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sunday Nov 2019
It recently just rained.
The air still has leftover water in the pockets of its existence.
I can feel it.
I swat and shoo away the mosquitos,
who can smell my fresh blood ten miles away.
While I am distracted by the pests,
the river flows.

The river is murky- a not yet green, not yet yellow,
not yet brown Beast that has vague faces on it
from the reflections of the clouds.
The faces are so hidden and so unrecognizable
you cannot tell if they are
happy, sad, mad, or even emoting at all.

The leaves on the river glides along forward,
as if it is going to work on schedule-
cars along the interstate hoking at the other cars to move.
Meanwhile the river takes its time,
lazily it dries the leaves along.

The sun's perfectly crafted light can be seen
like waves on the underbelly of the
-alive, dark, green-
leaves of the limp tree that hovers
over the river on the bank.

The river looks peaceful from afar-
afar, it looks like a constant, steady movement
from left to right.

But, there is a war.

Two sides of the river are constantly fighting.
One side is constantly victorious, however the other side
keeps fighting and struggles to live,
but it seems as if the table can turn at any time;
a chair with three legs.

The sun is facing directly at me,
while still casting a towering shadow on the surface of the river,
due to the trees that look like giants from another plant
that I read once in a comic book.

A cool breeze rewards me for being in this atmosphere,
for staring at a body of water for an hour and analyzing its heart.

But does the river have a heart?
Does it have a brain?
What does it think of me?
This is about a river.
Sara Jean Hood Feb 2019
I want to pluck you from my memory
Extract you from my minds eye
Where you had lived too long
Now some dark cancer
Before a guiding light
I can’t think you out of my head
And she’s there too.
Along with you, the new “chosen one”
To protege your opinions
Some gullible peddler hoking wares as truth
Less likely hers

So rather than ruminate
I write
In hopes that pen to paper puts you and her in places further from my headspace
To call it sacred
To call it home
A wildlife preserve
Ideals endangered released to explore again
When for an elongated moment
Nothing breathed that was not you

We stretch and blink and breathe in air cleaner now than before
To take time to be
To know
I at one with my mind
To observe
To act
To care
To live
Borges Oct 2021
preguntas de mar:

Wishing for love there's none.

Questioning your condition worsens it by not that much.

Señales en el aire son de los cóndor.

El que más ve, propio es, y se imagina.

El quien más sabe, más sabe de todo, o recuerda, lo que supo.

Fingir estar enamorado mata pensamientos malos.

Los sueños son la cantidad de revolvers suicidosos.

finfir el ***** donor did

el hoking no

recuerdo ser ninñez
que exemplo

— The End —