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Moses Kashlink Jun 2014
Dea iz dis hot chic I waz hooking up some yrs bak. Evrtym I aprchd her she turnd her back on me.I tried callng her a multiple taimz bt she hngd up on me like I waz useless...I nvr lost hp 4 2 wks until I rlzd dat she wz plyng HARD 2 GET 4 me which waz vewy silly! Dhea4 I gave up n gave her some space 4 about 3 dayz,dats wen she realizd dat I waz 1 in a million guyz!! Ges wat, she startd callng bak n textn me dat she waz sorry n she didnt know wat got in2 her etc...she kept beggin 4 us 2 giv t a try bt un42n8ly t waz 2 l8...! Da pain of her ignorin me left a sore in ma heart dat i dared not du otherwise but jst ignore her 2. I simply changd ma line n muvd on wit ma life. I thnk where she iz 2deh she must hav Learnd a lesson..!! NOW TELL ME GUYZ, DID I DO DE RAIT THING???
Ankit J Chheda Nov 2021
I'm Hurt.
Hurt that I couldn't do anything, do something,
I am sorry father, I am so so sorry,
That I couldn't be my best,
I couldn't be my best for you,
I know I have disappointed you and myself,
Now our time cut short. .
I couldn't say how much I love you,
How much I need your
A pillar of strength and safety net
How pathetic that I selfishly make this about me, even as I try to be honest to you.

Of memories with you I could have had,
That you could see me grow more,
So I can finally give you back even if a fraction of what you have done for me,
Threads and intentions left unfinished,
I am so sorry papa for everything that I did and everything that I didn't,
I keep thinking as you were in this sleep,  
From anaesthetic to eternal. . I keep talking and only hope you hear me

We need you, I need you, please come home,
Please papa, come home
How was it that it turned out to be the last time we met, the last time we spoke,
The last time from home you left,
This finality is so hard to accept,
I don't know how to let goz
I miss you so much papa,
It hurts so much everytime it hits me all over again. .

See you dad, I hope you're in a better place,
You know the doors to your home are always open
Losing my father to covid escalated by other complications has been difficult, to everyone I wish good health and peace.

— The End —