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Ramonez Ramirez Feb 2011
The butter’s too hard.
The pressure of the broken knife handle
leaves imprints of alien-like creatures on her little palm.
Slicing through morning rays like a red-hot blade through butter,
she raises her hand, and inspects the outlandish patterns with curiosity:

A school of koi carp,
teeth as sharp as prison razor wire,
are using their fins to harvest two-headed sunflowers
which are growing from within the tip of a giant scorpion tail.  
Dark clouds are looming over Dragon’s Fang Mountain. The wind is howling.

Ten Bone Warriors
emerge from a grotto— a cavity
at the foot of the mountain, where their bows shine bright,
even in the fading light; wild puffs of excitement steam-fills the air—
the riders’ horses’ nostrils flare— a dance of death tramples over all things white.      

The koi sense trouble;
some dive away and hide between the roots,
they disappear into the scorpion tail’s cracks and craters,
others harvest as fast as their fins can work, craning their necks.
The Bone Warriors’ arrows rain down on the sunflower field. Lightning strikes.

Pop! goes the toaster;
she walks towards the refrigerator,
and rubs her hand on her Spongebob apron.
Her mother inquires how breakfast is coming along;
Nika shakes her head and giggles, says it’s going to be the breakfast ever.
wendy maqwazima Mar 2016
"ayiseyo ncoko ngaphandle
kwemibuzo neempedulo"!!

Ekufundeni kwakho uve nton?
Nika ingqondo ukutya  kwayo!
Terry O'Leary Mar 2013
A sylph appears beneath the night -
beguiling smile and touch invite...

As honey flows and nectar drips,
Sweet laughter ripples 'cross her lips...

Her crystal eyes are flashing blue -
They beckon with a ***** hue...

Her silken strands of flaxen hair
Are waving wildly in the air...

The music plays, her swirling dance
Entraps me in a mystic trance...

She disappears as nighttime wanes -
I'm left bewitched, my soul in chains...
Ima jedna devojcica zove se Nika. Gledam je kako raste vec dobrih godinu dana od kako skoro svake nedelje odlazim na neke casove. Uvek me doceka ispred vrata na stepenicama, onako uzbudjeno, pozdravi se, malo se izmazimo i onda je zovu u drugu sobu ne bi li smetala casu, mada zna ona da se usunja i dodje po jos mazenja.  Dok je bila mala to je bilo lako, prosla bi ispod staklenog stola, kojim sam uvek zabarikadirana sa jos dve fotelje. Jednom nesvesna da je porasla skoro pa se zaglavila , samo je uspela da proturi glavu ispod stola tek toliko da joj njuska izadje kod mene.

Inace Nika ima sad taktiku kako da se tako velika smesti na krilo. Prvo sedne ispred tebe , sva je fina, mirna, onda ti pocnes da je mazis, a ona ti uzvrati sa kojim lizom, sto je vise mazis sve te vise lize i onda krene podignutim prednjim sapama polako da te gura i da ti se priblizava licu pokusavajuci da te lize i kako imas tedenciju da se odmaknes otvori se prazan prostor na kolenima gde ona samo prebaci svoj trup i onda je opet sva mirna ko bubica i uziva (i tesko ju je skloniti :) ).

Pre nekoliko meseci Nika nije bila dobro, nesto je pojela napolju i ukucani su bili poprilicno zabrinuti jer je to bio prvi put da je vide takvu. Sela je u fotelju pored mene i spustajuci njusku prema vratu dok je mazim kao da je govorila: " ne nisam danas dobro"

Nika je retriverka.

Podsetila me je na jos jednu devojcicu koja je isto znala da dodje i pozdravi se sa mnom.

Jednom, bila je neka guzva, iz druge prostorije cula sam je kako laje sto se nije cesto desavalo, a i ovo lajanje koje se ponavljalo nije bilo oglasavanje kad neko dolazi ili lajanje na nekog prolaznika, vec da nesto nije u redu i to vlasnici pasa sigurno znaju i prepoznaju ali vlasnica tada nije bila tu.

Nakon nekog vremena verovatno ne znajuci vise sta ce, setila se i dosla je do mene u drugu prostoriju gurajuci glavu ispod stola i daju ci mi znak da joj je muka. Ustala sam i otvorila najbliza vrata, razumele smo se i ona je odmah krenula za mnom da joj otvorim vrata od unutrasnjeg dvorista kako bi mogla da se jadnicak tamo olaksa. Do dvorista u prolazu pored ulaznih vrata, u prostoriji sa zasticenom vrstom, ona je vec bila izbacila poprilicno iz sebe, a niko je nije video niti cuo.

Kad se setim toga da je dosla kod mene i da sam mogla da joj pomognem, meni draga zivotinja :)

hm maart 2017
Chris Saitta Jul 2019
Come home from eagle-throated distance,
The canoe-tip of the crescent moon scuds
Into the silted, mud-bed of heaven.
Her face-dream beside the pine trees
The mollusc of purpled wampum beads shining.  

Bury my hands, ninidji, in the eagle’s nest,
Carry my feeling words to her on wings.
Let her mix roots, berries, clay
and the feather of my hands
To paint her face with my words and these trees.

Or let my hands ripple like flat-fish
Above the silt-bed of her slim stomach,
Held there in radiant scaled warmth.
Lappihanne, the rapid water of our river heart,
Like an arrow that glides from the bow,
My people where the tide ebbs and flows.

To us both, the dark, golden edge of woods whispers, kuwumaras
And the water arrow will never land,
But carried in my eagle’s hands,
I say kuwumaras, my love, and pierce through all darkness
To the empty path made full with the ripples of all who have passed.
My nika, swan of the woods, let us dive into the dark, golden sea
Of forever in the hills.
All italicized words are Algonquin.
"Wampum" is well-known as the colorful beads made from whelk shells and later used as currency in trading with New World explorers.
"Lappihanne" was the basis for the word Rappahannock, which is also the name of the tribe known as the "people of the ebb and flow tide"
"Kuwumaras" means "I love you"
All other words are self-explained in the above.

Roots, berries, clay, and sometimes feathers were used for face paint.
Vladimir Lionter May 2020
I know Simon’s a court poet. To dedicate
Odes to monarchs’s survival. Raymond as
A philosopher valued life’s democratic state,
I honour monarchy as any man, at last,

In whose heart the Empire’s spirit beating,
Long live the Commonwealth for time all!
By Nika for all time became blessed Britain,
The country army scare foes all!

And the Queen is the brand for all the world,
All ministers’ll retire but not the Queen!
I have not seen a monarch nobler from of  old,
Who honours just so traditions’, honour’s being.

Thank you for giving inspiration to the poet
For his poems, by your own greatness.
Thus, rule for the population’s good great,
Setting an example for other rulers.


Я знаю, что сейчас поэт придворный Саймон,
И оды посвящать монархам – прошлый век!
И как демократизм ценил философ Раймон,
Монархию я чту, как каждый человек,

В чьём сердце бьётся дух Империи Великой –
Содружества Союз да здравствует в веках!
Британия всегда благословенна Никой,
И армия страны врагам вселяет страх!

И Королева есть как Бренд международный:
Министры все уйдут, но Королева есть!
Не видел в жизни я монарха благородней!
Кто точно также чтит традиции и честь!

Спасибо Вам за то, что дали вдохновенье
Поэту на стихи величием своим!
Так правьте же ещё во благо населенья,
Давая так пример правителям другим!

Translator - I. Toporov

— The End —