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Who can get out the charm

the belle of the chilled

glacial waters of heavenly sapphire

love dipped, sanctity filled


I sat beside them

which impervious to express

like the occult hallucinations of one

compelled me to sob

To cry beside the waters

not on my sins

but on my known viles.
Mansarovar feelings
Uma natarajan Nov 2023
Stupendous scenic beauty, celestial bliss of Kailash
Clouds floating over, as if embedded in the sky
White swans briskly moving higher and higher
Mansarovar, echoing chants in the air  'shivoham'
Resounding loudly, Crystal clear stream flowing
Yogis, sadhus, travelers engrossed in the lovely topography
Postman Aug 2017
Suave and rational pink
meets unruly erratic green
that charming evening
calm mansarovar eyes
vibrant in delight
twinkling tango inside,
the restless rose goes crimson
drenched in ravishing rain
splash of peace and fervour
woven on the wreath of life

— The End —