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Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
I think some R here
For Adulation
Not merily
Concocked Expajulation
But Rather 2
Find Some Praise
2 Their Creations
2  fullfill
Some Sensation
That Their TIME
Spent With *******
Was Something MORE
Then Emancupation
4 ALL of U
4 All Who Think what They Write Is Worth A ****, CH
Pragya GAur Jul 2017
A home away from home,
Is how I merily define a school.
Running in silent corridors,
Not wanting to go in morning assemblies,
Finishing lunch while teacher's teaching,
Passing chits when they caught us gossiping.
Our tiffin boxes were empty before recess,
Fun was snatching other's lunch then.
Years later don't know will these be remembered or not,
But those 'samosas of canteen' will really be missed a lot.
When teachers said " go out if you don't want to study"
We looked at each other to ask if they are ready.
We will really miss kabaddi and volley ball matches,
Between seniors and juniors.
Those lovely days of early ages,
And the open books with curly pages.
I will really miss each and every class,
Whether nursery or twelfth.
We will really miss,
The boring exercise of Saturdays,
And the 'Arora patties' on roadways.
We were sent to gain knowledge,
But we had all sorts of fun and games.
To teachers sending us out of class was a punishment,
But for us it was full source of entertainment.
Those lazy mornings and the lame reasons for not going to school,
Those fading school uniforms and opened shoe laces,
Those half opened eyes and closing school gates.
Few months later all won't be there.
Just a cherished memory,
Is going to become.
Few months later it's an end of my school I decided to write one describing my glorious 12 years there
Charlie Dog Jul 2018
Billows of wind
frame her outline
like silken drapes

Locks of scarlet
dance and tangle
under the broad brim
of her navy sunhat

Palm extended merily
grasping to the rails
she leans over the salty water
waving her fair-wells

O' this image of delight
i pray the sea be gentle
let her not know of the
fierce bite of bitter waves
or of poseidon's lustful greed
Michael Leggett Mar 2018
This fairly memory doth hinder and entrance me so
But sleeping due falls onto those in need of verily
It is with weaker hearts do entangle my ebonize soul
And hadst add haste to maimed eyes merily

My maidens eyes do not contain shine like the sun
Nor does her heart contain love that might share
Instead maiden blue shows caluce feelings noone  
And grey eyes replied doth my vision ensnare
Safana Sep 2023
Four more days are ahead.
To wave our ears and heads.
To clap our hands together.
And to sing a song, merily.
For Habeeb Jr., the smart
It's his return and his birthday.
May he be blessed today.
May he be blessed tomorrow. As he
has been blessed from the beginning.

— The End —