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George Krokos Nov 2010
Today my heart is beating a sorrowful tune
and I don’t really know if it will end soon.
Since your departure all seems to be amiss
a pale reflection of that once heavenly bliss.
I have been left stranded on an alien shore
to fend for myself groping near your door.
The aftertaste of delight which our union once exuded
lingers on now in memory and feels like I was deluded.
Something doesn’t seem to be quite the same
even though I remember and repeat your name.
Your presence was what made the difference then
such a tangible feeling: will you not come again?
  I can only endeavour to lure you back once more
  so please don’t any of my genuine efforts ignore.

I look for you everywhere that I happen to go
but where you’re to be found I’d like to know.
Some say you’re in the heart and to look within
while others assert that you’re in the next of kin.
Life is really a situation of relationships with you
and knowledge of the ways of love gets us through.
If we come across difficulties and obstacles by love they’re resolved
which engenders compassion and understanding as it gets involved.
There are many people in the world who look in all the wrong places
searching for the same thing here in the available surrounding spaces.
Hoping that what they’ll find is what their heart most desires
and to fulfil this craving their mind with their heart conspires.
  Our inner being or soul though is the silent witness observing it all
  and expresses itself as our higher conscience when we heed its call.

To suffer in the agony of a lover’s separation we learn
that being away from the Beloved makes the heart burn.
It is even worse when the Beloved has gone away not saying why
and the lover has been left alone in the throes of love high and dry.
The heart cannot bear the pain of love in separation
and the mind seeks to achieve a suitable reconciliation.
When the power of love rules the heart mind hastens to obey
and doesn’t need any other reason to cause unwanted delay.
If all the lover’s efforts to a reunion only end in despair
then it may be better to let the matter rest awhile there.
True love cannot be really denied except at a great personal cost
and in desperation we seldom realise the value of what’s been lost.
  There is a saying that: ‘love will always find a way’
  and that a heart full of love over the mind holds sway.

As I was never given a reason why you suddenly left
I can only assume that there isn’t one and love is bereft.
The heart has its own reasons which the mind can’t fathom
so the mind depends on the heart for matters in its *****.
Where the Beloved goes there the lovers also have to follow
because love is the magnet that draws them all nigh to go.
When the fragrance of love is in the air and lovers imbibe its scent
the intoxicating effect is a strong potion which on the heart is bent.
Man’s feeble mind relies more on the heart when the matter of love is concerned
but if the mind dominates and rationalises through the intellect love is adjourned.
If the mind of the lover is centred in the heart where the play of love is unfolding
it will experience anguish and misery when the Beloved anything is withholding.
  All true lovers will always seek the company and well-being of their beloved
  and are never satisfied with remaining at a distance if love is being uncovered.

Whose fault is it may I enquire if anyone falls irresistably in love
and the processes of love in separation overwhelm as from above?
What can one really do but follow wherever their heart leads
and undergo the agony in seeing that love is not displeased.
In seeking the pleasure of the Beloved one’s life becomes fulfilled
which otherwise would remain barren like a desolate land untilled.
When the Beloved sows the seeds of love in the fertile soil of one’s heart
all that was in there when that time comes must be sublimated or depart.
The arrows of love seek to pierce their target which is the heart of the lover
and the Beloved is the one drawing the bow with intent to **** we discover.
To die for love is much better than to live without we’ve heard often before
and those who lose their life in the cause of the Beloved will live forevermore.
  When the heart is purified and pure love is awakened by the Beloved’s grace
  any who are the recipients thereof realise that love in separation has its place.
Private Collection - Five sonnets written 1996 and modified slightly in 2010
Anais Vionet Dec 2021
I got this glittery, ruby-red, smudge-proof lipstick the other day
and I really have to say technology is what separates us from the apes.

Well, technology and hair.. and.. - ok, let’s not dwell on the ape thing.

Remember when lipstick smeared like news-print? Well, neither do I - it was one of those old-timey things you hear about somewhere like phone-booths, CDs and smart republicans.

What about the young teenage girls who aren’t supposed to wear lipstick - who put it on, in the morning, at their locker, at school only to discover - seconds before their mom picks them up - that it's practically non-removable?  Try hiding your lips from your mom.

I want breath-freshening, pizza flavored, ****-repelling, morning-after-pill lipstick - that glitters, irresistably, like cotton candy ***.

snort If men wore lipstick I’m sure we’d have all that by now.
If I can’t think of anything to write, I’ll just start writing something…
phil roberts Apr 2016
Nothing drastic
Nothing pure
Noble stains
Distinct liquid drinking
Slipping and seeping
Coming calm in the world
Knowing nothing
Calling into air
Certain and uncertain motion
Always motion
Interior rivers pulse
Ancient wisdom
Irresistably stretching
Infinitely entwined
Endlessly on

                           By Phil Roberts
phil roberts Apr 2017
Nothing drastic
Nothing pure
Noble stains
Distinct liquid drinking
Slipping and seeping
Coming calm in the world
Knowing nothing
Calling into air
Certain and uncertain motion
Always motion
Interior rivers pulse
Ancient wisdom
Irresistably stretching
Infinitely entwined
Endlessly on

                            By Phil Roberts
Krystal Alvarez Oct 2018
I don't want to be your addiction.

Irresistably a sin

A crime of passion was committed.

Like a drug I'm in again

Strung out and codependent

Barely standing

All alone

I don't want to be your addiction

Give up and just go home.

There's always someone waiting

Another lie rolls off your tongue

You hide all the evidence well

No one knows I'm the drug you've done.

There are no scars to be noticed

No track marks on your skin

Perhaps a few scratches on your back

Just from my fingers digging in.

I don't want to be your addiction

To be the reason for all your lies

But I know you'll never stop abusing... me

I can see it in your bloodshot eyes.
Softly spoken Oct 2011
I wish she could see herself from my point of view
And love her body when she looks at it as much as I do
I wish when she looked in the mirror she loved what look back
She is a beautiful woman but confidents she lack
If she doesn't think she weighs to much then she don't like her hair
If she's not complaining about how she moans then it's what she wears
I wish she could see herself from my point of view
Beautiful, ****, talented, loving, sweet, and attractive too
Irresistably captivating, unique, funny, and kind
She is so much more then what she come up with in her mind
To me she is so much more than what she see
But I don't think she really believes me
I love the tone of her voice, her weight,even the paint on her toes
The smell of her breath, her hair, and other places not to be told
The way she laugh how she look at me and even her smile
Although I think she has a weird taste in clothes I love her style
I wonder all the time why can't she what I do
Do she believe me when I say I love you
She's kind hearted,humble,pleasent,and intellectual
Wise, easy going, affectionate,sweet, and joyful
A smile that could light up a dark alley a heart of gold
A walk that gets attention but I don't think she knows
That she is incredible not only in my eyes but others too
I wish I wish she could see herself from my point of view
phil roberts Jan 2021
Nothing drastic
Nothing pure
Noble stains
Distinct liquid drinking
Slipping and seeping
Coming calm in the world
Knowing nothing
Calling into air
Certain and uncertain motion
Always motion
Interior rivers pulse
Ancient wisdom
Irresistably stretching
Infinitely entwined
Endlessly on

                            By Phil Roberts
Daytonight Nov 2012
Like the moth
drawn irresistably to the flame
my hungry mouth
is drawn to sup nectar
from your succulent lips.

Called by nature
to drink from your honey
caress the petal softness
with my pink tongue
as it darts and flits
devouring all you have
to offer.

To be consumed
in the flame of your passion
offered as a sacrifice
to your love
just to have the pleasure
of drinking
from your bounty.
Miss Masque Apr 2010
Fate it seems

Controls the motion
As I glance your direction
You smile
I smile

My body seems to
Gravitate into your orbit
As it pulls me so irresistably
into the spin that brings me
closer to you

As your arms reach out
Our fingertips brush
My breath stops
Time stops

Looking up
into those eyes
that are the color of
the waves in the ocean

Feeling the radiance of warmth
provided by your smile,
your gaze,
your arms
your hands

for the first time
since we parted

Nothing can hurt me
as you hold me
I feel no pain
No remorse
as you soothe away
my fears

Only the most subtle
of motions
You know me so well--
as your hand moves
in circular motions on my back

You whisper
the words I need to hear

From you
They mean everything

Rejuvinating my senses
my awareness
my sense of life
Color returning
to my world of grey

The world returns to me
now in three dimensions
Reality, not so harsh
but with a tint of understanding

You complete my sanity
Knowing who I am
not through holding your hand
but through
how you help me percieve
to see

Taking the blindfold off
and stepping into the
blinding light
of clarity and sharp vivid

Picturing myself
with you
is what keeps me
grounded until
I see your
face again
Written: November 28, 2009
phil roberts Aug 2015
Nothing drastic
Nothing pure
Noble stains
Distinct liquid drinking
Slipping and seeping
Coming calm in the world
Knowing nothing
Calling into air
Certain and uncertain motion
Always motion
Interior rivers pulse
Ancient wisdom
Irresistably stretching
Infinitely entwined
Endlessly on

                           By Phil Roberts
phil roberts Jan 2017
Nothing drastic
Nothing pure
Noble stains
Distinct liquid drinking
Slipping and seeping
Coming calm in the world
Knowing nothing
Calling into air
Certain and uncertain motion
Always motion
Interior rivers pulse
Ancient wisdom
Irresistably stretching
Infinitely entwined
Endlessly on

                           By Phil Roberts
phil roberts Dec 2015
Nothing drastic
Nothing pure
Noble stains
Distinct liquid drinking
Slipping and seeping
Coming calm in the world
Knowing nothing
Calling into air
Certain and uncertain motion
Always motion
Interior rivers pulse
Ancient wisdom
Irresistably stretching
Infinitely entwined
Endlessly on

                           By Phil Roberts
phil roberts Nov 2016
Nothing drastic
Nothing pure
Noble stains
Distinct liquid drinking
Slipping and seeping
Coming calm in the world
Knowing nothing
Calling into air
Certain and uncertain motion
Always motion
Interior rivers pulse
Ancient wisdom
Irresistably stretching
Infinitely entwined
Endlessly on

                           By Phil Roberts
David Cunha Jun 2017
Woman at home,
Woman at home is different from woman at work.

At work,
At work she's vicious, tenacious, irresistably precise and cold.

At home,
At home she's lovely, tender creature speaking verses in each simple word.

Not just women,
Not just women, as men can be as vicious but never as tender.

Never as tender,
Never as tender, for he has yet to understand the meaning of love.

Although, women don´t bother understand,
They only love and are marvelous at it.
Jack R Fehlmann Dec 2020
Melancholy Me,
even when in treatment.
Hit like do the waves against the cliffs face.  
Almost myself,
the inkling concept whispering
Almost.  Almost.
self inflicted, taste familiar

My own sick habit, or need unwanted
why I force myself,
to the place,
below, inside to the embrace
weak, true to my form

Knowing only this way.
that facet, the path that
leads me, calls me irresistably
Pulling to melancholy

Down, deep, worn
to my misery never earned
in the torment undeserved.  

When almost. Almost.
normal and Me.

— The End —