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yasmin xu Apr 2014
this is the fifth time today my eyes fall closed.
in a minute or two i'll dissolve into the night sky.
i've become much more silent,
but only a little less eager.
i'm tired during her absences,
and she vividly walks in dreams.

this is the third time this week i think of cigarettes.
i wonder how i manage to survive the suffocation.
i'm living with severe headaches,
and loving my personal sadness.
so in turn i put death between my lips,
and slowly breathe my life away.

this is the first time you affect me this way.
and i dug deep in the earth to find you alive.
i want you as much as i don't.
it's like nicotine and sleep;
more than a little and less than too much,
just enough,
until we are airborne for good.
Lyzi Diamond Aug 2013
My nostrils stay cold in the warm weather, cold in the rain, a forever remnant of the days of ******* and truck beds. I inhale and exhale the poison of cigarettes, but the shotgun electricity of the little white lines pierces the folds of memory. As much as I ache to forget, I can still feel the powder laying latent underneath my fingernails.

The days of wanting stress are replaced by wanting to alleviate it. I'd rather not sit and listen to your scratching your tense fingertip-tapping jitters. Silent leg shaking bouncing making my records skip. The dust-covered dumpster-dived needle has stress enough without your additions, subtractions, multiplications. You sneeze white and red, the signs of frustrated futures and presents. The record skips back to one, water stained, nothing changes.

I once played without direction and felt it cheap and unnecessary, like angels that breathe deeply underwater. Grasping for sympathy and votes of confidence. Forging intimate connections without it, needing wanting grabbing feebly into the air. Desperation never even gets a chance. We are strong as equals, love dissipating into the aether, waiting watching wandering wishing waking.

I tried to bend and not break, divide and not conquer. I tripped on the wire, skinned knees, forgetting. The clouds of gray hang low low in the air. I will hold strong to my promises, even in this time of turmoil and smashed faces. My foot will stay planted. I will move forward. I will keep on keep on keep on.

Even when they doubt me, I will keep on.
Corina Feb 2015
I'm good at math
Whenever my mind gets bored
i practise multiplications
give myself math problems
I always solve them

I tend to remember numbers
1,618033989 has been stuck in my head for years
And i once solve a rubik's cube
in 8.92 seconds

but no matter how good i may be with numbers
my heart is only in love
with words
Graff1980 Mar 2015
I pop the **** filled pocket in my gums
Not because of the pain
Or the feverish swelling
I let the dripping drainage
Linger on my tongue
The bitterness
It is an answer
To the tension
The struggle between
Living and dying
My body is trying
To do both at once
Cells wither and wash away
While new ones form
The DNA patterns
A copy of a copy
Of a copy
Of a copy
Upon imperfections
And multiplications
Of defective cells
That is aging
Your body waging
A battle against the decaying
But we know
We will lose the battle
Ayouba Toure May 2018
Here thy arrive;
For so long we have await thee.
Here comes a new moon:
A moon of bright light;
A moon of redeemer.
Here cometh a new month:
A month of serenity,
Bringing joy unto ye heart;
A month of multiplications,
Where everything doubles;
An era of jubilations,
Thy heart accept no trouble.
Blessed be thy name.
Shutdown the doors of the hell,
Opened the door of the heaven;
And open the windows of harmony.
For peace is unto thy name.
Ramadan is the month Muslims around the world await through out the year. They believe that this month is the more holy than any other month.
As a result, in memory of this great month; I decided to pen down this poem, "The Month Of Purity".
Yenson May 2022
I do subtractions additions and multiplications
every day
but it doesn't mean I remember all the Mathematics tutors
I'd ever had.
Go figure.........hahaha

— The End —