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John F McCullagh Feb 2013
He still is strong and handsome
as he was in his playing days.
He can enjoy a game of golf
on challenging fairways.
Still he knows that somethings gaining
and he dare not look behind.
Even Michael Jordan knows
you cannot outscore time.
It doesn't seem that long ago
he wore a champion's ring.
Now Lebron is all the rage
and commercials are his thing.
No longer can he rise above
the rim, or run and hide.
Time just posted 50 up
and it isn't on his side.
Ksjpari Aug 2017
My Principal is forever ready to explore
New things from students who implore
And set a new goal for them to outscore
In their own life. He is ready to restore
Intellect and discipline in school therefore
Stands out and administers students’ footsore.
Cherian sir the one who is fighting war
Against anxiety and worry on door,
Which pester children and occasionally gore
Their morale and self-esteem. They spoor
Away from study which he sojourns before
They reach to larger extent and be cocksure.
Never he criticizes without any reason poor,
As he is a positive thinker. All of us roar
Which is pacified by him but for sure.
He is the man of principles and decor
Whose blessings on all of us ever pour.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style. Thanks for your inspiring, kind, soft fingers.
Marissa Mar 2019
i always wondered why women get “dolled up”
but men “suit up”
women put on layers of makeup and suffocate themselves wearing corsets
to become an object that a man will like to look at and use
but men clean up and dress professionally

it certainly says a lot about our society
the white woman’s 77 cents to the man’s dollar
and even less for the minority women

the media glorifies women of size 00
which is quite literally less than nothing
women are supposed to be so small
that they are less than zero

science tries to define a woman’s purpose as producing children and taking care of the home
but what about the women who are not fertile and live on the streets?

they will always ask a woman “how does she do it all?”
but when was the last time a man was asked the same question
when both of them have a job and a family to balance

men are not expected to assume the subordinate role
because society deems women to be inferior to men
when women continue to outscore men on the SATs and reading tests
but those men will be given the leadership positions the women rightfully deserve

the objectification
the classification
the learned gender roles
the discrimination
all empower the patriarchy

but we can dismantle it
one empowered woman at a time
I wanted to plant my flag way above yours
just in a way to say "**** yours"
but I got bored of the chore
of watching us both shoot
while I try to outscore.
I wanted to speak bolder with words all underlined
just to keep you undermined
but I realized it's just a **** waste of time,
so fine.
I wanted to go faster and faster
until I passed her
but I looked back after
turned around and struck disaster.
I wanted to fly higher like I was Icarus
but these feathers and sticky ****
was hit or miss
into the sky that I tried to kiss.
I wanted to be stronger,
and bigger,
and always better,
but the need to be like that just kept me fettered.
I thought I needed to be superior to you
until I realized how that was untrue.
If I want to improve myself it's now plain to see
I don't need to be better than you,
just better than me.
This is kinda about how I hold myself to others too often when I should just be focusing on my own ****.  You can't measure your successes against those of others, you can only measure your failures against yourself.
The Fire Burns Aug 2017
Do you ever think at night,
what life would be without a fight,
all unicorns and shooting stars,
everybody driving Rolls Royce cars.

No boiling tears or searing pain,
never have a muscle strain,
no helmets or concussions,
everything an easy discussion.

Utopic dreams fill the screens,
everybody eating Bobby Flay cuisine,
just a path of ease and boredom,
so just let me forewarn you,
real life is not all champagne,
the truth is no pain no gain.

The struggles make us who we are,
without them, there is just no bar,
no goals to reach nothing to strive for,
no rivals or opponents to outscore.

This would breed union mentality,
I don’t need that in my reality,
I like drivers and winners,
the ones that want that chicken dinner.

Or maybe even something better,
looking to be the fast pace-setter,
be the one to summit the mountain top,
never ever looking to stop.

Work ethics are dead,
all our feet turned to lead,
we reward mediocrity,
this is simply an atrocity,

Utopic dreams fill the screens,
everybody eating Bobby Flay cuisine,
just a path of ease and boredom,
so just let me forewarn you,
real life is not all champagne,
the truth is no pain no gain.
I could really use some help cleaning up the flow with this and some help with the refrain.   If any one is interested.

— The End —