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El Bastardo Mar 2013
Long after my injust exhile from  this  site I began a time of deep thinking.
And after many cervasas and long nights with ***** women I thought.
Where is my life going besides to the free clinic every other day to cure
the ******* of fire.

It was then I remembred a wise amigo a man amoungst many men
not because he was strange they just happend to all gather togather in that spot.
Unlike a bathhouse once I only went to a few times to have some male bonding
time and to enjoy a nice backrub.

But enough with my college years.
My once mighty amigo told me.
******* dont ever let them hold you back for the evil forces are many
yet you cant **** crazy  well maybe with a gun but that would take many bullets amigo.

It was then i knew I must return to the land of Hello.
To bring joy to many and annoy young teenage  writers who think vampires can walk around in daylight and werewolves run in large packs with other amigos in Alaska.
How I wish i lived there as well.

It had been far to long since this gravyard of like button zombies  had taken off
there pants turned off the lights  and  had a hot oil ****.
At least I hope that was oil.

It had been  a cold summer south of the boarder but that doesnt mean there wasnt fire down below.
Much like with older women.

So I packed the pinto and like a really fast minded person moving at a well
much slower gear I was off.
For where there is a need there is well a place people
probaly want something to suit that need.

So spank my spandex wearing *** and call me MR Pickles.
Cause The ******* has returned amigos.

Larry B May 2010
In the middle of an abandoned churchyard
Stands a lily, who all pass by
Growing in winter, spring, summer and fall
Just simply, refusing to die

Some people called it unnatural
As they plucked it from the ground
But when the sun came up, the very next day
Again, that flower was found

Day after day, they would break its stem
Like a thousand times before
But the lily would be resurrected
And spring to life once more

It was even covered with gasoline
As they stood and watched it burn
Once again, while everyone slept
The flower, would just return

They decided to bring their shovels
And dig, til there was nothing to save
And that's when they knew this lily
Was a marker, for an unknown grave

A little girl who was long since missing
Abudcted in the night, while she slept
Never found, and they never knew
The secret that this lily kept

Her body was moved to a gravyard
With a gravestone, so everybody knows
The little girl missing, has finally been found
And is resting, where the lily grows
Dustin Goodman Dec 2014
Never bored, never sane, to my life, I love this game, flirting with death, an open mind, in the light, you can never find, Hell, the lie, to keep you away, God, the evil, that will lead you astray, believe, and it shall be true, life could be so much more, you have no clue, if God is so perfect, how is there sin? A flawless creator, could not even begin, nor a pure heart, would let you burn, it is about time, for you people to learn, Bible, wrote by man, to have power, killed millions, to build their tower, a all loving master, would not let this be, or could picture hate, we would all be free, stop blaming Lucifer, for the demons, you have made, start trying to find, whats real, it will be okay, don't be scared, of the things, that are unsure, keep good morals, and you will, find the cure, be open and different, give ye no limits, thus with this, you will see through, the gimmicks, let yourself not, decay and die, yet spread, your wings, and you will fly, fall in-love, with karma, give into dreams, sleep with the devil, hear the screams, only to awake, back in your skin, just to do it, all over again, dancing with ghost, the gravyard's host, fallen from grace, reborn, at Heaven's gates, controlled by darkness, yet never dead, live one-hunderd, different, lifes, inside your head, learn to explore, as much, as you can, never waking up, never letting, it end, the rules, of the world, you have to break, with this, you will be real, never fake, it is hard, to show you gold, when you are blind, but when you see, trust me, everything, will be fine!

— The End —