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DC raw love Dec 2014

Why do people miss the oppurtunity, to show honer
It's this easy, tell anyone this

It may be strange to them, but good for your Character
and somethings GOD want to see

Tell someone hello
Say good morning

Tell some one good job
Say I love you

Tell someone you like them
Say you care

Tell someone they look good
Say it's a pleasure

Seeds of DisHoner

Don't dishoner your family

Don't have a sour spirit

Don't talk bad about someone

Don't complain


Do not Judge

What you sew you will reap
Hold that spirit of HONER
raw love impact minitries
DC raw love Dec 2014
Good Morning Again
I'll say it everyday

It's Oil of Honer
It's what we all should know

It's something in life
That people should say

Oil of Honer
Signs from God

It's like
Love thy Neighbor

With good feelings inside
raw love
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2014
Upon removal of the camel from my eye, I see the shell of life released across the deserts sands.
A spark, a new light of existence is ignited, from the cradle to the grave
A renewal of the Worlds life, cultivated thru evolved states of honor, respect and love
From the new cradle World will spread with a light, spread cradle to cradle    
All form is eventually set free with the breaking of the bodies simple shell, with Life's release leaving nothing lost or left behind
Yet always others must remain in stewardship to the World re-creation, the call to duty that carries the highest form of honer to be had
And what of the first of the offspring delivered to this cradled place, where beginnings have not yet been written?
With these children come the creation of a new species, born in an unknown world just re-made, each being the only of its kind in existence
The combining of this original energy forms the perfect purpose, creating the path to the heart of this place of second chances.
If i died tonight i wouldent want regrets to follow.
you love these cheating, lusting hearts god,
and you buy us back from the darkness, when we
chase and glorify idols.
Looking back i remember the nights when i betrayed you
and took a bottle instead of you, using it as a crutch..
Forgive me for the days when i CHOOSE not to honer you because i didn't FEEL like it.. forgive me for not worshiping you on Sundays cause i thought if i got to "rowdy" people might preaching one thing but practicing another...
God give me strength to overcome this..
i need you God
DC raw love Dec 2014
If you can do only one thing today

Just smile and tell someone hello

and that

God Loves them
DC raw love Jan 2015
A life beyond your thoughts
Prison, the old term Penitentiary

Penitentiary which means
Sacraments of penance

Which means to receive divine mercy for the sins committed against God.

Now in the law it's not much different
There is a Judge that sits high above the court, called your Honer

You are sworn and you say, the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God

Right there you asking for God help or for God to help you

Everyone states there case and you can plea to the mercy of your Honer

So actually who is closer to God.
The priest, the judge or you.

I've gotten sidetrack, prison.
Just do right in life.

Because it *****, it *****, it can hurt you
It can change your life.

For me, because of my knowledge. Everyone looked up to me.
Young, old, black, white, weak and strong.

Knowledge is the most important thing to have in prison.

My time we t by fast and I don't miss it.
But it is the reason for me being on Hello Poetry. I started writing in prison.

Yes I could tell you many stories about prison. Some are even to unbelievable for me to believe, but then again I never laughed so hard in my life.

Prison made me a much stronger person, not in strength but in morals.

I do everything I can do keep kids and teens from the life of prison.
You cant teach a puppet, nor can a puppet honer you. God teaches those that are willing to learn; Satan plays with puppets.
brian h stark Aug 2010
there just numbers--nothing to get upset over
it's just da ja vu-doesn't matter if lived--or never had before
life might be a test--as how well can you clean a mess

when i'll die--i'll then know
today--I'm going to a show--
then a run around the block--
then to sit and laugh out wild

I might find love--and I might not
yet i'll enjoy my time all the while
those who make tests-don't take tests
in protest-I bring no pencil--
and so will fail-
that's your score--not mine
I am the leader of honer roll

you've been wanted in the principal's office
and can only avoid the halls for so long
I'm not looking for you-
your truth will come true
In detension for time ever ending
I have lived my life a perfect rendition
of toddlers  circling scrawl
always looping back
always colored an emotion
that was
to absolute to be appropriate

just a little to honest
and real

I remember plain as day the sun of your smile
and I replay the color of your changing behind my eyes every night
I have traced over and over the feel
of your running away
of your hiding away
of your lines and color
the exact lay
of the paradigm shift
leaving lots of blank space
for the parts of you I don't know now.

Your sunshine smile died
or got lost in the shift, or in the space
and I miss for things you aren't now.
I miss a person who no longer exists.

I honer her
the little girl you laid to rest
with your decisions
buried under the weight of a whole life.
when you were just colors you bled
over the entire page

perhaps that is why it feels
like you started over.
DC raw love Feb 2015
I would take any pain
to keep our love sane

i would hide any hurt
just to keep you smiling

i would starve myself
so you never have to hunger for love

i would hide any tears
to fulfill your dreams

i would travel a lifetime
to keep your happiness

you are the reason
i love
i smile
i dream

your are why i'm
so happy
so fulfilled
so loving

my life is built around you
for a lifetime and together

we can always love each other
through the true meaning of real love

to protect
to honer
through sickness
though health

to death
when we continue
our everlasting love
Ranger Apr 2014
I am your sword
I am your shield
My pride in those words
My honer to have my place
My Queen
My Goddess
The only thing to matter
The reason I exist
My Blade cut through the dark to show you a path
My Body bearing the strikes so you could stand
My Steel, My Will to stand by you Unbending
Never Breaking
Never Bending
Never questioning my place at your side
Until I was taken from you
Stolen away
You hurt
You could not fight for me any more
You let go
The weight to much
You let me go
Falling in to the Darkness
Without a hand to hold me
With out the strength to move i could not fight
The pride, the shine fading in the black
The honor to fight for you faded
I am a Sword.
I am a Shield
I am Alone
I am Here
I am Waiting
Arick carles Aug 2015
Her soul was as free as a bird flying in mid air,her eyes sparkled like stars in the night  sky. Not a day goes by hat i don't think about you and how we used to be. Obtained by sadness that your gone,years has passed scene Ive last saw your face. Taking a closer look on reality id rather be with you,everything happens for a reason an what doesn't **** us makes us stronger. So in honer  of you i wanna speak life  and life for you...Live and grow an be what you expected of me. To yo,you will never be forgotten.
Kira Alice LeMay Apr 2017
Rays of light come flooding through the imperious darkness
revealing befor all the surreptitious intentions of felicitous demons
desperate remnants of a once resonating happiness desperately pursue  catharsis from the ever growing  parlous
leaving feelings with no meanings, streaming as the wind carries
the unsung screams of tomorrow's treasons

unconfirmed the pain remains you suffer here  in silence
self medicated poison rots the veins only fueling the violence
schizophrenia soon defines the mind as you try not the panic  
overdrives on over time no desires in living this life constant full auto-manic    

The had you committed and pumped full of pills
medicated vegetated heavily sedated numb to their wicked ways
depression presents new obsession crimson river overspills
burning bridges cutting ties desperate attempt to save their lives
terrified you've justified your plotting their  demise you haven't slept  for days

locked away tightly secure confines of a blood stained straight jacket secured within its stitches carefully woven with malicious and vicious vision sewn together with my many  bad habits
  padded  walls with delusional and falsely portrayed securities beleaguer and besiege my mentality
Silently I transverse franticly the many hidden truths depicted in my mental abnormalities

white coats prep me they plain to steal my fears
a botched lobotomy tried to steal the voices that have plagued me many years  
luckily they hide away deep within the shadows of my insanity
its not I thats ******* up its you how is crazy
no we will never worry about what its like to feel lonely


my memories have long be replaced with hallucinatory obscurities  
contemplating my  revgen for my friends they've tried to steal
I found a sharp rode tucked neatly behind my bed
I waited all day and well into the night once they gave the go ahead  I stabbed the orderly in her ear I can tell happiness had replaced the sadness my friends held dear
I suddenly panicked I just knew that doctors were going to **** me a belief transcending all rationality as my thoughts became foggy and  unclear  
and little to no relief would come to ease my mind even fortified in a  barricaded asylum

I can taste all the anger and hatred they had the fueled their desires to end my existence
beating and shooting trying  to destroy my fortress  I remember I chuckled at their persistence  
its was then that my friends insisted hey can help me to escape
saying its the least they could do for revenging their honer

I packed my bag for a far off distant travel to another planet where I can control my own fate
no one to call me crazy no one who wants me dead
no one to to try and take my friends from my head
and the lead me to a bathroom and said it is here I will find
a wormhole visible to only those who share my mind

broken shards of a bathroom mirror litter its jagged remains
circling like vultures around my still lifeless corpse that reflect how I see my diseased brain,
taunting images dance within each fragmented shard accurately depict my insecurities and jaded memories from a time once so long ago
exposing to me inhumanly visions vividly placed inside my mind with surgical precision  
impulsiv dishion clouded all from my vision
and I peered deeply into the eyes of my soon to be God
a wormhole opened up within this  ring of misconstrued fragmented views of defeat portrayed from my tired darkened eyes  
it is with this last ditch effort I pray to unshackle what remains holding me into this existence  as gods smile reasures me  form within fragmented shrapnel  
I bare down with all of my might tearing flesh in my ears begin to resonate severing  my wrists on my broken and shattered reflections perfectly reflecting to portray all imperfections

— The End —