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em nwohs evah uoy tahw ees I~I see what you have shown me
delaever sah noitiutni ym tahw ees I~I see what my intuition has revealed
gnilriws ssendas dna epoh ees I~I see hope and sadness swirling
tnetni dna esoprup a ees I~I see a purpose and intent
noissap degac a ees I~I see a caged passion
traeh a ees I~I see a heart
sdnah ruoy ees I~I see your hands
seye ruoy ees I~I see your eyes
ylfnogard ees I~I see dragonfly
?elihwa syats ohW~Who stays awhile?
ffo stilf dnA~And flits off
nruter ot ylnO~Only to return
efas s’ti swonk eh nehW~When he knows it’s safe
yats oT~To stay.
traeh ruoy ees I~I see your heart.
gnos ruoy raeh I~I hear your song.
thgilf ruoy leef I~I feel your flight.
ecaps ruoy hcuot I~I touch your space
ecaf ruoy ees I~I see your face.
uoy ees I~I see you.
Poetic T Aug 2015
It was like an echo, an echo always heard
What would happen when it
Its toll upon my thoughts,
But I found others heard this calling
Never voiced whispered unheard.

Raeh eseht sdrow nekops
Resaeler morf slioc htrib
Eht yek sah won denrut

Liked garbled refection knowing what
Is unknown, heeded as whispers
Clinging to me, a brushed off shudder
As what was a breath now clawing at my inner ear,

"Leave me alone,

"I just spoken to air,

Do you hear the voice, the one next to me said?


"Don't worry friend they'll not last,

"How long have you heard these thoughts,

Since I was born, I have known there meaning
Were yours garbled nonsense?


I understood the first one long ago, now just
Comfort these thoughts.
Like music on my soul, easing my moments

"There singing to me now a lullaby of.......


Tears escaped my stained eyes, How could...

"Sorry he's gone,
"Did you know him long,

The nurse spoke cold, then the child was gone
Eleven years old,

To young on this earth for him to be gone,
He said in our talks if I listen I could hear the
Whispers to let them talk.
Days passed and I listened to each breath spoken
Few words made sense.
To open what I need to concentrate. I listen
To the words spoken to me of a heart young
But mind as sharp as others older in
Wisdom than me.
I listen, empty minded moments letting the
Words speak upon me.
Then like a mist it lifts upon thoughts and
I eventually hear words in clarity.

"Hear these words spoken,
"Release from coiled birth,
"The key has now turned,

With those words spoken in lucidity, I hear
Everything as these words now have meaning they
To me as my heart releases all fears,
And I realise that this is my chime.
I am at peace as the words whisper nothings
But I understand all the words spoken to me.
This is my end my song of ended moments time
Has caught up and now sings my lullaby to my mind.
Andie Sep 2018
It sits at the base of the stairs
that lead to the attic;
It sits on the landing floor just
before the basement door;
It rests in a liminal space.

Big, person-sized, it fills the end of the hall
way in the very back.
Carved by an entrepreneur de pompes funèbres with
a knack for carpentry and a deep
undying love for her husband.

Glass inlaid reveals the gears
within, once plated in bronze
but now with only a dull luster.
They haven't been treated gently
by that which they keep.

Two massive pendula swing
back and forth, back and forth, alternating
currents, propelled by springs
set in motion long before
Louis XIV lost to William III

The children like to sit and
watch the hands spin with the
pendula "tick" "tock" "tick"
as the face and hands are a
mottled bronze to match.

During Black Mass it's best not to
watch though. For sometimes a smell
emanates from the spaces between
the gears, "kcit" "kcot" "kcit" si
lla uoy raeh, dna emit seog
When will it be Halloween?

— The End —