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this swirling roaring wind that blows homeward from the sea
                                         saltiness with eucalyptus blending in twisting my fear
                                                the knots in my chest and stomach entangling
                                                      ­deadly mocktail of emotions surging
                                                         ­ with every  howling whoosh  
                                                        ­        a new green life falls breaking
                                                        ­                      life prematurely ending
                                                          ­                       storm violently shaking
                                                         ­                           every limb of every tree
                                                            ­            an attempt to blow anxiety
                                                         ­               into each living breath
                                                          ­                       a drenched vision
                                                          ­                           of a couple of crows
                                                           ­                        seemingly meditating
                                                      ­                      in the midst of the tempest
                                                         ­            holding their own  
                                                           ­                     in the eye
                                                             ­                   of the storm
                                                           ­                       they find
                                                            ­                         Peace

- Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
my city Chennai experienced the effect of Cyclone Nilam which hit the south-east coast of India yesterday. No major damage done in the city though. 1 person has been reported dead and 5 missing at sea. My prayers go out to them , and to those affected by Sandy as well.
Rachel Doty Jan 2016
One year more I watched that glistening bauble
drop from the heavens above
Celebrities were kissing
while I watched; innocent as a dove
One hand held I a mocktail
the other held the remote
my iPhone 5 was on my lap
the drink running down my throat
I was starting to get nervous
as the year was ending soon
these next few seconds
were intense
or I was crazy as a loon
My love of  just two months
was conversing then with me
He was away but I was here
it was him I wished to see
Then at last the time had come
to welcome the New Year
My heart stopped as I sent the text
that I before had feared
Some people underestimate
the power of emojis
but they convey a secret language
for the new generation to see
the particular face I sent
had puckered lips of love
would it be received well as I hoped
I prayed to Heaven above
The time was 12:01
I was ready for fate to play
its part in my quest of love
from which I had not strayed
My phone then alerted me
that I had received a message
it was a kiss sent back to me
from the boy I love  with rage
My heart was all aflutter
when I realized with glee
this was my first New Year's kiss
and it belonged to me
not only this, but there was more
that I celebrated that night
I completed a resolution
that I had made years before in spite
of my usual luck in love
it was horrible to the extreme
I wanted to have a kiss of love
the night Baby New Year was conceived
I jumped up from my chair
and danced about with glee
then I shouted for the world to hear;
"My Old Year's resolution is complete!"
Hey everyone! Happy New Year! This is a little delayed, but the past couple days have been crazy. If anyone is curious, this poem is indeed inspired by true events that occurred a few nights ago. I am very happy to start a new year, and I wish you luck luck and blessings in your quests for happiness and peace in 2016.
wren cole Jan 2018
god it hurts like poison
i'm swimming in the ache of my chest
in the empty space beside me
drowning in the night
please don't let me wake up alone again
some nights i feel like you stole my soul away when you left
and i won't ever get it back
give me the nights in cars in walmart parking lots
talk for three hours, drink mocktail and feel eternal
fill me up with stars to burn out the void
i'm feeling so lost in empty moments
like my life is a cardboard box
i'm low on oxygen
breathe exhilaration back into my body
find the fuse to light my veins
i'm leaking, slipping out of life into sidewalk cracks
i'm here but i feel like i'm gone, i don't want to be gone
i don't think i can exist alone
Anderson M Apr 2021
How it hit the floor…
Dramatic levitation
Through taut space and time.

Chandelier’s lit
Coaxing playfully, ornate
“Festival of lights”.

Dreamy melody
Seeps outta a gramophone
Velvety delight.

Air’s alive, festive
A blend of calm and upbeat
Layered steamy ambiance.

Mind is a mash-up
Typical tasty mocktail
Tad delectable.

A lot meets the eye
Perception’s a circus of
Bland perspectives.
…interaction with reality…is mostly listless, when we pay a little more attention, being awed is almost inevitable.
PARTY ON @ Brisbane bowling trip day 11

Today was a very awesome day
We started just having breakfast
And then brushing our teeth
And heading down to catch the two public buses
To the pier to aboard the lunch cruise on the Brisbane river
We got on the boat, and for the people who wanted alcoholic cocktails
That wasn’t good, so instead they had to have a mocktail
Which is a non alcoholic cocktail
I had two blueberry lemonades
And the buffet meal was ever so nice
And so was dessert as we sailed up and down the river
We took some photographs and videos
And the boat rocked and rocked
But none of us was sick
Then we got off the boat and caught the two buses home
And on the bus there was this schizophrenic or ICE sufferer
Getting really anxious, poor guy
Because we all crowded up the bus, which was his space
Then he got up, but he got anxious when he thought
The back door wouldn’t open
Then the bus let us off, and we had two hours to get ready
For the celebration Hawaiian night dinner
Then we all had our calypso Hawaiian on
And it took 50 minutes to get there
And when we got in there, there was a big
Line for the drinks, and when it was my turn
I bought two glasses of lemonade for $9-00, ****** rip off
And we were the first table to get the buffet main course
And it was ****** amazing food
And then we had a dance and got a few photos of us near the
Hawaiian poster, a nod then they drew out the lucky door prizes
Which out of the wizards bowling league, me and Jarrad and tony won
Nobody else, but it would’ve been fun whether we won that or not
Then after that we had dessert and when it was our turn
The cool music, we will rock you and we are the champions came on
And buddy, we were loud, but we were enjoying ourselves
And a lot of people shoved the dessert down their cake hole
And danced, and I got a good video of them dancing to nutbusb city limits
And then the Macarena and TNT and we left singing who let the dogs out
As I said in the title, PARTY DUDES
Then we got home after a 30 minute ride
And we went straight to bed😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😊😊❤️❤️❤️
Travis Green Sep 2022
Refreshing heaven-sent wonderment
Adrenaline-charged ardent heart-throb
Marvelous macho marvel
Run my flawless fondlers
On your luminous thundering guns
Irresistible unmissable blissfulness
Feelable, kissable, and relishable

Sensuous unblemished dreaminess
Pale, radiant, and sensational
Smooth, super colossal superman
Masterful action-packed rareness
I pine to downslide into your divineness
Drink you in like an electric blue butterfly cocktail and mocktail
Gaze into your heavenly deep lake blue eyes

Find the most carnal and exalted paradise
In your mind-blowing swole dopeness
Grand exclusive pulchritude
I yearn to burn in your stirring spectacular flames
Feel your demonically ardent  and moist kisses
On my full, glossy, and cinnamon brown sugar lips
Strong-willed statuesque splash

You are my lifeline, my shining leading light
I breathe in your effervescence
Feel your hypnotically throbbing touch
Traveling on my lush frenzied structure
Render me so soft, warm, and breathless
Stream in sheer, intense, and sensual ecstasy
Peerless pure beige heavyweight

Tasting your blazing hot sensationalness
Your lush, studly, and groovy-muscled construction
Gives me a crazy slam-bang rush
Steady calling your name, feeling your game
How you hold me oh-so passionately
Make me feel butterflies in my stomach
Anvi Feb 2023
The flowers pink, white, and yellow
standing upright,
smiling towards the cloud,
enjoying the mocktail party
with the bees singing and relaxing,
taking a sun bath.

The fresh-scented leaves
with the soothing winds flowing
like rivers in plains.

All celebrating the month of love,
love of nature.

— The End —