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TheBlackPen121 Jan 2022
Change is evident and that is true, but it's also the hardest thing one can do. With change our true potential shows, to embrace the pain which is needed to grow; like metamorphosis, the caterpillar to a butterfly, for the butterfly to live the caterpillar has to die.

Done By: KCG
We must sacrifice something for the other
TheBlackPen121 Apr 2022
Why do I write? I write to share a part of me the world has never seen, I write because writing is in my genes,
I write to share my experience so people know that they are not alone, I write to comfort and give broken souls a home.
I write not for fame or recognition because I know that's not my mission.
I write to let my little voice be heard and free this little bluebird that has been trapped in my heart for so long.
I write to alleviate my melancholious state,
I write to empower, I write to educate, and most of all I write to preach love and not hate.

Done by: KCG
Blessed are the creators
TheBlackPen121 Oct 2021
We spend our entire lives searching for the meaning of life and a purpose for our being. My philosophy is that life has no meaning but is meant for you to create your own meaning of what life can be…

Done by: KCG
TheBlackPen121 Mar 2024
The weakness I see in you that mostly affects me represents the true nature of who I might be, it's those parts of myself that I don't want the world to see.

But why should I judge when it lives at my core, am I strong enough to admit I'm not that person anymore?

Why should I judge when I am the same way, I've just learned to hide it in broad day-light-myself on fire to be born again. Free from fear, prejudice, and shame, so I can stand before you and look you in the eye to accept your weakness for they are also mine.

Done by:KCG
To accept the the flaws in others is a form of healing.
If you can't be anything else in this world, be kind.
TheBlackPen121 Jul 2019
A cosmic kiss….
A cosmic kiss from the lushest lips, a beauty so vast and green, so stunning and wonderful but to the fool it is never seen…
A cosmic kiss as she hits my lips taking the form of the gentlest breeze, we’re close yet still far apart no matter the distance you have my heart.
I'm in love with the mysteries of your uniqueness and your wonderful creation.
The hand of god that created you had a splendid vision.

Done by:KCG
TheBlackPen121 Feb 2019
        Bounded by the same gene code, driven by the blood of the old, witnessing a side I've never known, a story so sad it's untold.
Bounded by the same DNA they had a past of agony, I feel their pain in my head, I feel their pain, I feel the cry, I sense the fear that never dies. sometimes I want to say to them fear is a useless emotion but to witness what they went through my words are carefully chosen.
Bounded by love, death, and pain….
Bounded by regrets, guilt, and shame …
They all walked a hard path to make the future generation's walk softer but what could move a man from a King to a pauper? Whatever it was it was a great sin BUT we will never be bounded by poverty again.

Done by: KCG
It's a small summary of the struggle of my family and how it affects me sometimes.. enjoy..
As the world revolves, my heart yearns to be more than the limits that they claim I must be.  
The consensus may whisper, "He's just a man,"  
No! I am that I am and I am, everything!

I am the essence of both God and beast,  
A masterpiece in the chaos, a soul's sacred feast.  
I seek to master peace, my spirit's sweet release,  
Yet before that moment, I’ll live life with ease.  

I’ll embrace abundance, fill my days with delight,  
Nourishing my soul, setting my mind alight.  
For I am everything, and everything resides  
Within the depths of me, where unity abides.  

We are one in essence, though branches we may seem,  
Connected in this vast and intricate dream.

Done by:KCG
We are the gods of the Earth
Hello 2025
TheBlackPen121 Mar 2024
In a gallery of abstract art,
I ponder the concept of perfection,
Lines and colours swirl and dance,
Imperfect yet mesmerising in their reflection.

Beauty in chaos, flaws that delight,
Each stroke a story untold,
Perfection is but a fleeting dream,
In imperfection, true beauty unfolds.

The canvas speaks of endless possibility,
An ever-changing, evolving art,
In the imperfect, a glimpse of perfection,
A reflection of the human heart.

Done by: KCG
TheBlackPen121 Jun 2019
They paint her black and cast her down, cutting deep wounds with their evil tongue. She who is painted black has the brightest light and the spirit of a lioness with the courage to fight. They are the flesh of her flesh and blood of her blood, yet they discard her as a stranger only remembering her in times of need and in times of danger. Nevertheless, she claims them as her own and I will live to see them bow to her cause she owns the throne. Life is a cycle of good and bad, some of those things you have to leave to god. They paint her black but her heart is gold she has endless love in that golden ore.

Done by:KCG
Rappel :Un enfant qui vit milieu tolérant  apprend la compréhension
TheBlackPen121 Jan 2022
What is this feeling in my chest?...this unrest… this blissfulness?
Is it that feeling that I thought I would never get?
Is it that feeling I tried to bury and forget?

It is that feeling, and you made me remember,
With a kiss of your lips, I surrender; I dive deep so let's dance under the water because when I'm with you it's like nothing else matters.

Done by:KCG
To have the fire in your heart rekindled is such a beautiful feeling
TheBlackPen121 Feb 2024
The perfect condition for things only exists in books and fairytales

For life Is like abstract art, imperfect and beautiful with harmonious synergy.

Perfection exits in the mind and not entirely on the physical plane, for the inner to bring forth the outer harmony must be present.

Done by:KCG
Build a perfect mind for any imperfect circumstances and you will trive
TheBlackPen121 Jul 2019
Is this fate or a huge mistake? The Lord knows I can't deal with another heartbreak, but her smile captures my eyes, and her lips so inviting who am I to deny.
But I'm scared of hurting her for I've lost myself in another girl, my cold persona is masked by humor with a deep hole inside where loneliness dwells forever…..
She has her demons too and she fights them every day, she doesn't talk a lot as to hide the pain away but with that beautiful smile, you can not tell.
The balance must maintain there would be no heaven without hell.

Done by: KCG
TheBlackPen121 Mar 2019
Lust….. I feel my heart racing, I feel the blood rush, your lips so close, kissing my neck with the gentlest touch. I gaze into your eyes resisting the compulsive urge to place my hands between your thighs
But I give in, and to my surprise, you're wetter than the river Niles whispering softly in my ears you want me inside.

As the honey glaze and drips, you rotate your hips greeting me With a smile ….like a mathematician I've counted over a hundred ways to ******* in my mind but I got to take my time, cause baby there's no rush I love to see you blush with pleasure in your eyes.

I brush your center with the softest stroke and watch your body invoke the lustful demon that's inside.
working carefully like an Artist, every stroke has a rhythm, point, and precision, you're shaking and moaning “saying don't stop” cause your ****** is peaking … exploding with pleasure every drop sweet like Nectar, and once again to my lustful demon I surrender.

Done by:KCG
TheBlackPen121 Jul 2019
Death..... the thought of it scares most of us but not me, I am intrigued by it. Like an adventure into the unknown with no point of return, what will I meet? A palace in the sky or a fiery hell that burns?
Nobody knows only the creator of the universe and he causes death so why mankind thinks it's a curse?
Only two times in our lives we are truly free,
In the practice of ***... seeing each other vulnerabilities, and pleasure so intense it takes the mind on a drift, and freedom is short-lived only by death is a man truly free from all earthly pains and misery. To forget about the body and focus on the soul is such an overwhelming transgression the body is not needed anymore, so when it's time to meet my peaceful end; I will embrace death like a long-lost friend.

Done by: KCG
TheBlackPen121 Jul 2019
The change is evident, and the journey is clear,  this is what life was meant to be….FREE, not a slave to the 9 to 5 why work so hard just to survive and die not knowing what living is, was this the plan of God written in Genesis?
We are slaves to the system with a noose around the neck, blinded by vanity and hanged by debts, like strange fruits on the systematic tree and only by enlightenment are we then set free.
The change is evident... Mankind is a curse,
In the new age, the status of a man is determined not by what is in his heart but by what's in his purse.
How can we be humans and lack humanity? lack of compassion and empathy….like soulless sheep going a stray motivated by money controlled by time, jacked into the matrix from nine to five.

Done by: KCG
La vie est simple
TheBlackPen121 Feb 2024
In the meadow of a still mind where the green grass grows, watered by positive thoughts that's where the real beauty shows.

The flowers attract the birds and the bees, life is truly beautiful when one is at ease.

In the meadow of a still mind where the waters are calm only then Can you see the true form.

Running so smoothly but always running deep, in the meadow of a still mind there is no defeat.

Done by:KCG
Be still and be free

— The End —