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Ashmita Agrahari Oct 2012
As soon as i get a new way..
An obstacle comes around to sway..
Theres no way around to get through it..
But to sit back and wait for it..
The beauty of anxiety became endless
As m goin restless
Here i remember d warrior in me..
Who could get through n come out as a survivor for me..
I don't knw whats the meaning of real pain..
But for me this time is  goin insane..
Wheres my angel wheres my saviour
M insearch f my happy near..
A B Perales Jan 2014
I was raised
on the ways of
the Wolf.
I applied these ways
to the best of
my ability.
Only to be set
loose to live amongst
the sheep.
my ways were
considered savage
and unreasonable.

I turned to
the Poppy
and the *****.
I was insearch
of a temporary
sanctuary from
the  past misdeeds
inside my head.

Only at a later
age did I come
to understand
these wounds
that still
bleed leave
trails full of
wasted years,
lost lovers and
and dreams.

I counted the
Black and Whites
as they passed
me by.
I tried to
melt into the
The vigilance
and anger in
my heart refused
to walk amongst
the live stock.
For I was raised
as one with
brother Wolf.
I needed to
run on the outside
of their
invisible bindings.

I died everyday
for 3 years .
I pulled
from the *****
then turned to
the poem and
a new way
to torture
my  mind while
healing the heart.

I dropped
the mask I
had wore
for so many
of these

I set about
revealing hearts
blood and fractured
I ripped the
inside of
me out and
presented it
as treasure.
Only to find
the masses
are indeed
too much
like sheep.
understanding the
manners of
the wolf....
Ashmita Agrahari Nov 2012
We know how to be perfect but still we are imperfect
We know the situation but still want to be in confusion
We know how to be brave but still choose to be afraid
We know how to be strong but still are insearch of arms
We know to listen to our conscious but still go for alternate
We know how to smile but still hunt for reasons
We know the sadness inside is due to our insight
We know we are special but still want to hear
We know the desires are endless but still we are reluctant..
Khadijat Bello Dec 2022
To the ones who were taken!
The ones that left for greener pasture!
For those that eloped…
Insearch of love and comfort.
To the ones whose country was at war!
Had to leave not because of the fun.
To you all who have not seen your relatives in decades!
To you all I hail thy!

Your country may be in disarray
You may had been trafficked
Maybe even by mistake.
Yet a new home you had to find
To you, I hail thee!

To the anchor babies, the ones who got bullied…
for what they are not responsible for.
You are my star!
You shine so bright they find it hard not to pick from you. 'Not on you'.
For the great brains that have to live with little, for lacking a Green Card!
You are bigger than what they thought of you.
Your turn to succeed would come. Please don't give up.

Her mother's daughter
The one that was told of great opportunities.
She left with big dreams! Only to see the cruelty of the world she knows nothing of.
In your is the odyssey. Your strength is unmatched!

For our ansestors that were taken and made slaves.
Called "Colored" because of their beautiful skin
Our dashing Milani beauty!
Oh! Your flawless skin under the ray of the sun or its coolness with every cold breeze.
A Resistor!
My ancestral goddess. You found a home amidst all odds.
To you! I hail thy!
And to you is this day celebrated.
Happy International Migrant day!
Its migration day, and this what i like you know.
TheWitheredSoul May 2019
He was sterile .
She was virile .
Their love was fragile.

He gave up on love.
She gave up on him.
Love gave up on them.

He flew half way around the globe to find riches resources and
meaning of life.

She strode through sickening seas insearch of honor and pride.

Love didn't care neither did Life
Life made sure both paced halfway around the globe just to find each other again.
Love might work in mysterious ways but Life does what needs to be done.
A fierce arsenal of beauty to which words cannot convey
Striking from the highest realm of the heavens
A heroine insearch of a taste of defeat

— The End —