke – at *** måtte indtage **** piller i samme mundfuld som morgenmad, at *** blev syrlig uden grund. *** var forelsket i mig i et øjeblik, og smed mig ud det næste. Jeg savner hendes vanskabte krop – hendes korte ben, der ikke kunne holde hende stående en hel dag, det skæve øje, der fokuserede på det, *** ikke så, hendes store tæer, der trods al plejning aldrig så pæne eller tillokkende ud. Jeg savner hendes barnlige opførelse – *** snakkede i høje toner, kunne ikke undvære sin mor i en længere periode, *** kommunikerede med alt omkring hende, objektgjorde alt.  *** kunne aldrig skille sig af med noget – bamsen der var en dåbsgave, bøgerne der kun havde været åbnet én enkelt gang, kattefigurerne fra Italien, der egentligt kun bragte dårlige minder om et forlist venskab og en lang ferie med krops-, familie og varmekomplekser. *** græd ved tanken om den svigt, de måtte føle, hvis *** forlod dem. En spøjs idé, *** sjældent havde om levende organismer såsom mig og de to kaktusser i vinduet, der visnede bort. Ligesom jeg.
Jeg savner hendes selvbillede – hendes dybe selvhad forplantet i enhver celle af legemet, men også den paradoksale tanke om at være noget særligt. *** så sig selv som unik – et unikum af et væsen med unikke problemer, unikke tanker og en unik livsbetydning. *** gravede sig selv ned i takt med, at *** så sig selv som værende højere placeret.

Skulle jeg vende tilbage, opleve dette igen, ville jeg vende hurtigt væk igen. For jeg savner det ikke. Ikke oprigtigt. Fordi jeg ved, jeg kan få det igen – fordi jeg ved, *** er lige præcis der, hvor jeg efterlod hende – *** kommer ikke videre. Gjorde ***, ville jeg savne det. Der er noget behageligt og bekræftende i at vide, at *** for evigt vil vente på mig – at tankerne altid vil vandre tilbage på mig, hver gang *** kommer forbi det hvide slot i skoven. Jeg vandt. Og alligevel ikke. *** fik plantet sig i mig – og *** vil for evigt vende minderne og tankerne, så jeg vil være i en konstant tvivl om hvorvidt, *** er den reelle vinder. Og om *** stadig venter. Jeg ved, at *** venter – *** vil altid vente. Men jeg kan være nødt til at være sikker – se, om *** venter. Om *** venter på mig, som jeg tror – eller om *** endnu er en udefinérbar skabning, som jeg igen har skabt min egen version af.

Måske er *** hverken den fløjlsbløde stemme i kakofoni eller den ustabile kattedame. Måske er *** begge dele. Måske var *** min i et flygtigt øjeblik – måske var *** ikke. Måske er *** altid min, måske var *** det aldrig. Jeg ved kun én ting sikkert, og det er, at intet er sikkert. Det hele foregår i mit hoved, i mit sind og min fantasi. Virkeligheden er fjern, måske endda urealistisk. Var du her nogensinde? Er jeg? Tænk en tanke kan erstatte en tanke med en anden tanke. Tænk, du kan erstatte dig med en anden dig. Tænk, jeg kan erstatte jeg med et andet jeg. I så fald, erstatter jeg hele jeg’et eller kun dele? Jeg skulle spørge for Freud. Ville det ikke være komfortabelt, hvis jeg kunne erstatte et jeg med et andet jeg? Så ville jeg være det jeg, jeg gerne vil have, jeg er. Det er en god tanke, som snart bliver fjernet for en anden tanke, der skal have plads. Er dette en monolog eller en dialog med mig selv? Snakker jeg med andre sider af mig selv, eller findes der kun denne en kendte side? Hov, det var vist den næste tanke. Hvor
ungdomspoet Mar 2015
gode veninder
der snakker løs om liv og død
om kærlighed og fester
om glæde og sorg
på en kold marts aften
hvor vi begge havde lyst til at drikke rødvin
jeg ved at du er den eneste jeg kan regne med
vinden blæser i dit sorte hår
og dine store øjne betragter mig mens jeg snakker
du lytter
en rød flaske papvin og **** cigaretter senere
ligger vi begge i vores senge og tænker
og jeg ved at du tænker i samme baner som jeg
om liv og død
om kærlighed og fester
om glæde og sorg
og jeg ved at vi begge vil sove trygt
for rødvinen har bedøvet os
og røgen har fyldt vores sorte lunger op
og vi har hinanden
for gode veninder
de snakker løs
Daan Jul 2019
Heb je hen gezien en wat
ze kunnen? Ze zijn terecht
beroemd en doen me lachen, echt
hetgeen, onbenoemd, dat
me doet schuddebuiken
van tevree.

Wat was het dan, kan je ontluiken,
waarom heb je dat idee?

Ze zijn in kannen en kruiken
sinds ze seksten op teevee.
Absurd zo, **** op t.v.

Ik vond het vroeger altijd heel belachelijk als dichters teevee schreven
in de plaats van televisie of t.v.
Nu snap ik het, denk ik.
Terry Collett Mar 2015
Sophia leans over
the fresh made bed
of old Tom
and says to me

film on at cinema
(she's Polish
and her
English's broken)

is there now
I reply
folding neat
the old boy's clothes

it good film
I put away the clothes
in the top drawer
of the chest of drawers

you take me?
why would I do that?
it good film
after we go back

to my home for coffee
you want me
to meet your parents?
no they out

at some ex army thing
my Tatus was in War
over here
she says

I stare out the window
of Tom's room
not sure
I can make it

I say
maybe we could
be having **** after?
she suggests

the sky is off grey
the clouds are heavy
the grass below
is bright green

don't need ***
I reply
just a film
I look at her

standing there
blonde hair tied
in a ponytail
eyes bright

as new stars
you go?
she asks
dare I say no?

I muse thinking
of the times
she's nearly
seduced me

on the beds
in this old folks home
me a nurse
she a cleaner

a seductive one
at that
I say

looking away
making sure
all the jobs are done
in Tom's room

so I can leave
she smiles
it be good have
coffee after

I nod
and down the hall outside
there's an old boy's
rattly laughter.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2017
oh don't get me wrong, i ****** a black girl before, it's not like i was gagging for it, i was having a little birthday party celebration, and making some **** fine cocktails... music-wise? well... you have to go beyond a bob marley track, or some ****** rap... anything jazzy? sure... but what will get a black girls attention, so that she pulls you for a snog in the kitchen, and takes your hand and walks with you into your bedroom and you start the act? cedric 'im' brooks ( as my jamaican dealer once said when i mentioned some of the afro-music i listened to, all he said was in that nonchalant black way: culture, apparently it's a genre in its own right, trans-genre that is, encompassing all veins of the output; but i do get the fat-*** problem and the need for a long phallus... so much butter to pass... but this black girl had the phisique of a white woman... so... you join the vowels and H in the orchestral onomatopoeia of pleasure... and as ever... nothing can beat a bass guitar rhythm... **** air guitar! **** excessive ******* solos of rock music... just give me the bass... the barry white of instruments... so yeah... i love it, when she rides you so hard that her coccyx is ramming so hard against your soft region just above your phallus that it aches the next day.

i know i drink too much, well,
   there's a "too much"
   as there is: enough,
   to also make the best *******
potato mash on earth...
fried onions in butter,
   garlic paste,
   a teaspoon of cream cheese
infused with garlic and herbs,
a pinch of smoked paprika,
   olive oil infused with the meat
you were frying,
          crème fraîche,
         a pinch of some sort of
bbq powder...
           i know i'm forgetting
        never mind...
better than the sloppy job
the english do with potatoes,
and, **** me, they've been living
next to the potato popes (the irish)
for quiet some time...
all they do is add milk to the mash...
yuck! ugh...
                  i cooked too much
of them, and with only two people eating
about 7+ well rounded examples...
all of them... gone... ****!
     so they must have been good;
but what's worrying is the case
of the belgians...
   they're and were eating too much
   now they're having *homer simpson

   they're envisioning walking chocolate,
breathing chocolate,
   chocolate lollipops...
   i swear to god the belgians are
choc-philic to the point that they
need a flesh with a tinge of their
                obsessions for sweet stuff...
i don't like where the belgians are
         i'd say: hey! move that obsession
back to congo!
                     as much chocolate
as you like!
                   me? i always preferred
vanilla ice cream, not that i lick much
of it... as it turns out,
   a woman's genitals is like licking
a new-born piglet...
   hell, **** floats my boat anyway;
       oh come on,
  you can only be a decent pornographer
if you can also have a joke on the side...
but the belgians? i don't trust them
with their walking chocolate policies...
    just tell the people that
middle-aged feminist (whatever)
  professional women asked for an import
of male prostitutes...
                            to save on travel costs
they once had to spend travelling
to their vaginal meccas for a sorry 2nd place
on the maternity ladder,
   the ones who didn't freeze their eggs...
and embarked on their ***-mission
   (great film by the way,
  **** misja (***-mission) - 1984 -
            director: juliusz machulski,
starring  jerzy "the legend" stuhr)...
    but like i said, i've stopped trusting
the belgians with their chocolate hallucinations...
i'm switching to the swiss lindt
  and the english cadbury...
    these are the days where you can't even
trust a german sausage (either).

you know... my female cat is
   actually offended
about seeing human genitals?
  i have to cover them when taking a ****
with my hand...
  either that, or **** like a woman,
sitting down...
               every time she's relaxing
in the bathroom and i'm about to
unload a niagara falls
and she sees my genitals...
phoom! off she goes...
    but when she doesn't see them?
            well... one less scar on the eye
translated into the ***** of memory
to be revived...
huh... funny... how you can think of
memory as a metaphysical *****
rather than a function of a physical *****
i.e. the brain...
    given memory exists in symbiosis
with both brain, and the eye,
e.g. photographic-                     memory,
and the narrative memory
  currently showing in the cinema
of your life.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2017
because you can't tell me that any foreigner will be able to rekindle the civility of a syrian butcher for a syrian cab driver, or a syrian plumber have a rekindled civility for a syrian school teacher, no, no, no! i said it once and i'll say it again: there are heresies of war, no foreigner can engage in rekindling a civility among an implosive war of opposite parties... this isn't an explosive war... whatever is done unto syria by external intervention is a a cardinal heresy of war; i merely wonder: what is the islamic concept of civil war... after all, it seems that there isn't one... there is no "jihad" in terms of civil war... shame, i'd love to hear some islamic scholar define anti-jihad, i.e. a civil war... after all, this isn't a schismatic war of sunni vs. shia... maybe i'm just exploding with dumbness, but what would the apostle answer with, given that there's a very peculiar hadith about the return of isa, in no place, other than in Damascus... hell, seems we don't hear much about this historical "authenticity" - because isn't it just, the currency of current events? peace bringer my ***.

take any western commentary about the left,
sway sway, my darling, sway proud,
hammer and scythe -
              just today i was watching a movie
about the first american communist -
john reed, my mother started singing
the words of an old communist song...
   word for word...
                        you see, my grandfather was
a communist party member,
a comrade, he even did civic duties,
i.e. in court, on a jury...
                      and this is what i do not understand,
cultural what?
             ****** there was no cultural
whatever there is to talk about back then!
               communism was communism -
an economic model,
which was perfect in a country ravaged by war...
everyone lost something,
   a plateau had to be established...
             we all move from point a,
  sure, some of us will get to point b,
  but others will get to point c,
       but we start off at a baseline -
we build from point a, and if you get to
point d, well, all the better for you.
         the left in terms of western politics
makes absolutely no sense to me...
                       mostly the cultural aspect of
                      does this old communist say
unreasonable things?
  hardly... although i love the memory he
has kept intact for me to pass with regards
to his experience of the second world war...
  the SS-menschen -
       black clad ******* burning -
  and his words,
so these SS-men became herr bittebonbon -
and then of course there's the ragged SS-men
running from the soviets,
  teenagers who slept in barns with
              the animals.
****, not a bad inheritance, right?
     there was no cultural appropriation
of Marxism - and behind the iron curtain
there was another curtain, where culture
actually thrived, and wasn't suppressed -
     just because iron maiden came to katowice
while the solidarity movement was
and where's **** wonky-vąs?
             in hawaiian shorts, in florida!
among the other heroes who did the one
heroic act they were capable of:
    spreading pamphlets.
                 is there a defence?
      from a country that once was under
    there was a free culture,
   the band *breakout
song? kiedy byłem małym chłopcem...
   ****'s all about white-*******
in the hood sitting on a porch outside some
shack next to the vistula.
   and what about that film -
**** misja (*** mission) -
  starring the great jerzy stuhr -
kobieta mie bije!
  a film with more one-liners more
punchlines than any in the history
of cinematography, i swear to god.
  at least from my experience,
Marxism never evolved to be cultivated in
some form of culture...
                   it was plain and simple:
mind you, the only thing that can save or
rather regenerate Syria is a study of
post-war Poland...
     because, frankly,
           the Mongolian model where
communism was first tested on a national
scale, i know too little about.
Muzaffer Apr 2019
harlemde akşamüstüyüm
rengarenk ve kalabalık

reggy kemiriyor morningside'ın,
muazzam beyaz dişleri

ve kaykaycı
birkaç genç, otogaz sistemi gibi sıralı

akşamüstüyüm harlemde

küçük kızlar, koca kızlara
oyunlar sek ****'e dönüşümüş

50 doların var mı ihtiyar?
diye soruyor tekne kazıntısı

sonra ateşin var mı?
aldırıp geldim diyorum, iyiyim böyle

peki sigaran? metazori tutuşuyor filtresi köfte dudakların

joy'muş adı, tek çocuklu, anne bakar,
herif hapiste

memphis'te tanışmışlar, o zaman da torbacıymış hergele

hikaye uzun ben kısayım
sohbete deyip kalkıyorum
koca kıçlı donna'nın merdivenlerinden
hüzün, gözaltı peşimde

ben Vaha
akşamüstüyüm harlemde
yoksul ama kalabalık
düşü, düşürenin içinde...
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2017
A huj ci w dupe tym hujem sądzącym na oklask... co, ja twą matke harmonijką zabiłem? Na "porozumienie", kiedy wracam do kraju na czas świni-ęta, to rzygam, i staram o oskar, albo pytam: zuzel, mini, hwasty, **** mini eseja... ja downo ni pol, ja pseudo udo.

— The End —