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Pauline Morris Apr 2016
Kick me over like a stone again
Stand in judgment of all my sin
Never knowing where I have been

Flip my pages, then tear them out
Never pausing for a single doubt
Defended to my roaring shouts

Take your aim and shoot me down
Make me spiral to the cold hard ground
Souls dying gasp the only sound

Standing over me, take your prize
My bleeding heart in quick demise
Not even once did you agonize

Not once were you concerned
About the leasons I had learned
Thrown in the fire to watch me burn

Your actions were more than brash
Got me feeling lower than Johnny Cash
As under you gaze I turn to ash
Krison Apr 2019
I had a date with death today.
She called," I'll see you now".
I'd not replied to this a debt,
so bartered with tomorrow.

It wasn't fear of oath of I owe
To the gruesome, of the nether
The morning mock or sneer at end
Of the contract both we signed

I know I'll rest within the after
I was born before the dawn
When stars collapsed and coalesced before all gravity

So shakey yet not ounce of fear
To the leasons reprimand
I walk into it joyfully
This parting I now own

My balance due at end of day
Was a bodies test of time
To daily always disregard
But, finely printed line

So fury struck at end of clock
The hour of amend
Time stood static
Of it's self
At the peering of my end

So I did not speak it's name
Too common on all tounge
By coward act yet full aware
False principle undone

But still It came and as i begged
For maybe one more day
Did i also pray the sun
would die upon this day
Nathaniel Jun 2015
the body is flawed, 
it breaks, it cricks, 
and sometimes it even fizzles, 
sometimes it ******,
 the arms grow tired, 
the organs are not strong, 
a small cut makes leaks all darkened and raw, 
the tounge speaks lies, 
commanded by the brain, 
which is supposed to prevent them and make you feel sane, 
the eyes follow suit under the brains iron will,
and within this will emotions rain strong, 
they can make you feel weak,
or make you feel wrong, 
but of these emotions one stands firm, 
past all the heartbreak, 
longing and even yearn, 
love is the emotion that carries us forth, 
puts us together and tells us our worth, 
that we can be healthy and play without cares, 
it comes from our heart and rests in our prayers, 
but this emotion is fragile, 
you must nurture with care, 
because it can be broken, 
learn how not to care, 
so learn from my leasons, 
my faults and mistakes, 
and take my advice, 
do whatever it takes, 
to keep it from breaking, 
feed it with love and with care, 
because once you have it,
 it'll always be there
Pauline Morris Jan 2016
Kick me over like a stone again
Stand in judgment of all my sin
Never knowing where I have been

Flip my pages, then tear them out
Never pausing for a single doubt
Defended to my roaring shouts

Take your aim and shoot me down
Make me spiral to the cold hard ground
Souls dying gasp the only sound

Standing over me, take your prize
My bleeding heart in quick demise
Not even once did you agonize

Not once were you concerned
About the leasons I had learned
Thrown in the fire to watch me burn

Your actions were more than brash
Got me feeling lower than Johnny Cash
As under you gaze I turn to ash
MT Browder Jul 2023
no leasons are learned from easy

— The End —