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And how sweet a story it is
When you hear Charley Parker
tell it,
Either on records or at sessions,
Or at offical bits in clubs,
Shots in the arm for the wallet,
Gleefully he Whistled the
Anyhow, made no difference.

Charley Parker, forgive me-
Forgive me for not answering your eyes-
For not having made in indication
Of that which you can devise-
Charley Parker, pray for me-
Pray for me and everybody
In the Nirvanas of your brain
Where you hide, indulgent and huge,
No longer Charley Parker
But the secret unsayable name
That carries with it merit
Not to be measured from here
To up, down, east, or west-
-Charley Parker, lay the bane,
off me, and every body
Joan Karcher Aug 2012
how many paths, how many loves
living and changing and ever climbing
learning and growing and springing over
like purple sunsets entering red mountains
each experience reopening your eyes, gaining
wisdom and freedom, ever increasing strength

Atlas holding Gaia, never ending strength
becoming charged and overcome with love    
encircled with history and caring, gaining
a repertoire of eternal connections, climbing
into dream fields surrounded by mountains
will this serenity ever be over?

though hopefully the uncertainty will be over
and that we will have strength
to conquer all the encountered mountains
created by each newly attained love
embrace avenues crossed and obstacles climbed
to have pleasure and confidence gained

though will paradise ever be gained
allowing forgetfulness of pain we're over
while still remembering friendships we climbed
every node you pass gives strength
for the next stage of love
giving elemental power to move mountains

our past shadows creating fresh mountains
to relive, to adore; understanding gained
so many different forms of love
meaningfully distinct, passed but never over,
each one providing new wonderful strength
to allow us unique nirvanas climbed

always strive for larger heights climbed
those hopes will be worth mountains
don't fear any loss of strength,
weakness endured is often willpower gained
hate and sorrow should never over-
come the treasureful bliss of love

*Don't be afraid of the climb to the top of the mountain
unbelievable strength will be gained,
all the adventures that are over will become unforgettable love
Random always are birds sitting on a wire,
Their smelly stains scattered on my truck.

Random are our minds thinking, Friendships,
Loves happening, wealths,winning and losing.

Random are births,Lives and their purposes final,
Faiths,their select gods and their nirvanas ultimate.

Random are the winds blowing,the waves smashing,
The clouds raining, fiery volcanoes and fires burning.

Random is death physical, for us and all our stars,
Their babies, milky ways,galaxies,universes and all.

Random ever is a fixed time and space,Unknown now,
but with a certainty terrible and Hope,oh, so wonderful!

Random thus I struggle, for a comprehension orderly,
Sensitively, and hoping for a final destiny, pre-ordained!
Tina Fish Aug 2013
Zen minimalist, tool
slipping words ******* in
and seizing hold, mixing in subtle verbs
spinning worlds, filling up voids
with a tantalizing wetness

Yes, minimalist
and less is more

so clean that up you ***** *****
and speak only silence
leave them lost in awkwardness
born from want and wanting more, like

‘I know you want this
and yes I got this
minus man or wing by my side
rising instead from happy feelings, inside
sounding wise enough to me
and maybe soon I'll see exactly
what they meant’

as we drop and rise
in two time beat
knees, bent, in, weak
quivering at the seams
diving into dreams and coming
out breath stopped, heart attacked,
jagged and off

then two scenes later, maybe three tops
jumping ahead, fast forwarding to
the quick bits
the grimy bits
the slimy bits
the ins and outs
proving what drive thru is all about-

- since there's no need to waste time
on the things we can do
again, and again, and again.

Then, reverse spin
back to the beginning, cowboy
back to the drawing board
back to the sheets

put your back in it and ride, harder
calves carved in, jump the fleet
lift arms up in victory

the downward dog days are over
and we saw them coming
inhibitions released
letting go of the sweet
and drizzling, no just
jizzing all over the ******* place

hot and flustered, in our face
rushing to encase thoughts that
had always filled the space
but still, found no place in design

rather finding the time
to bleed them out, in epiphanies,
calling them nirvanas
calling them divinities

but titling them Truth.

And swearing, on your life
that that's what it was to you

and I lay there, only trying
not to believe it too.
Poetic T Feb 2017
A dismemberment of my eclipsing reflections
              are decapitated in to nonexistence.

  *I just smile slightly...
Silence after words,futility after actions
emptiness after thoughts,indifference after loves
desolation after joys,destruction after creations
death after lives,truth after lies,being after unbeing
peace after wars,ignorance after knowledge
pains after pleasures,nirvanas after samsara,
nothing after everything,and all so ****** vice-versa!
Besé aquella vez la brisa más húmeda
y salada de su océano.
Besé su alma y como supuse
allí no encontré, magullado sus pulsos.
Él estaba intacto aún
preparado para entrar
nuevamente en mis nirvanas.
No existían huellas
de las antiguas cigarras
que escarbaban de noche
el ángelus de sus orgasmos
tampoco las de aquellas pupilas cortesanas
que le entregaban las llaves
de sus templos derramados,
mientras su colilla húmeda y mutilada
se perdía ambulante y confundida
detrás de una ceguera diluida
entre los lirios de su estación última .
Es cierto que ya no era purísimo y exacto
él, había cambiado,
las cortinas de su alma
ya no eran un misterio
y sus pensamientos
ya no se escondían convulsos
detrás de sus jaquecas.
Comenzamos a nacer entonces, después
de que mis llantos pudrieran mis ojos
de manera retórica,
después de que esos rumores perdidos
empezaron a desempañar
los cristales silenciosos de mi cálido infierno.
Y entonces...él abrió sus ojos de verdad,
y halló mi nacimiento, justo donde la seda rota
cubría las nuevas espigas...
Azul Strauss Markuart
Título : El Ángelus De Sus Orgasmos
Poema: Texto completo.]
Autora :Azul Strauss M
15 De Junio del 2015
Buenos Aires - Argentina
©Copyright –Derecho de Autor Reservado
Protegido por OMPI y el Tratado internacional de Suiza sobre derechos de autores
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
Behind the gate that pretended to be locked
lurked in the half shut window
a sage
solitude soaked and driven by impulse
to look away when questioned.
He was a lone man with lifetime wisdom.

Patch on  lakeside worshipped the ****
grew in grace and abundance
tendered tenderly, as if, the soul
invested in the soil  spirit would
rise through  pipes  produced to ****
lungfuls and sit back and watch
the sky bend in ecstasy.
The surge climbed  nerves
settled  pumping heart.

He said he saw the Christ
cry on  the cross stifled by the nails
and thorny weeds akin
to smoke and sustenance he now bequeathed
to silence.

The greater sorrow
nursed being unable to float
free from the injustice that lay  thick bark
on  magnificent tree. He ran as fast as his conscience could take
him to the outer reaches of society
where nirvanas  quiet life of contemplation opened.

an evening listening to him profound
the lectures the worlds knowing
learned his talk of the next kingdom.

Quiet in the night of haze
and damp sweet smells
he dreamed a patch in afterlife too.

Author Notes
We all know this man.
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
Marshall Gass Oct 2014
It was, after all, an internet rose,
selected from google images,
carefully placed in a pool of succulent words
vanilla bean and gooey smoothness
bordered with delicate lace on the pages
a small bleeding heart stapled
to the top of the page

But oh! how she loved its beauty.
She smelt the heady aroma, licked the chocolate
and converted to vanilla slurp
and juicy apple kisses.

We slept well that night
ten thousand miles apart.
Romantically ready
for the journey across oceans
with towering waves
and saw toothed sharks
piranhas and nirvanas
all jumbled up and waiting
for this togetherness.

Author Notes

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
Tengo una sed de vinos capitosos
-venusino furor, pugnas salaces,
ojos enloquecidos por el éxtasis,
bocas ebrias, frenéticos enlaces-.

Tú, Dinarzada, tú, Fogosa Mía,
tú, Melusina, Vid de mis Deseos:

¡dóname tu lagar tibio y recóndito!
quiero oprimir tus uvas! y tus vinos
exprimir! -fulgurante filtro cálido
para mi sed de zumos citereos! 1Tengo una sed de búdicos nirvanas
-zahareño no oír, callada acidia,
ojos enceguecidos por el éxtasis,
espiritual ardor, psíquica lidia-.

Tú, Viaje Azul, Deliquio, Noche Intacta,
Música..., oh tú, mi inasequible Dueño:

¡llévame a tus refugios ataráxicos!
quiero tañer tus fibras! y el prodigio
de tu entraña exprimir! -don inefable
para mi sed de fugas y de ensueño!
Akira Chinen Jun 2017
Oh sweet beauty
Let me love you
Let me ride this love to you
Like a lost comet
In eternities embrace
Let our souls bloom
Let our bodies entwine
Let our eyes crash
Let our mouths meet
Let our fingers rain
Let our hands flow
And let our  love explode
Like worlds colliding
Suns dying
Stars igniting
Moons crumbling
Heavens trembling
Hells falling
Oceans parting
Paradises losing
Nirvanas dreaming
Passions flaming
Hearts pounding
Pounding hard
Let us fall
Too quickly
Too deeply
Too far
Too much
And then
My sweet beauty
Let us fall
And love
And pound away
More and
Farther and
Deeper and
Faster and
Until we
Brake and crash
And there
We'll live
And laugh
And cry
And dance
And love
The hands
Of time
And the whims
Of fate
At the hall of the Mill valley I will slumber in peace ..
Beside a confident , cascading stream , underneath the White Pine , blush -indigo advance .. Agin able , guardian River Birch in supplication , among the honed boulders , to claim corporeal vision with Nirvanas depositor of endless dream .. I will be released ..
Copyright March 13 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

Millers Mill .. Whitehouse , Georgia 30253
Dryden Jul 2018
My soul just spontaneously combusted

sometimes i feel alive
but ready to born again
some days i look for peace
in someone better than me
and i think its fine
to let things go down
unless my patience blows
and i cant get a refund

in nirvanas utero i walk around
i lose my mind while searching
wondering if its not too late because

everything i seem to do
just drives me through the ******* roof
my hand around your throat is the only thought
that can make it through everything i did to you
first person i opened to
but in the end of it all there is no doubt i care and love you
Akira Chinen May 2016
Oh sweet beauty
Let me love you
Let me ride this love to you
Like a lost comet
In eternities embrace
Let our souls bloom
Let our bodies entwine
Let our eyes crash
Let our mouths meet
Let our fingers rain
Let our hands flow
And let our  love explode
Like worlds colliding
Suns dying
Stars igniting
Moons crumbling
Heavens trembling
Hells falling
Oceans parting
Paradises losing
Nirvanas dreaming
Passions flaming
Hearts pounding
Pounding hard
Let us fall
Too quickly
Too deeply
Too far
Too much
And then
My sweet beauty
Let us fall
And love
And pound away
More and
Farther and
Deeper and
Faster and
Until we
Brake and crash
And there
We'll live
And laugh
And cry
And dance
And love
The hands
Of time
And the whims
Of fate
Eugene Apr 2018
So, I murdered a sonnet,
closed him up in a bonnet and left
him to charge me of ****** in 14 lines.
Well it was the length of his words against mine!!!
I shot him with an illegal firearm that
I always used to clothe my arm before I
slaughtered pages,
his shadow was always clothed in suits,
yet his existence so meaningless,
a privileged vocabulary,
well he couldn't fit into the ghetto,
the expressions that reeked blood,
the metaphors that hid black dead slaves,
the rhymes that had discords because a lot
of voices spoke,
I could not imprison those stories in
those white lies,
sorry I mean 14 lines.
I designed his corpse in a body bag,
recited his obituary on poetry stages whilst
my black toes knocked the ground,
the lies enveloped within his lies,
he spoke of bedbugs, Romeos and Juliets,
thus and thus,
I stopped, for his truth was attributed with grotesque lies.

So, I tried to bleach my eyes,
just to try and see the color of his reality,
I tried to express his stories,
but he kept calling my people Othello’s cousins,
he categorized them as kaffirs,
he spoke of thanksgiving, but my lips
shaded with melanin bit themselves because I kept wondering
what my black folks would thank anyone for,
they have been taught to
hang from strong lines that hug their throats,
painted on headlines with RIP hashtags,
so, if a Poet like me would spice up their obituaries with
punchlines maybe they would use
those lines to charm St Peters at Heaven's gates.
I feel like our ancestors have sold us to
death on the other side.
I have grown tired of plucking dreams from
buried graves at feared cemeteries,
speaking to tombstones that are support structures to
dry roses, wilted lilies,
blooming thorns,
so, would you blame me for murdering
a 14-line year old *******,
Shakespeare's child.
So, justify me in the Poetry court of
elite critiques.
By the way I plucked Mr. Sonnet's *******,
they were too pointy,
I think he was too ***** to be a Poem...

I cut his blonde hair,
and it’s now a mop for my bathroom mess,
I forgot to feed him his own ******,
maybe he would've understood what kind of
seeds he fed to these dead Poets societies.

So, I guess I'm already guilty
to some Jury poetry group,
so please sentence me to fourteen lines
behind poetry bars,
maybe I'll come out rehabilitated of my ghetto
lines, or sit me on electric chairs,
guess what, those have become our thrones,
no one notices our pride,
no one sees our poetry lines as power lines,
we cannot even feed our families with these
we were born as street poets,
pirates of the pages,
the ones who hold pens beside pistols,
stop signs and zebra lines don't
really stop us from reaching the
Shangri-Las and Nirvanas of street word.

So, I killed a Sonnet and
buried him in my head's bonnet,
no guilt though,
but he's always behind every thought I embrace,
behind my head!!!
#RIP...... hope they write about you
wherever you are...

— The End —