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Olivia Kent Oct 2015
Venom be spat from the tongue that blinds.
Twixt the lovers.
Whose hearts, no longer entwined.
Words tied and tangled.
Twisted and lost.
Love becomes mangled.
Crumbled to dust.

No words dare be spoken.
The lovers that were.
Invoked the monster of Lady Medusa.
Screeching siren.
Lady's on fire.
Don't dare put her out.

Her eyes surely saved for you.
Muted sounds.
Exploding fear.
Hearing her dear.
Utters last squeak.
Unable to speak.
Bit his own tongue.
As she turns him to stone.
With eyes that don't see.

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Olivia Kent

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Olivia Kent

9 hrs · Daily Mail Online ·

I rarely use Costa, I will be working back at Winchester hospital shortly.
I will use their canteen, the food is generally very nice x

Revealed: The squalor inside Costa coffee shops

A total of 23 Costas got two or less stars in their most recent inspections, including a hospital branch which had paninis at risk of contamination with bacteria which can cause paralysis and death.


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‎مستر صلاح السعيطي‎ likes this.


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Olivia Kent

Olivia Kent Ward , starting Monday x

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Philip McCarthy

Philip McCarthy Good luck with the job Olivia, But Im a bit of a coffee freak but will never use Costa it alwaysgives me bad guts ache afterwards.

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Olivia Kent

Olivia Kent Thank you Philip **

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Philip McCarthy

Philip McCarthy Hey I'm at the Cafe Reflections for the first time. It's good here x Photos to follow

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Olivia Kent

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Studied The use of metaphoric images and a few dark words x at Poetry

Lives in Southampton

From Dorchester, Dorset

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"Super cool."

"My boy"

Jade Xuereb's photo.

"A big shout out to everyone at the Amy Winehouse Foundation gig last night! Did two sets, first just me and the second backing."

Gray Ian's photo.

Waritsara Karlberg's photo.

"Storm Journey * unbreaking stone the key that unlocks the sky, and something races lionlike from beyond he thunderclap and the forest thrashes and waves like the choir in a Pentecostal church "yes, Jesus! Thankya, Lawwwd!" yes, there will be water if God wills it, so 'tis said. i read something in the living strokes of skyfire, the dance of something both benevolent and dangerous, and i can taste it like wine on the breath of the onrushing storm. it tastes like life, pouring into my lungs so fiercely i feel like i might be consumed by an overabundance of vitality. i can see that vitality all around me, the fecundity of Summer, relentless in its upward-thrusting, blossoming, breaking from the loam, bursting from the chrysalis, defying the arid winterlock that held the ground mere months ago. i walk from miracle into miracle, from myth into myth, the Universe enlarging with each step, until i'm carried like an infant in the arms of a loving storm."

Angie Colvin's photo.

Sean Creed's photo.



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Laura J Kent

Ken Philo

Bettie Davis

Karen Wilmott
JD Connolly Jun 2015

Modern parlance,
It says disease; it says illness,
I’ve a darkness that swallows up the sugar birds and intercepts the light bouncing up from the epoxy,

and rocketing towards a god my mother knew.


I've done so much,
To great and tractable youth,
That hammer created nothing vestigial and lionlike, no, it simply left depressions on waxen suburban doors,

That you once wildly rushed to open.


When I remember,
You wrapped around the backstay in an empty field -
Trying to reach forward and knock the Camel light that I had lit to keep myself from speaking,

I light another.
Ayn Feb 2020
Why does my fear overrun?
I just want to be honest
And end all the forsaken lies,
But, again, my mind screams and cries,
Looking for a way to hold
Our currently standing ties.

Why be such a coward
When people say
That I’m a fearless Leo,
A Lionlike leader
That fears none which precede her,
And will stand for her rights
As well as uphold her dignity
Across these eternal nights.

I am not a lion...
I am just Aidan.
Yes, Aidan is my real name. Adrian is part of an anagram of my full name, and is the pen name I decided on. I saw someone with a rant poem, so I tried it. It’s meh.
Karen Ng Feb 2017
dragonlit backpack
shining on my wet hands
i dipped in the river
of my dreams.
i felt them fading
swept away like dust in the wind-
i didn’t try to hold on because
i was living as i just woke up.
i lay there thinking
of new things
like kisses and hugs
and dreamy laughs and hair.
i wondered about nothing in particular
as i lay on my bed
slightly dizzy and waiting patiently
without words, only images
to wake up well.
so i woke up and i stumbled
as the blood dropped through my body
from my brain
and i felt awaker and forgetting
of the uncomfort just before,
after i had washed my face with
cold water.
some time later
a flash of silver and green
against a blue transparent
transpiring sea
with low thin clouds
and streams of blue reflection
glimmering gently and safely
against the beating of my heart
which i did not feel consciously.
i had just woke up
and i was thinking about my day.
what i have to do,
yet without stress.
and live up
only the best stepping
when you’re not dizzily pushing
and scraped knees and elbows (unscarily)
past the high stems and bush flowers.
see, there are flowers
even there.
be mine,
is mine.
is me.
i love my dragon spirit
and i’ll walk across these
stones this year even better.
even further, faster, harder work is my achievement to
me! oh what a feeling
and joy to live
and have
and experience
and see.
isn’t it great when your eyes don’t blur out
when you’re thinking
(it’s a cycle- i’m tired and i blur and get caught in my thoughts
then i waste time and sleep late and am tired again)
so this year i’m stepping with more skill
and like the still water i’m peaceful gentle and strong.
too beautiful to stare at too long because it’s uncomprehendable
beyond my comprehension and perhaps i shouldn’t waste time
trying to comprehend at all, not that i had.
yet it was some strange feeling to consciously know
something was out of my reach.
at least it is there, it is enough that i live with it.
i will slowly understand the fullness of it
of living
this is a metaphor perhaps.
dragonlike soul lionlike soul catlike soul
human soul

i’m living!
Travis Green Jan 2023
Move your electric shredded body with mine
Arms in arms, let our breaths mesh
Let our lovely indulgent lips lock
Make me feel alive in your awe-inspiring
And towering strikingness

The way your soft words swirl in my ear
Unravel my mind’s eye
The sure sultry touch
Of your smooth, seductive structure
So loving and pleasing to me

I wanna peruse and soothe your groovy cool
Rub your sheer, fashionable, and revered beard
Laudable upmarket prodigy
I hanker to dive into your bright lionlike delight
Like dashing and slashing waves
Making magical enthusiastic music with the shore

Your energetic enigmatic mantasticness
Takes me deep into your distinct transcendent depths
I wanna grab your impossibly masculine hips
My soft sweet hands pressed against
Your bare, capacious chest
I relish every brilliant, thrilling moment we share
Pure ecstatic bliss
I surrender to your static staggering splashiness

— The End —