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Eleete j Muir Jan 2012
The cosmic river of placidity our spiritual
Graveyard, laden illuminating the resevoirs
Of the sun serpents mineral kingdoms created
As the desecrated flowers of the
Universe decay,
The barren Earths machinery immortally
Combative rebirthing deaths plague.
Akashas victorious joy reflecting the
Sillohettes of times ardititious travellings
Fleeting, the strength of withered spirits
Collective daydreams upon solacses fallen
Fields of despair, redeeming justices
Patience provocating abeyance.
The irredescent golden amber of an iron
Roses kindling flame; katabolisms landscape
Transcending sunsets incarnate pharisaical
Clouds defying agonising temptations rising
On the wind of sanctimonious whispers
Working the stagnate temper of
Choas' repining heart.

Diane Oct 2013
Casting solar flares like aurora borealis
I have swallowed its color
Tapetum lucidum
Liquid mercury of blue green dances
Mouth tasting of irredescent residue
The static is louder than your breathing
Kinetic energy flows faster
Than phosphorus catching fire
Let it win.
Lift your heart
Your tree pose is nearly perfect
Yes, I know auroras have solar winds, not flares, but flares sounded better!
Lydia Feb 2016
Please be sure to read the fine print*
My name is Lydia, but I hate my name
I buy dresses that I'll never wear,
I like to cut my hair when I get upset
I only feel pretty in the mirrors at stores
Please initial here__

I need you all twenty four hours of the day
I need you to remind me every few hours that you love me
I am terrible at accepting complements so please try very sparingly
Everything is my fault, I apologize in advance
Please initial your understanding _

I sleep from eight to four, but I don't get up until seven,
Except when I do to get tea
Or when I don't because I'm sad
I want you to wake up with me so I can make the bed, and make you breakfast, and make you tea
Coffee gives me headaches
Please indicate that you accept these terms. Circle:
Yes, or

Sometimes, I will tell you I'm sad,
But for all of the times that I won't, I will tell you now
I am always sad
But I won't actually want you to know that
So when I tell you that I'm not, please let me lie to you. Once in awhile,
Please try to believe it
Initial here _

Someday I might let you hold my hand
I will be scared and sweaty
It will feel like your first time, but it really will be mine
No matter what we do, I will be inexperienced and horrified
I am codependent and afraid of commitment
I will never be able to let you go, even if I push you away
One more initial, please _

I will not kiss you,
But I will love you with all of myself
With this contract, all of my words
And heart
And soul are yours.
You will stain my heart just by appearing
Tatoo my mind further every second that you stay
You will draw beautiful pictures
Colour me in,
Bring me back to life and make me feel like a human again
And I will still be sad,
But you will let me glow.
I will shine for you, irredescent
If you leave, you leave scars where I tried to get the tattoos removed
However long you stay, you are permanent,
But you are lovely, even if just for that time
You will be loved,
You will be held
I will never give up...
Please sign below, indicating that you have read the terms and conditions of letting me fall in love:
Happy Valentine's Day! I apologize for the formatting of this, it did not go exactly to plan. Please comment! :)
Sleepless in foetal slumber
Eyes closed yet wide and irredescent to your indescrections
The dark lays like a veil underneath your rough hands
As they inappropriately trace my delicate infants body
I do not move
I cannot out of fear of what you’d do if I dared to
but I should think myself lucky really
you spared me from the full extent of what your evil could have done
but still I can still feel the weight of your hands like a tonne of bricks pushing down on me
now ,can’t let anyone too close .
what you did comes like back in
blows to my psyche

— The End —