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Andy Oct 2019
If there are wonders of worlds unknown it wouldn’t be found in this missive. All ingenuity and innovation of tenders and obscure precarious peasants in town are forgotten. A tailor-made war machine ingenious to no purpose, but disassembling of pragmatic purpose driven people by torts in similitude to lay-flat bacon with no flavor. Style was not the first itinerary as well, as reason and intellection more likely found slung out a window in the dark grey burdensome MOCO morning clouds to dry than the vestige of its unrecognizable token. At the day of the making of the great ingenious monstrosity of marvel the crown and the crowd were all in awe, awhile the people gathered in the halls giving pittance and lamenting what they saw. They were counted with their many items that they made not similar to the machine that they stood in obeisance for.

  October 28th broke darkness to a drab MOCO morning as brilliant light gives way to long pale grey cloudy skies of foreboding obstruction. What has come to pass fills the streets with unfriendly noises. Obnoxious street sounds of trucks and rude commuters in the morning melting *** of the county seat steered a drab venture for the driven. For some, the events of the day couldn’t come too soon. A sober male erected himself in an uncomfortable bed, eyes raptured into a day fore lorn by prophets of paisley drapes and trinkets once despised. Little left to vacillate upon he strikes his life for the fare he will need for the day without a meal and those owed are far greater than he can afford to pay. He deserves far worse. He makes his early drink in one thousand ways and questions the preliminaries that compulsory routine has degraded to utilitarianism as he is burdened by health of the sort the homeless are afflicted.

    Sitting undisturbed, busy rifling through an ordinance of papers, the judge peered out over his bench checking occasionally to appear meticulous and still aware of off-guard court officers and clerks. It’s a wonder how influential the long satin Khaki painted walls aligned with disheveled faces of the father’s of the 9th District were in forming his disposition. It might not be obvious by the look of his sparse schlocky beard or furry eyebrows but, his portrait was as predestined as the grain on the gurney he rode in on. A paladin in white, a fury fine form, ready to leave his post modern imprint in-line with the greats. This wasn’t what he loved to do; this was what he was born for.

    The tight soldier-course front-line of blue and teal is disrupted by our pocky pitched Siren dousing more among the brown of cross wood than the grain that red oak can display. Cordial banter in the echoes of the hall were far off despite the close good mornings and whimsical felicitations exchanged wittily without regard to fairness. Framed words are hard to come by in the sentence seat of the unjust. The fake philanthropic mating calls our Siren sounds before the wind are so grotesque in full sight they are only left for a sailors burial song or dirges in the dark by wearisome travelers and laborers neglecting the fear of their next day as they did the day before. Singing is a requirement in the back minds of the proud. of the proud.
Jackie Mead Aug 2018
Another year over, a new one has begun,
I reflect on the great things that I’ve done,
The places I’ve been, the people I’ve met,
The many ways I travelled by car, train and jet.

I’ve been to some great places, Zante, Memphis, New Orleans & France,
All these places have their own unique rhythm and dance,
In Zante it’s Greek music and dancing, jumping and clapping all part of the fun,
In France the rhythm is vibrant and fun, all taking part under a gorgeous warm sun,
In Memphis, of course, it’s rock and roll, rhythm and blues and a lot of soul,
Beale St is the place to go,
In New Orleans, it’s rhythm and blues and jazz,
On each street corner marching bands,
Bourbon St the place for all genres of music from Louis Armstrong to Jason Mraz.

I’ve climbed to the top of a Mountain to look at a Saxon Fort,
I’ve been underground to some Roman Remains,
I’ve travelled the English Channel from Dover Port.
I’ve become intolerant to the Gluten Grain.

I’ve visited Old Trafford, the Theatre of Dreams,
I’ve been to Cardiff to see the Speedway,
Visited a stately home for Scones and Cream,
I’ve visited The Mumbles, Swansea just for the day.

I’ve celebrated my middle son getting married,
I’ve snuggled the Grandkids for hours and hours,
Dozens of shopping trips complete and bags carried,
Worried over my Grandkids in the darkest of hours.

I’ve visited Graceland’s, home of The King,
I’ve travelled from Memphis to New Orleans by Amtrak train,
I’ve visited the bayou of New Orleans,
Seen Alligators sleeping, Herons, Lizards and Cat Fish on the end of a line,
Travelled the Mississippi on a paddle boat powered by steam.

I’ve visited museums in several locations,
The Van Gogh, The *** Museum and The Moco in Amsterdam, The Lowry and Imperial War Museum in Manchester,
Walked these cities in all types of Weather,
Viewed paintings and sculptures by Van Gogh, Dali, Lowry and Banksy, photographs of **** maids and their Lords,
At the Imperial War Museum, I learned a lot about wars,
On display the bravery of more than a few, Men, Women and Children too.

I’ve had family days out aplenty,
Fed ducks, swans and geese with stale bread,
Trips to the park on seesaws and swings,
Laughed so much, at Comedy Club, it’s hurt my head.

I’ve travelled on a barge up the Manchester Ship Canal
I’ve visited Rame Head, Cornwall, for Family occasions
I’ve watched Peabody Ducks march back to their nest, a carnival fit for Royal
Walked along the cliffs of Whitsand Bay, close to the Coastguard Station

I’ve published two children’s books based on stories told my children at bedtime
I’ve been to concerts, Phil Collins, Coldplay, Robbie Williams and The Rolling Stones
I’ve written many a poem, 190 plus including Limericks, consisting of 5 lines that rhyme
I’ve had a tooth implant, causing swelling and bruising to my cheekbones

I’ve discovered a love of Gin and Tonic,
I never used to like so that’s ironic
Rhubarb and Ginger my favourite flavour
Sit at the bar, sip it slow, it’s a joy to savour

I’ve had times I needed to cry
I’ve had times I needed a hug
I’ve had times I needed to smile
I’ve had times I needed to laugh
I’ve had times I needed no one
I’ve had times I needed to be surrounded

As I reflect at the year past,
I reflect that mostly it’s been a blast,
This year I want to experience new things,
And, my long-term plan is to return to running.

So, please Lord bring forth another year,
I’ll use all my blood, sweat and tears,
To make good use of another year.
On This Day In History – August 15th

1914 – The Panama Canal opens to traffic with the transit of the cargo ship SS Ancon.
1920 – Polish-Soviet War: Battle of Warsaw, so-called Miracle at the Vistula.
1939 – The Wizard of Oz premieres at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Los Angeles, California.
1941 – Corporal Josef Jakobs is executed by firing squad at the Tower of London at 07:12, making him the last person to be executed at the Tower for espionage.
1944 – World War II: Operation Dragoon: Allied forces land in southern France.
1947 – India gains Independence from British rule after near 190 years of Crown rule and joins the Commonwealth of Nations.
1965 – The Beatles play to nearly 60,000 fans at Shea Stadium in New York City, an event later regarded as the birth of stadium rock.
1998 – Northern Ireland: Omagh bombing takes place; 29 people (including a woman pregnant with twins) killed and some 220 others injured.
People I Share my Birthday with

Princess Anne
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
Jennifer Lawrence
Deborah Messing
Ben Afleck
Jack Russell
Carol Thatcher
Mark Thatcher
Hope you enjoy reading about the things I have done this last year, I enjoyed writing it, when you analyse everything you do in a year you realise how much there is to be grateful for.
Don't get me wrong I've had my share of bad things too, lost my father in law, run over by a motorcycle, and watched my grandson having a fit but for the purposes of this Poem i've focused on the positives.
For a bit of interest, I've added On This Day in History and People who share my birthday.
Thank you for reading.
Bor ehgit Aug 2024
With each loss a little light leaves your eyes, goodbyes have nothing to do with sunsets.
Allí están,
allí estaban
las trashumantes nubes,
la fácil desnudez del arroyo,
la voz de la madera,
los trigales ardientes,
la amistad apacible de las piedras.

Allí la sal,
los juncos que se bañan,
el melodioso sueño de los sauces,
el trino de los astros,
de los grillos,
la luna recostada sobre el césped,
el horizonte azul,
¡el horizonte!
con sus briosos tordillos por el aire.

¡Pero no!
Nos sedujo lo infecto,
la opinión clamorosa de las cloacas,
los vibrantes eructos de onda corta,
el pasional engrudo
las circuncisas lenguas de cemento,
los poetas de moco enternecido,
los vocablos,
las sombras sin remedio.

Y aquí estamos:
más pálidos que nunca;
como tibios pescados corrompidos
por tanto mercader y ruido muerto:
como mustias acelgas digeridas
por la preocupación y la dispepsia;
como resumideros ululantes
que toman el tranvía
y bostezan
y sudan
sobre el carbón, la cal, las telarañas;
como erectos ombligos con pelusa
que se rascan las piernas y sonríen,
bajo los cielorrasos
y las mesas de luz
y los felpudos;
llenos de iniquidad y de lagañas,
llenos de hiel y tics a contrapelo,
de histrionismos madeja,
mosca muerta;
con el cráneo repleto de aserrín escupido,
con las venas pobladas de alacranes filtrables,
con los ojos rodeados de pantanosas costas
y paisajes de arena,
nada más que de arena.

Escoria entumecida de enquistados complejos
y cascarrientos labios
que se olvida del **** en todas partes,
que confunde el amor con el masaje,
la poesía con la congoja acidulada,
los misales con los libros de caja.
Desolados engendros del azar y el hastío,
con la carne exprimida
por los bancos de estuco y tripas de oro,
por los dedos cubiertos de insaciables ventosas,
por caducos gargajos de cuello almidonado,
por cuantos mingitorios con trato de excelencia
explotan las tinieblas,
ordeñan las cascadas,
la edulcorada caña,
la sangre oleaginosa de los falsos caballos,
sin orejas,
sin cascos,
ni florecido esfínter de amapola,
que los llevan al hambre,
a empeñar la esperanza,
a vender los ovarios,
a cortar a pedazos sus adoradas madres,
a ingerir los infundios que pregonan las lámparas,
los hilos tartamudos,
los babosos escuerzos que tienen la palabra,
y hablan,
ante las barbas próceres,
o verdes redomones de bronce que no mean,
ante las multitudes
que desde un sexto piso
podrán semejarse a caviar envasado,
aunque de cerca apestan:
a sudor sometido,
a cama trasnochada,
a sacrificio inútil,
a rencor estancado,
a pis en cuarentena,
a rata muerta.
Tammy Boehm Feb 2016
Thirty Two Years
I'm built like a burlap sack full of mongrel pups.
Too bad the arroyo is dry
I live in a stucco mudpile  where the kitchen linoleum peels up like iguana skin.
I wanted wicker and stained glass.
Too fragile for the lions that roar on my savannah.
I can drink and curse most men unconcious.
I'm nothing like that drunken S.O.B. you married
Whose every nasty habit crawls out of my skin unbidden.
So unlike your high school sweetie.
How amazing that genes can lie.

I sing seventies soul in the shower.
Cry poetry in twilight
This tenor voiced soprano warms with age.
When I'm forty I'll sing like Tina Turner.
WishI was black so I'd have legs like that.
I wanted a spotlight.

Drowning in a testosterone saturated puddle
Of synchronized farting, moco noses
And hot wheels sprouting from the carpet
I nurture till it hurts
Yes, you can raise tadpoles in the baby pool
Say "please and thank you".
Blow that nose in your tissue not your sleeve.
I love you, I'm so proud you can count to infinity.
Your eyes are bluer
You'll be taller
You're smarter than I was at your age.

Mama, you never let me be better than you
Ten fingers and toes, all you said you wanted - wasn't enough to make you whole.
I am a bogle in your basement
What color is the bad sheep when she's the only one?
A faded white reminder of your own failures
Captured in those curling Kodak moments
Your lithe arms draped over me
Your eyes focused on the Guy du Jour
Never felt my own small heart beating
Above the thunder of your own.
My mouth full of lava soap and spaghettios
Never able to question your omnipotence.

You still shriek in my dreams, Mama.
A jade eyed banshee screaming for a soul I cannot give you.
I never close my eyes.

I kiss my boys damp curls while they sleep
One tousled froth of lemon merangue
One butterscotch sweet against my lips.
Perfect love.
I wonder if you ever felt that ache in your heart  for me?
As you yanked that wire brush through my bristley mane
Or smacked my young *** with it?
Give me one more chance to nuzzle against you
And look up into eyes as bright as new leaves.
Let me see myself as a perfect reflection of you.
In my heart, we are whole...

TL Boehm
I wrote this in 1998 - for my mother who was born with congenital birth defects - and told by her father that she could not have been his child...She repeated the horror on me telling me in 1993 that I was not MY father's child. She is most definitely the offspring of her father..but as for me...I will never know the truth. and so a part of ME is incomplete
No saben.
No saben lo que han hecho,
lo que hacen,
por qué matan,
por qué hieren las piedras,
masacran los paisajes...
No saben.
No lo saben...
No saben por qué mueren.

Se nutren,
se han nutrido
de hediondas imposturas,
de cancerosos miasmas,
de vocablos sin pulpa,
sin carozo,
sin jugo,
de negras reses de humo,
de canciones en pasta,
de pasionales sombras con voces de ventrílocuo.

entre lo fétido,
una inquietud de orzuelo,
de vejiga pletórica,
de urticaria florida que cultiva el ayuno,
el sudor estancado,
la iniquidad encinta.

No creen.
No creen en nada
más que en el moco hervido.
en el ideal,
de las aplanadoras,
en las agrias arcadas
que atormentan al éter,
en todas las mentiras
que engendran las matrices de plomo derretido
el papel embobado
y en bobina.

Son blandos,
son de sebo,
de corrompido sebo triturado
por engranajes sádicos,
por ruidos asesinos,
por cuanto escupitajo se esconde en el anónimo,
para hundirles sus uñas de raíces cuadradas
y dotarlos de un alma de trapo de cocina.

Sólo piensan en cifras, en fórmulas, en pesos,
en sacarle provecho hasta a sus excrementos.
Escupen las veredas,
escupen los tranvías,
para eludir las horas
y demostrar que existen.

No pueden rebelarse.
Los empuja la inercia,
el terror,
el engaño,
las plumas sobornadas,
los consorcios sin **** que ha parido la usura
y que nunca se sacian de fabricar cadáveres.

Se niegan al coloquio del agua con las piedras.
Ignoran el misterio del gusano,
del aire.
Ven las nubes,
la arena,
y no caen de rodillas.
No quedan deslumbrados por vivir entre venas.
Sólo buscan la dicha en las suelas de goma.
Si se acercan a un árbol no es más que para mearlo.
Son capaces de todo con tal de no escucharse,
con tal de no estar solos.

cómo sabrían
lo que han hecho,
lo que hacen?

¿Algo tiene de extraño
que deserten del asco,
de la hiel,
del cansancio?

Sólo puede esperarse
que defiendan el plomo,
que mueran por el guano,
que cumplan la proeza
de arrasar lo que encuentren y exterminarlo todo,
para que el hambre extienda sus tapices de esparto
y desate su bolsa ahíta de calambres.

Son ferozmente crueles.
Son ferozmente estúpidos...
pero son inocentes.

¡Hay que compadecerlos!
Cómo poco como como moco pero poco porque tampoco soy tan loco pa comer tanto moco solo porque como poco
Trabalenguas inspirado por las locuras de Doña Melba
La vida empieza en lágrimas y ****,
Luego viene la mu, con mama y coco,
Síguense las viruelas, baba y moco,
Y luego llega el trompo y la matraca.
En creciendo, la amiga y la sonsaca,
Con ella embiste el apetito loco,
En subiendo a mancebo, todo es poco,
Y después la intención peca en bellaca.
Llega a ser hombre, y todo lo trabuca,
Soltero sigue toda Perendeca,
Casado se convierte en mala cuca.
Viejo encanece, arrúgase y se seca,
Llega la muerte, todo lo bazuca,
Y lo que deja paga, y lo que peca.
Anecandu Oct 2019
Patent Oxford black and whites
Sparkle like brilliant cut diamonds tonight

Buttoned down ruby shirt well pressed without haste.
A pocketed rose, stiff and ruffled like royal mace.

My bunions basted with powder warm,
Eyes watery like an onion farm.

Her moco skin against glistening pearls, eyes of a cat
Olive chiffon dress, tasseled tails, round feathered cap

Madonna hair, glowing in pigtails like stew
aroma of perfume, something new?

My hands feel heavy, my heart is light
Your hands are warmer than my pockets held tight

Smile that light up a room, searching anti aircraft rays
Tomato lips turn to me and says:

"I feel like dancing"...………………...

— The End —