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Careena Mar 2014
Glide your fingers down the railing
As you make your grand ingression
Meeting the faces you are destined to meet
As they fasten their first impressions

You are one to worry what they think
And wonder how or why
But, know that they have trained themselves
To create facades and alibis

They would be just as scared as you
If they were the ones walking down that stair
So hold your head up high, my dear
As if you did not care
Just a note to myself that everyone feels like this
K Balachandran Apr 2014
Was lovingly stolen, branded as a belonging,
pried open for the jewel, love hidden inside,
made to dance to a haunting tune whistled
that melted the inner being, All done by you
I just connived with my captor though.But now,
woken from the dream, I find there aren't two,

Love made us complete, with all its hues
Lover of my soul, whatever you do to me melts me and makes me yours
JM Mar 2012
Aching skin,
Boiling blood,
My lust consumes.

Hands long for your throat,
crave to be wrapped in your hair,
pulling you closer. Close enough
to feel your heat, to smell you.

My lips, Ah my lips.
My lips and tongue implore
for the wet heat of your folds.
I must taste your flesh
before I wither from attrition.

The singularity of ingression,
transcendent of all earthly attachments.

Release. An unfettering of all thought,
leaving only feeling.
A divine conjunction.

And after, the only sounds our breathing.
Still as one, unencumbered by thought.

We rest peacefully in our oasis, sated.
JM May 2012
Aching skin,
Boiling blood,
My lust consumes.

Hands long for your throat,
crave to be wrapped in your hair,
pulling you closer. Close enough
to feel your heat, to smell you.

My lips, Ah my lips.
My lips and tongue implore
for the wet heat of your folds.
I must taste your flesh
before I wither from attrition.

The singularity of ingression,
transcendent of all earthly attachments.

Release. An unfettering of all thought,
leaving only feeling.
A divine conjunction.

And after, the only sounds our breathing.
Still as one, unencumbered by thought.

We rest peacefully in our oasis, sated.
K Balachandran Nov 2012
covers the trees,
tenderly with fog,
                    and the flowers,
                    gift their fragrance,
                     to the mist to preserve;
                     like the memory of a lover,
                     forgotten after,
                     an intense season of love.
acts on each one,
                     she said,
                     winter makes her skin,
                     crave for caresses;
                     she is a tree with secret hunger in winter.
                     I have known that all these years.
"my fruits
need your tender care,
all through the winter days"
she murmurs in my ear.

                           I love winter
                           touching me here and there,
                           like a shy bride, curious but timid.

I sense her tender fingers,
creep on to my body,
under the cover.
I get enraptured
by her  amorous touch.
I wake up and pretend
not to notice the ingression,
as it pleases me so much.
Winter has already started knocking on the door, here is my first winter poem, this season.
Tiger Striped Aug 2022
seeping in between
moldy ceiling tiles and their
blissful indifference,
reaches me with rueful claws
and ***** my unsuspecting eyes
I don't have room for thirst
I'm tired of water:
my feet are shriveled past prunes
from standing salty puddles
in which I'd hoped
I might drown.
I was only fourteen
Delightfully solacing on
My plushy coraled bed Inside
My goldish bedecked room
The muteness inside the house
Relaxed my grip
And the comfort of the muse
Lulled me into the abyss of futurity

An unanticipated door creak snapped me out
I turn drowsed
Reluctant, unmoved
Declining from consciousness again
And halfway I felt a sudden
Transfixed cloud of shadow
Overwhelmed over my enfeebled frame
With instant release of warmed brandy breathe
Floating like a butterfly on my fuzzy face
I rushingly opened my eyes
Behold, his dark eyes, lustfully gazing at mine
I attempt to resist his forceful loof
Shoving on top of the
flesh of my screaming mouth

His eyes of uncle
So strong a father
Zealous like brother
And the fig of his skin, of a stranger
I pleaded as a daughter
I cried like a sister
And wept, with pity, like a stranger

Finally he broke through,
Took away my pride, one that I can never get it back
I was sobbing, in sever pain, bleeding, helpless
He doesn't care anyway
Fastening back his trousers, spermed
I asked him why
Why me
But, "It's all right" he whispered; slamming the door behind

Should I tell Mom about it?, ' There is no need to wreak  havoc in a family' (I thought)
Maybe I was too scared to
Face my perpetrator again
How can I
Confess that I was *****,
Robbed of a treasure, by a familiar stranger

It's hard to believe that
God's existing
If he is, he despised me
Mama used to tell me that he
Loves me unconditional
She said that he cares about me daily
That he knows and watches everything from above
But If that is so, why didn't he stopped it
From happening to me
Why did he not stop it
I was only fourteen when
My innocence is taken
My pride is stolen
Abused by the people I trust
To protect me
To save me from the rampage  
Of wild uncontrolled monsters
Ten years agone like ten seconds ago
The wound still feels afresh
This memory haunts my consciousness
In every portion of my ingression
Everyday is a struggle to live
To live with the irresistible lifetime scar
I'm trying so hard to let it go
Onoma Feb 2020
a jittering small white feather

set to the tip of a branch.

seen through the derelict watch

of unclean windows.

the tractionless, extra light scratches

of a waterbug on the wooden floor.

the monstrous ingression of traffic

heard in a truck's gasp-growl.

— The End —