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Keenon Brice Feb 2016
what gives you new life?

- the underpinnings of the artist
- mischief (and hellishness
- (becoming friends with nothingness)
- devotion to (healthy) destruction
- becoming friends with nothingness
hellishness (being hellish)
(the shadow)
exploration of the shadow
the unconscious
killing (things)
- healthy outlets for destruction
- becoming friends with nothingness

its an important thing to know

mischief and hellishness
becoming friends with nothingness
the underpinnings of the artist
memories of musing privately
(good memories
of musing privately)
(waiting) to be moved, egoically
confident ignorance
i try to be unconscious and let things shape themselves
(things shaping themselves unconsciously)
the familial greif inbetween my teeth
i cant control this beast
the beast that is my creativity
Michael W Noland Jul 2012
There's a nemesis on the premises

watching through the crevices of my hellishness

watching the precious homage paid to my delicate testaments of corruption and bitterness

yet to know observation is venomous if hesitant

the evidence is irrelevant while you wait on a settlement of peace from a benevolent king

back stabbing sentiments have no precedence over the decaying elements of my eloquence

not one finger can touch the decadence of my mental inhabitants

with whispers of shadows within their em-battlements

some go celibate from the spiritual experiments

in villainous line scrimages


with images of pillaged villages


in the battle to dismantle the soul scandals

manhandling rambles through foolish gambles

we each blow out our own candles

Left for dead

bobby burns May 2015
writing is my ******* bane.

jeweled paws of inspiration
dangle that carrot to keep me running.

wring out the baby with the gray matter,
spool it like spaghetti, slowly get fatter.

i was under the distinct impression
that this habit was too large a vent

until i left it somewhere in July
between the Yuba and a car ride

and never quite calmed down

it's my solace, my oak-tree,
haven in the hellishness,
clarity to ugliness,
Gilead balm,

should it
take such tolls--
to push too hard
is to turn a deaf ear

my ear ain't so sharp
and my brunt is still strong
Anthony Moore Mar 2015
Welcome to the bottom of the rabbit hole.
Here lies Babylon dead and gone,
but you can have it all if that’s what your after.
Though I don’t think it will matter when it shatters on the ground.
Never have I, ever, made or heard a sadder sound.
Still, to the victor go the spoils so I didn't uproot and move
I ripped my brain stem from the soil.
Now with little to no relevance withering pedals of pestilence represent my intelligence, I fell against this hellishness to find myself comfortable and content.
I wonder what it all meant, as I sit amidst the madness I had this vision of slinking back into the blackness, like the light is too bright for me, but it just so happens the darkness wrongfully longed for me.
Alas my past filled up so fast; Hot breath on cold glass.
So I continue sitting in my throne of obsidian tapping my pitch fork on my thick horns and rubbing my reddened skin.
Searching for something to say to them and then, all thoughts of this onslaught stop when a voice rings
"Thank you, for all the tar and featherings, you have given me my angel wings."
Jane Neutral Oct 2014
I guess it was all my imagination
I thought he might pick me over them
Crazy to think he'd ever digress
and pick me to be his princess

I put on a face like it doesn't matter
like boys are all dumb and immature
But the truth is that it'd be really nice
to melt into him when I don't suffice.

But now I'm not sure if such a man exists
that can deal with all my hellishness
So onwards I trudge, lonely and scared,
and hope that one day he will be prepared

To come in and sweep me off my feet
like a fairytale where we're destined to meet--
both of us will know it's special
and we'll mold effortlessly into one vessel.
Tom Blake Jan 2017
There is a tear
From the heart... a compassionate tear
The child
That is born
Unstable circumstances
For instance:
War and Famine exist...

How disturbing it must be for that child, how
Why Is something SO beautiful, innocent,
Born into,
Subjected to

I run it by you, humankind!!

The government, Monarch, Church, respond?
Yes, they will,  when THEY want to
Express it
In a way where they
Look the better for it!

More seriously,
Can You see this without intervening?
I ain't no saint
But Hurt
When a life
Is extinguished
That means
That is a pest
In homes when cooking
And dead
Bodies are around.

Is a wonderful creation!
jeffrey robin Nov 2014

&  !

I am here

(Fear is gone )                          

                                        The gentle warriors watching


She was once a loving girl


In the playground ?

Oh the game now being played


See the eye of the *******

See your own now little child

Death by drone airplane

Death by love's insincerity


Better get to the mountains soon

Before they're all fracked into hellishness

He sold his birthright for a bowl

She sold her virginity for a hit

What's the use of readin

If YE can't read the writing on the wall ?


He said

EAT **** AND DIE !



she replied

•   •

It's a long journey without a road

//      /::/    //

She eyed the boy she would soon goad

into ******* her so that later when he got wise

and escaped her clutches she could



and then write maudlin cheap poems about it

And become famous


If it all wasn't so ugly it would be funny

But it IS ugly so it is NOT funny


We are all being conditioned to be numb to everything


Then we ' ll be such perfect slaves


And oh

We'  ll feel so safe


Numbly dumb and oh so safe
Norbert Tasev May 2020
I wake up, I wake up, and only in the morning do I regret the nights leaving in silence, the screaming ravens wisely watching the hellishness of owls as they warn of the vulnerability of Existence! And I have to look enviously at how I smile and shine at the rays of the bombarding sunbeam on my face: Even the natural antidote to a hangover! I must be up in the face of a radiant radiance, a bitterly wrinkled World, and in it the compromising Man who proclaimed himself a wise man who knows all things!

And suddenly in my heart the executed despair, the ongoing anger, the instinct itself move: Eternity every day without an immortal sweetheart - and meanwhile even those with cowardly ant-zeal live on the ground with me! - Man always asks for things, favors, and obligations: he deserves more, and yet less than he deserves.

your own morals are worth it! Man, as a free prey projected on a truly humiliated Adam costume, is forced to face death, gnashing his teeth. The defeated thread of its existence can soon be cut off by the molecular organism of mortal biologies! - Thinking through connections perpetuates everyone - and we don't know the true meaning: Whether they were determined in our case by superior "powers, executioners"

"And as dying grains of dust, they become one with the tears that wounded our face, which was destroyed in mourning!" - The nothing that is permanently destroyed, isn't it approaching ?! "You are cracking yawning bones there, that there used to be an eternal bang!"
Rachel Oct 2019
****** myself, I, for deeds done and not done!
Cursed that horrid deed.
What would have come to be had you pre-deceased me?
Voiced in visualizing a rise of the dead in dreams
The power is death passing suffering in seizures of nineteen nights
Take away the veil of the evil in this nightmare of no awakening
Come, this way, I will show you hellishness seeping in thru cracks of the mind

In this bind I have to you I have been made deadened
Alone to follow the demons in this world
Hark to the angels to sway my actions and lock my lips!
With benign forces on a cosmic level
And all the unnatural deeds
Compassion and forgiveness lie upon us, unto each to the other
If anyone is listening, tell me now, who summoned this chaos?!

Given to women and taken the child, oh joy and ruthless cruelty!
Born and unborn.  Done and undone.
Taking my future with the end of yours, oh retched moans.
What is the hint of that to come?
Where are we in this existential void?
A sovereign flower plant seeds for regrowth in a new time.
The smell of sickness lingers
Can what’s done be undone?!

The cutting blades of thoughts
Swaying one way only to swing back this way
Again, for another ****!
I’d thought they’d be duller after much use
Instead, they swing faster as if my brain is the sharpening tool.
The gauges are becoming deeper and with better precision.
“Please STOP” I yell.
“Please HELP” I cry.
I don’t think there is anyone here.

Am I the protagonist?
I am frightened in my shaken center.
Who is in charge of the new order?
Can I be made limitless, safe, healed and whole?
I beg you, make me free to forgive and free to save the world!
David Hilburn Mar 2021
Tale to tell
To a frightened bird one day
Salt and guidance to a fire make comfortable
But the cold of silence in the tree's, of disdain or dismay?

Ought on unity's chin?
The talk and the seclusion we expose to unique...
Airs and driven knowledge, the count of wins
And the spurning of hope, as a friends gift to a table, a clique?

Of sincerity to consider gone, with a might so done
The ruse of vice, is in the bespoken hands of courage
To continue with a reach, we sate and realm with sanity, home
Is a catching health, to couth; a misery ours for a wagon's wage?

Beckoning hellishness?
Time to well upon the naivete or needs of a stone, the breadth of shadow
And its becoming inspiration, the cold corners of ambiguity, bastion and death?
Are for any of a mix, that has the same in mores, we predilect and owe...

Common practice, if not method in a dread triangle...?
So sweet, so enamored, so entangled with a coping house
That has seen the future of the truth, the tale to tell...
A handshake of call and cooperation, that knows life is thou...
Status Quo also rhymes with you, if you try real hard...

— The End —