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jeffrey robin Dec 2014

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The subtlety

Freedom is not as elusive as we claim
It to be

( just
                                       Subtle )


We are not very subtle in our acceptance
Of gross slavery


Just a touch of Ugly
to mar the passage of the days


Tell me who your heroes are

And I will understand just what
You want or need

The days are heavy with the weight
Of sheer boredom


The search for Johnny Naked


Mary in Chains


Walking round with Flaming Bush

til everybody goes insaner than they
Are already

( if it's even possible ! )


Wanting someone who wants to be free

In a real way


Well well we

Come to the end of another song

Hoping I got it wrong somehow

That really everything is swell

And that you all are doing very well


( Though we all know differently )

What !

Do I hear you snoring ?


I told you UGLINESS is boring !
Alyaan Tariq Jun 2016
In the dark of what I feel
Would anyone care enough
To decipher it all for me
Troubled by this confusion and
These unanswered questions
That always haunted me
Everything around me is perfect
While I am the only one drowning

In the wake of my sanity
Looking for answers, I wander
Pushing myself in the deep cold of night
There is something buried inside
That keeps my hope alive
Stuck in the middle this hide and seek
Where these unknown emotions
Seem to be hidden forever

In the light of what is hidden
As I watch the smiles around me
I watch myself getting insaner
Sometimes I envy their grins
But then that makes me wonder
What if they too wear a mask
And behind those fake smiles is
Everything they cannot bear

Perhaps in this life, a mess
Being a pretender is the best.
atticus wilson Jun 2020
I’m trapped in this house
Day in day out
All I see are the same four walls
The same two people
Every ******* day

Nothing to fill my time 5 days a week
The other two I spend talking to the same people
Hoping we have something new to say
But we never do

I fill my time with frustrating lines of code
Never doing what I say
Because of one misplaced semicolon
Slowly going insane

Everyday the once large house grows smaller
As I get the diploma
Turn 18
And I can’t leave
I can’t do ****

Give me something— anything— other to do
I need something

— The End —