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Maybe im alone in my views maybe just bitter from age.
The road a fond memory like a old man who sits dead in legs yet giving thought to only wind
of times blonde hairs and scent did linger jasmine of his thoughts is sweetest when reflected by window so far from that time.

Now im like that man unable to run so here i sit lost to life a stranger to all even myself.
A cold drink on a honey suckle laced backpoarch.
If only my turns were diffreent maybe id know happiness i never been able to grasp unto myself.

But poets thirst for pain and self destruction is a well unfilled no lifetime could quench.

Alone I understand reason a monster ive grown to call myself.
In ways ive grown only to speak in pages none choose to read yet many can grasp.
Ive seen wars fought internal to cast shadows over the most clear sky.

Is it not time for a seaside eternal rest?

In pain I find logic sadness my eternal home nothing can mend broken roads but only help to build
more isolated paths.
Please i beg never to choose my road for it was never my to choose.

Tommorow will find tears in what never was todays reality.

It never was ment but it sure felt right.
All my hopes have finally found rest.
With motions a roar shall you recall my liftime based
apon one single night.

View me a pawn so mention the fool.
Judge only your actions and always remeber the voice silent in rage washed clean of tommorows misery for which iv'e had my final share.

Two strangers grasp togather all of nothing why must we question all that never can be?

                    The sunset holds promise red in color painted in thoughts
                    may one at least be held in happiness of farewell to me.

My road was always headed in a direction we all understood it was bound to happen sooner than later.
Why follow when I had no other choice.

Underneath nights stage in a gentle breeze soliace is such a peacefull fade.
What is taken shall never be replaced.
Megan Sherman Jun 2017
Our hero of the earnest era of Romance,
Doth dream, dwell and dance in divine dalliance,
Commiting Heart to solidarity and alliance,
With the revolutionary atmosphere of France,
Optimism for change doth have him in trance,
A liftime took to perfect philosophic stance,
Meandering aimlessly cross Earth like child,
To apprehend the nature of the freebirds, the wild,
Rancorous, with passion riled,
Of Nature's Beauty most beguiled.

Counting the confederacy of poets as friends,
Towards brighter day they weave and wend,
Humankind's sublime destiny they dare not forfend,
So to revolution they duly lend,
Their timeless and rumbunctious pens,
To show the world through inspiring lens,
They're enamoured of its darkling dens,
Where inspiration from the ether sends,
Visions suffice to be immortalised,
In the poet's pithy cry.

Poet evokes the stirring herd,
Rebelling against tyrant's rule absurd,
Shaking off oppressive law,
Which the righteous mind does abhor,
Revolution befits a troubador,
Enamoured of freedom's wild old tour,
Transcribing her beauty in to lore,
Wsidom older than ancient war,
Wisdom that's the friends of sages,
Wisdom felt, not learned from pages.

Paying heed to impulse, feeling,
The troubador is a devotee of passion kneeling,
Feeling Love through their heart freewheeling,
A feeling which is most appealing,
With their verse they want to spread,
Their passion like a golden spindling thread,
Going soft with gentle treads,
Planting flowers in human heads,
Daisies with Love's light imbued,
Converting sunshine in to useful food.

Emigrating like the flower of the Jacaranda,
The fledgling Shelley lives to bloom and meander,
Defying the tyranny of propaganda,
That doth against the soul deceive and slander,
So towards a bright Eden he takes a gander,
Towards iridescent, bright, immortal hour
Where the mannacles of the mind,
Are crushed by Love, activity refined,
The spread of care duly kills,
The hate bore grim from tyrant's thrills.

The world becomes unite again, and not in the imperial way,
But in the way all souls are friends, and borders die and go away,
The world is a bright, clean canvas,
Ready to take a splash of art,
Coloured bright with the idea of heaven,
Imagined from hungry human hearts,
Lo, the death of illusions fake,
Like wealth, through which the devil spake,
Arise, ye children from your mistake,
Off your ******* like feathers shake.

Peace grows strength in every line,
In which a future free doth shine,
The path of righteousness aligned,
To hitherto deceived and corrupted minds,
In a dream of heaven they duly find,
A fate to which they want to be intertwined,
That of a human herd that wakes,
To be freed and liberated from its mistakes,
To die standing than live on their knees,
To take war to tyrants dictums and decrees.
Your Name Here Jun 2016
Loving witness of my demise.
Crucial moment for you to see.
This crushes the feelings that make us cry.
Wish these people would just let me be.
I Unitntentionally push away the ones that mean good.
Ruin the relationships with a liftime of devotion.
Hopelessly thinking of what I could.
Lost sensation feelings and emotion.
This drug it burns it destorys lives.
Seeped into my inner soul and ruined.
Cut through me like the sharpest of knives.
The end in the distance is looming.
Please help build the strength to conquer.
My last chance to make amends.
Must keep pushing or im a goner.
Hear me god I need your help amen.
Aashi Verma May 2017
With a saw and chisel,
I carved my letter
On your wooden heart.

I never knew I was carving on you.
You told me you had my mark.

Never intentionally, I scarred that piece
I took a scar with me
For liftime.

You told me " Darling, it is my wooden heart.
Earlier, it has been carved too...
It can be cut,
It can be etched.
It can be burnt to ashes,
But it wont melt."

I laughed...
For we both are scarred,
We both are carved.
You, carved by my letter;
I am carved by your edge.

I am left with a mark.
You are left with a carve.
Many more to carve on you.
I am left with just a scar of you.
when you fall in love it takes you by surprise
you can feel the loveligtht shining in your eyes
such a magic feeling. a fairy tale come true
there inside your heart waiting just for you.

a gift for you to share with the one you love
a very special gift sent from up above
filled with happiness to last your whole life through
with the one you love a love you share with two.

like a fairy tale where all your dreams come true
with an happy ever after waiting there for you
there to last a liftime there for you to share
each and every day love is always there
when you fall in love it takes you by surprise
you can feel the loveligtht shining in your eyes
such a magic feeling. a fairy tale come true
there inside your heart waiting just for you.

a gift for you to share with the one you love
a very special gift sent from up above
filled with happiness to last your whole life through
with the one you love a love you share with two.

like a fairy tale where all your dreams come true
with an happy ever after waiting there for you
there to last a liftime there for you to share
each and every day love is always there

— The End —