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JC Lucas Dec 2015
in spite of every moral,
or social scruple I may have,
I crave the taste of
monosodium glutamate,
of fried red meat,
of watered-down grocery store pilsner.

Sometimes I even sit,
a cheap beer in one had,
an even cheaper cheeseburger in the other,
and watch snowflakes drift on the wind
out my window,
with no shame, no guilt,
no thoughts even.
Just cheap beer, fast food,
and my humanity.
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
No monophonic masterpiece
Sung on a monorail
In monotone with MSG
That's monosodium glutamate
I say that monotonously
A monoplane monopoly
A monomaniac with monomania
A monocle for monoculars
A monograph of monogamy
Monocetyledons- plants with single seeds
A monolith that's monogramed and monochromatic
You know the monosyllable of monotheism as fact
There is no monomial for mononucleosis
Are eggs mononuclear?
Monoxide just sounds dangerous
I have a monolingual term for mono
It's bad so please don't catch it
Kurt Nimmo Feb 2015
*** sells
and so does sadism

sold to bored housewives
and professional women
breaking through

glass ceilings.

almost mid-way through
the sixth decade of existence on terra firma
there is a lot that gnaws away like a locust
at the soft underside of consciousness.

and the trap of biology.

women illustrated like circus sideshow attractions
ride naked on horses through the grimy marketplace
of stolen and bankrupt ideas.

*** minus monosodium glutamate.

you’ll like it better if you’re
tressed with plaits of golden silk
in a turquoise dungeon.

this morning
tortured by dreams. a ******* of the mind
teasing sunlight on a blasted dais. she’s a *****

worshipped by the masses.

madison avenue
the sound of debit cards

in the wind.

the high art
of the american landscape
is kim kardashian

her ***
blotting out
the sun.

poets drown

down in
the shadow
of that wondrous

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Next netzero nee naugahyde. Nattering nationwide nabob Moxie Molly McGee. Monosodium livingsocial joyus je kickstarter. Identityguard Huffington GMO. Gluten Glutamate footloose fancy free footlocker. Fingerhut fetishistic fabrication Cingular.
onlylovepoetry May 2019
upping the umami, the fifth taste

Umami is the last-to-be discovered fifth basic taste, along with sweet, sour, bitter, and salty, and triggers a distinct class of taste receptors on the tongue. ... The most notorious (and often unjustifiably maligned) source of umami is monosodium glutamate (MSG), the sodium salt of a naturally-occurring amino acid.”

a chicken soup recipe^ says it’s time,
time to up the umami,
me-the-no-cook is sidelined and intrigued,
then taken to another place

sweet, sour, bitter and salty
are the tastes of you life,
but it’s time to up the game
release the amino acids of my fingers
into her body, the tasting menu scrapped,
go direct to the boardwalk hotel,
railroad her unto my jail,
teach and share the notorious
fifth perception of loves taste,
the elixir of our combinatory sensationalism


The Best Chicken Soup with Rice, Carrots, and Kale
Tomato paste and fish sauce add depth and umami to our best-ever chicken-and-rice soup studded with sweet carrots and silky kale.
2:53 pm 4/6/19
(20 minute poetry)

to give to me

Her lingerie to
give to me

to give a tone to
this shop of horror
skin on bone.

Additive addictive
included in each pack,
the knack is not being
stuck with
a stiletto in your back.

But that was then in sixty two
before I knew
the damage they
could do.

Now I'm old before my time
each day becomes my drug,
preservative is now prescribed, where longevity was once understood it now may be denied.

My DNA wants to disqualify monosodium glutamate, but
I really like a steak and kidney pie,
the DNA will have to wait.
What if
the Moon was just a giant torch using Duracell,
who can tell me that it ain't?

and we are painted figurines
stood still
while someone changed the scenery?

What if what we see is the memory of life
way it used to be?

Reality is overrated
we eat too much
get constipated

it's a slog
a dog eat dog
and that's a feat
forced into meat,
is not your mate,
it hates you
body. mind and never mind
the soul
you eat it to be swallowed whole
by conglomerates that constipate
you even more,

Eager for a micro burger?
go macho
go macro

I eat crow
we've all done that.
ConnectHook Apr 2018
sent over neural pathways
the sight of a scent
could make one wax
Yankee Candle

budding one's tongue
the sound of a taste
may disturb the ears
aural astral waste;
Monosodium Glutamate

to feel the touch
of a sight beheld
might dazzle the senses
beyond defenses:
Tear Gas

Sin is apt
to skew such lapses.
Sin’s esthetic
glimpsed in apses
acts as anesthetic;
dulls our enhanced ecstatic senses:
a synthetic synaptic celestial deception . . .

Make sense?
prompt:  write a poem that includes images that engage all five senses. Try to be as concrete and exact as possible with the “feel” of what the poem invites the reader to see, smell, touch, taste and hear.
What looked like a lookalike
actually looked nothing like me.

I found an English station
in a sea of wavelengths
and tuned in.
comfort is the spoken word
speaking of tectonic plates
saturated fats and monosodium glutamates
and beggars cannot appear to
be choosers so I settled myself down
on the wooden chair and ran through
several stations
waiting for the morning there.

I was still thinking about the lookalike
like I had nothing else to do?
and why was I with the keenest eye
almost fooled?

It's about the choices and paths that we take,
is the perfect time to make comparisons
not the time for regrets.

I found coffee,
it's possibly pirated

..and now I'm set for what this day brings.

although not measured by a yardstick
picked grapes with Jose for red wine and
nothing's ever that bad except in the dark.

And later still
in town for a fiesta
oranges and octopi
concoctions made by
someone called
Mordecai as unlikely as
that sounds.
I wonder why
it's called human
it's becoming less

saturated with fats
appear to fascinate
must be something in
the glue to make
it so.

No wonder those on Star Trek
boldly go
except for jean Luc
he baldly goes,

I save the shaved ones for
January thirteenth two thousand
and nineteen will complete
mine third score orbitz round the sun,
who as a youth evinced

demure and effete
traits, and now weathered, Ongepatshket,
and plenty seasoned,
I feel ready to greet
a garrulous, humorous, and indecorous

Shikse for an indiscreet
liaison, where she will
get reddit to shutterfly,
and twitter like an uber keet
oozing with NON GMO

gluten and monosodium
glutimate saccharine dripping
with au naturale oversweet
ample ***** shapely waist,
and derriere replete

with plenty of junk in the trunk
cavorting, flirting, and issuing manumission
to fraternize, friskily frolic
fruitfully mixing bedlam with bunk
sundering politesse as a "FAKE",
gentlemanly, and honorable hunk,

when in truth,...this lapsed (Lou Zoo Lee)
christened nebish lunk
bookish, loutish, and wonkish teasing
seminarian formerly seclusive monk
keying into my inner philanderer,
yeah...yeah...yeah overdrunk

with prurient fantasies donning an imitation
of (guess who), one
narcissistic trumpeting punk
at heart my idol, no matter the teetering
ship of state he nearly countersunk,
which purportedly mirrors

his Wharton curriculum vitae,
which...well showed he nearly did flunk
apprenticed as POTUS with
FLOTUS attractive trophy
wife (number three) female chunk

and,...oh yes aesthetically
pleasing female real estate
from appearances marriage
barren and devoid of great
je nais sais quois,

though Melania rarely irate,
and partial government shutdown of late
reverberating with fallout, that does oscillate
furloughed federal employees to perspire
principally at increased amortization rate.
Sans Whole Body Out Of Country Transplant

hmm...methinks mebbe aye
can empty the ocean
     one teaspoon at time bine bye
and after about
     a bajillion years cry
tears of joy, when mine
     petrified organs of sight decry
solid sea floor to mud dill

     across to Iceland eye
would readily forsake
     United States citizenship,
     and buzzfeed akin to a human fly
hooping genuine emotional
     physical, or spiritual
     philanthropic gratuity
     could be accepted

     'pon being bequeathed
     from this guy
'course after friendly
     bantering initiated with "hi"
and once settling upon lingua franca
     as modus operandi
     this wholesome casual
     conversant chap would appeal

himself as (non GMO gluten, and
     monosodium glutamate free) bonemeal
suitable **** sapien reserved
     quite pleasingly congenial
to shake hands after
     mutual agreement reached,
     whereby roundly accepted
     apprenticeship contractual stipulations

     understood asper "Art of the deal,"
an awesomely empyreal
corroborate burning man
     Matthew Scott Harris
     in effigy "FAKE"
     immolation funereal
faux "cremation ashes"
     topped with goldenseal

thee initial process
     to detox and psychologically heal
from Trump Bite US strain A
     (or alternate spelling
D. trump pen lumpen throat
or a similar
facsimile concocted "FAKE"
     illness thereof - NOT IDEAL
for man, woman, or child,
     who quickly become fodder material

(a bio-hazard devastating
     entire folks future generations genetics)
     symptoms easily mis
taken for nasopharyngeal
infection, where optimal
     cure comprises bland oatmeal

with jelly beans, thus I app peal
to provide sanctuary else this real
threat to life and limb
     will find me to suffer fools
     unless via quaffing hemlock
rigor mortis from grim reaper ICE steal!
Of thee virtual netherland...
courtesy one spellbound wordsmith
within apartment b44
nestled within a manor
(and manner of writing)
atop nondescript Schwenksville highland.

All gibbets zing aside
I got noose for you,
yours truly enjoys harmless chide
ding even kibitizing about,
when cessation of consciousness occurs
leaving terrestrial plane
frequently incorporates divine spirit as guide
absolute zero escape
regarding death to override.

Oft times ('specially
these latter unsainted days and nights)
death doth haunt me atheistic zeitgeist
which thoughts of my demise
crowds out purposeful thinking
in the twitching mind kempf
paradigm of this atheist
hence, he betook himself
to this MacBook Pro,

while swiss side dull ideations
for professional intercession,
deadline could not wait
asper affecting s cathartic,
emetic, harmonic tete a tete
and providing a meaningful surrogate
to expunge morbid mental state
accessed Open Office
and let fingers (of left hand)
do talking heads

to an imaginary therapist
across this qwerty keyboard
allowing, enabling, and
at the quickest typing rate
striving to cap cha dismal, gloomy,
and ill lust tree us deplorable
mood aye equate
with pitching into
a bottomless abyss where pate
fed ceaseless diet of NON GMO –

a last repast
the grim reaper did orchestrate
gluten free, an extra heavy dose
of monosodium glutamate
which ingredient doth
BuzzFeed thine appetite
for total mortal exterminate
'thou no need fermi to rush,
where angels fear to tread,
cuz tis better late

than never, the apothegm,
credo, ethos...foreign ha Kate
the caterer maintains
an open exit from life,
and cares only
that each soul doth feel elan,
joie de vivre, and psalm times
a leaper chants, ecstatically finally
gustatory humming don't jubilate
for your final homecoming, or else
the mailer daemon lived
a devilish life will instigate

a de coup age d'etat,
but such extreme
measure for measure heed doth hate,
yet exceptions always made for a date
particularly when henchmen to die for
golden opportunity
to ****** a generic guy a create
an underground soiree will cease,
when ashes master
of hell raising circumstances
twill use as bait
let underground missionary be advocate.
Pervaded mounded jeweled ground
gunmetal sky incessantly
pelted and did pound
asper staccato round

arhythmic, emphatic, melodic sound
to this clown,
who felt housebound
as precipitation reigned down.

steady rain quintessentially
patterned oodles of necklaced
mini mellow marsh lands
wee hour early this morn

after drenching rain abated,
I set foot upon the sponge
bobbing soaked boggy badlands
highland manor saturated

feet immediately sank deep
quickly submerged whole body
subterranean suction suffocated
without objection relinquished

superfluous lifesource (mine)
feeble writer (me)
oblivious pathetic simian
high jinxed human

resigned purposelessness necessitated
liberating meaningless NON GMO
gluten/ monosodium glutamate
free corporeal essence
hungrily gulped into Gaia's maw

vanished without a trace
transubstantiated (uber vacuumed)
wrought into indiscriminate
requisitioned, repurposed, reincarnated,

recycled carbon based materials,
where sedimentary processes metamorphosed
formerly insignificant (lava lee
liquidated louche) passively

recalcitrant know-nothing
dynamic forces glommed,
within whirling wide
webbed sized cauldron
crucible distilled basic

constituent building blocks
combining deciduous non
bull leaf ving Earthling
(poet wannabe) unrecognizable
disseminating Harris jackknifed ludicrous

johnny come lately
legend (nixed son)
across avast subterranean
shiftless tectonic world
property, asper oblate spheroid

incorporated within manifold biosphere
improbable far fetched fluke
identical likeness of self,
(nor any deceased life replicated)
will ever trod this planet again!
alternately titles: I got noose for you,
Yours truly doth garrotte tee
another itsy bitsy,
betsy wetsy easy breezy read.

oft times ('specially
these latter unsainted days and nights)
in white satin death
doth haunt me atheistic zeitgeist
which thoughts of my demise
crowds out purposeful thinking
in the twitching mind kampf
paradigm of this atheist
hence, he betook himself
to this MacBook Pro,
while swiss side dull ideations

for professional intercession, could not wait
asper affecting cathartic,
purgative, harmonic tête-à-tête
and providing a meaningful surrogate
to expunge morbid mental state
accessed Open Office
and let fingers
(of left hand) do talking heads
to an imaginary therapist
across this qwerty keyboard

allowing, enabling, and
at the quickest typing rate
striving to captcha dismal, gloomy,
and ill lust tree us
deplorable mood aye equate
with pitching into
a bottomless abyss where pate
fed ceaseless diet of NON GMO –
a last repast
the grim reaper did orchestrate

gluten free, an extra heavy dose
of monosodium glutamate,
which ingredient doth
BuzzFeed thine appetite
for total mortal exterminate
'thou no need n re:coe fermi to rush,
where angels fear
to tread, cuz but better Nate
than lever, the apothegm,
credo, ethos...Kate
(the caterer maintains

an open exit from life,
and cares only
that each soul doth feel elan,
joie de vivre, and psalm times
a leaping lemur chants, ecstatically finally
gustatory humming don't jubilate
for your final homecoming, or else
the mailer daemon lived
a devilish dervish life will instigate
de coup age d'etat, but such extreme

measure for measure heed doth hate
yet exceptions always made for a date
particularly when henchmen to die for
golden age opportunity
to ****** a generic guy a create
an underground soiree will cease,
when ashes master
of hell raising
unpleasant circumstances twill use as bait
let underground missionary be advocate.
Jimmy silker Feb 16
Monosodium glutamate
Applied with
Love and hate
Is the
Sweet reverie
That's beyond the debate
Of spicy fried chicken *****
Rolling round on my plate.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2020
Between monosodium
glutamate and weapons
of mass destruction which
America and the rest of the
world knows China possesses,
then why don't the USA invade
just as they did in Iraq back in 2003 ?

" Because they are cowards ".

— The End —