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ConnectHook Dec 2015
Multitudes will be liberated by that recognition;
and although multitudes obtain liberation in that manner,
the number of sentient beings being great, evil karma powerful,
obscurations dense, propensities o too long standing,
the Wheel of Ignorance and Illusion becometh neither exhausted nor accelerated

           The Tibetan Book of the Dead
          translation:  Lāma Kazi Dawa-Samdup

Free Tibet your sticker tells me…
Yes, I think, perhaps I should –
and the noble thought compels me,
uninformed, half-understood.

Will their freedom help my Karma?
Upgrade my reincarnation?
(Soul who could not dare to harm a
fly… much less a Buddhist nation.)

Not to justify aggression
by the ever-brutal Commies,
let us grant no glib concession
to the Maoists – or their mommies.

Slogans echo in the void,
shining in bardos of the dead;
stopped by the light, I am annoyed
impatient for the change from red.

A bumper crop of human woe
beams forth a mandate to my brain
while red Dakinis circle slow
in Buddhist hells of karmic pain.

The eastern concepts here diverge
and bow before brutality.
They make this driver long to merge
with incorporeality.

Then I glimpse a monkish fellow
swathed in saffron, calmly seated.
His, the cloud-borne sage’s pillow;
mine the traffic; stalled, defeated.

In his gaze of stern displeasure
I perceive the orient stars
calculating man’s mismeasure
trapped, exhausted, among the cars.

Flanked by Spirits wreathed in fire
he extends an accusing hand:
Western slave of base desire:
come and  liberate my land !”

I meditate before the stop light:
am I ready for the task ?
Should I just refuse it outright
Can’t it be someone else ?  I ask…

Must I free this mountain nation
from the Buddha, demons and Reds?
Shall your sticker’s declaration
shatter the yoke and raise their heads ?

Somebody ought to free Tibet,
and heed this Himalayan cry.
Maybe we should get upset…
The red light changes. Cars pass by,

predestined for benign events
and unconcerned for persecution;
oblivious to dissidents
awaiting execution.
The Eidolon

She awaits the dawn of love in an ambiguous form; a crystal eye for the mind’s eye.

The apparition of untold beauty has transported her soul to the vanishing realm without her Mother’s knowledge.

She is the daughter of the Earth who has been lain to sleep; somnolent for eternity and ethereal in luminosity.

The wings of phoenix have revived a hollow corpse; she no longer lies down but had broken free of binding soil.

The Universe greets her eyes as she lie on the pavement to eternity…

Where are you?

I see now…

The world is swirling around my fingertips; iridescent cosmic glitter has been laid on my fingertips; ethereality and incorporeality run amuck in this realm.

Where have I gone?

Have I not awakened to the light of Mother Nature’s womb?

Is this not the cascading waterfall cavern with luxuriant blossoms along a baptismal and pristine lake?

The rainbow surge had arisen from the horizon, a cosmic crescent of spectral means.

My body; a vessel unseen; fiery silhouettes of a revitalizing eagle.

Scorching heat blazes across the bare soil and she knows then and there that her soul hath been lain, slain, desolated, discombobulated.

A lurid vision of a gory demise; my annihilation that now has passed.

I see now evermore…

My crystal eye, a prognosticator has revealed to me the ghastly truth.

I am merely an elimination, a casualty from an unknown world known as…

cannot remember

“Is it home?”

By Sanders M. Foulke III
Setenance Jul 2017
i am the sweeping grey
i am the cool mercurial rays
i am the fleeting warmth
before your shiver
the endless shades of silver
i am the gently listing fingers
of the over burdened sky

i am the rumbling locus
of depth and density
the softly meandering incorporeality
i am the dissipating shade
and almost
Watching a rain storm in the distance somewhere in the Midwest US
tommy May 2016
the lights have been out
your skin is invisible under your pajamas
and mine in my pale coat
as i lay my cumbersome mass along your body

and you float out of it.

i ruin sanctity,

i am so afraid of it

— The End —