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PK Wakefield Dec 2010
the lean stammer of long balking ***
froths diligently on my lady's bones
and it plastics a largeness heading
southern sea to lake and fire perpendicular
unraveling senses. a mire of spitted
tongues or saliva all a laminating
her magic gaggle of crumbling...
***** and notch; twin ecstatic jumbled
notes in discorded unity of tentative
lips... mymy
my     my mymym

my yoke, my egg, my scorpion. ***** me quickly venom

   i'll a                       sprung!
Whatyoudon'tknow Jul 2016
I am the wood burnt and cracking,  my strength lacking.
I am the smoke swirling with the wind ,  my memories swirling reminders I have sinned.
I am the embers cackling and flickering, mymy fears and doubts bickering.
I am the flames hot and passionate, my love and rage full swelling lacking passiveness.
I am the ashes all that remains a memory of the heat and intensity, the end of our shared chemistry.

— The End —