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toBelieve Oct 2015
They move,
Slowly they move
Closer to each others they move.
Those shades of white
Those white knights
The knights of the light
Throught the blue sky
High in that sky
They fly ...
Beyond that blue, they move
And from your blues they let you move
The whiteness within you start mooving
The tongue within your soul start mooving
The inner voice within you, with you start speeking ...
"Smile" they say !?
"Your smile display"
"Display" they say !?
You don't know how or why
You smile just arise
Then you contemplate their smile
You want to touch them
You want to fly with them
You want to smile for them
They are still moving
Not to the north, nor to the south
Not to west, nor to the east
In a complete mystery
But perfectly
In a total harmony
Like a holy symphony
They are just dancing ...
And you are just smiling ...
Raj Arumugam Jan 2014
U no, eat sins two mee,
u guise knead
two loose wait
sew hear, aye woosh
offal ewe sum add vice

Ewe can star art
**** ditto menation
aunt u knead too exorcise
Moove eat, keep mooving
moove mulch;  doe nut ****
down two mulch, move you’re *****
inn smell poorshuns
Ant walk two da shups
in stayed off you sing da carr

Dee impotent ding
hiss da wheel
four wear they’re’s
a wheel, they’re’s all weighs
a weigh
goad lick
loose wait
anne stain hell tea
a paw-yam with money mis-spill-inns
Martina Oct 2015
I was feeling lonely
sitting in my room
feeling emptiness
and its scares me
The wind blows
cold fresh air
the wind blows
The voices in my head
runs fast
I can hear them
they are everywere

Lonely night
the stars shines bright
But I am alone
sitting in my room
thinking of you

Alone again
sitting in my room
feeling emptiness
and its scares me
The wind blows
I keep mooving and I know
we will be together soon

Lonely night
the stars shines bright
But I am alone
sitting in my room
thinking of you
But do I really see them when I'm traveling on the central line?
do I really take the time to take a look?

The window cleaner logo man
reads a book and jammed up next to him is a lady looking very grim,
she's watching me watching him and he's unaware,
but probably in that zone cleaning windows and feeling right at home.

Lots of buns as well
Victorians must have
saved a fortune on hair gel.

Pearl earrings is not a singer
it's what young girl is
and not an oyster in sight.

there's such a large variety
and I only see what I
want to see
if only I could look a
little deeper.

Jarndyce gets off at
Chancery lane
his case comes up after
the crown
versus Abel or is it Cain?

I'm wandering in the inns
but it's time to get out.

Morning Holbein
or it might be
I'm just
mooving on.

— The End —