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Robin Carretti May 2018
Up to our loved ones
Getting callbacks
and lookbacks
Will I be
most likely rejected?
Until dusk to Dawn
The full moon turned
What will be expected?
Shoved mouth to mouth
brewed into the

With any luck
It's hard to make
a buck $

The Dawn Lightning
Striking again wetter
Ridiculous remarks
and kicks
in the pants
He shoved
me into  a romance
But we never
ended up where
I wanted to go

The editorial the
Slim chance rainbow diet

The villas of the exotic
flowers riot
Vacationer in vineyards
Grassy bear
Mr. Griswald
Vacation despair
Party pushovers
The sour cherries OOh!
La Wee Vacation,
The push and shove
What's up
The jilted Jump always
a stump
about the
Shoved me right
this poem

Documents of
Vacations places
of memories
The Jack ***
Surrounded by

Or meeting the

Or goofballs
Sesame Street parade
Big bird feast
His face climbed
Mount Everest

Dry mouth lips
((Frenchie Vermouth))

He's the
right fielder
The field Mr. Costner
on her left dreams
The toast all shoved
around the town

Don't shove me
your world

Big problems not
like ordering
the best pizza
in Brooklyn
Memorial day
shoved into a soiree'

Unbelievable traffic
American Major
problem leagues
Upscale love signs
and graphics

To resolve this
Vacation big shots
The London

At the worst time,
I had to do
Political speech
Don't shove
me or leave me

If you're not
going to please me
And not your
payroll to
tease me

He's next on the move
pushed to be shoved
I rose
I suppose
He shoved me
He gazed upon me
Like another ticket
to his vacation

He dazed with
his eyes
not to be loved
But all yummy
To take a bite
Apple strudel
But dark ends
of petal
flowered bright
The last word
struggling  to
feel  shot

My payroll got me a raise
My own vacation
to myself big praise
to love me
Not to be pushed to
love someone

A vacation is to be
with someone that
treats you
on a pedestal
Don't shove me this
is my portal
Shoved around to get around but we need to be loved and somehow we don't want to be found when the game is not in your court. Who becomes the good sport
Emily Horne Jan 2014
My stand is portable, affordable and neat
Sits on the southwest corner of 42nd Street
Can't beat my delicious, nutritious, expandable frank
My dogs are divine! Now, take that to the bank!

One twenty-five for a dog loaded or bare
Mini-meals readied with caution and care
Merciful and kind, my dogs nourish the broke
Fuels children and seniors and cold 'n drunk folk

I've served sages and I've served nuts
My clients range from brilliant to putz
Usually I keep the screwballs away
But now and again I have a ******, no-good day

Like the time two thugs took off with my cart
They rammed it right into the Super Mart
Weenies went flying and relish SPLAT!
Stunned I saw my dogs were eaten by cats

Two weeks down, my new stand revamped and nice
Maybe those thugs wanted red beans and rice
But dogs are my passion and my life’s big scheme
So buy a hot dog and support someone's dream.
(20 minute poetry)

We are not at fault
not to blame
It's the tube and the bus
it's not us.

They will state that being late
is a state of mind over matter,

what's the matter with them?

at any rate when I am late I don't know why, but at this rate I'll be late
for my own funeral and I can cope
with that.

What's with being on time anyway?
there's no kudos to be gained
no holy grail
and if failure is inherent who hasn't

I think I'll take my time
wander through the arcade
grab a macchiato to go


The old buzzard cursing his luck
what the ****?
he's lived long enough to get
over this stuff
and I'm betting the grim reaper is
getting his coat on for him.

Why should I worry about the hurry up?
slow down
be late
let the screwballs wait for me.

They don't rush when I'm pushed for time
they don't give a ****
in a bit when I've finished my drink, had a smoke then this old bloke
might think of moving on
or not as the case may be

absolutely most definitely
let the fukers
wait for me.
Thomas W Case Feb 2022
I work at a
gym that is 
popular all over
the country, because
of its family values, and
sliding fee scale.
I am a custodial artist.
It's mindless and gives
me time to write.
I get a free membership.

Men walk around the
locker room ****, and
try to have full conversations
with me.
I want to say,
put your **** away,
it doesn't talk.
This is a gym,
not a nudist colony.
I take no delight in
seeing your shriveled *****.

Where is your modesty,
your decency?
Wrap yourself in a
towel before you try
chatting me up about
the weather.
I'm trying to work out,
and then get the **** away
from you screwballs.
The  * Republican hypocrites within this country , * Christian extremist with a combined I.Q. of  *fifty , standing tall and pious spewing  *fear , picketing * funerals , pointing fingers , calling us *  " Sinners ! " Call me what you will , tell me I'm going to * hell , quote scripture all you can but for once let's be real !  * * Jerry Falwell is one of the most diabolical *screwballs residing on the planet and your religion has screamed the end of days for the last * thousand years , so get over it !
The words marked with a star *  are multiple choice . Add your favorite religious zealot , political organization and his wacky beliefs . Be creative . Have a good day !

Copyright October 26 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
They use lures to lure you in
then those fukers
hang you out to dry,
do not trust
politicians of any persuasion.

Einstein had it right
E=mc hammer them screwballs in tight.

vote for me
your vote counts
but sadly you won't

get a start with this party
we're all in hell for leather
vultures or whatever
we're gonna chew on your fat

have you got that?

— The End —