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wandabitch Oct 2012
In the night, those shadows come alive. So little do i know about this heavy doubt.
Cold wind biting the heart. Trying to figure out where I've been.
Dark winter pulls me closer, now theres a place i'm thinking into the air.
A voice calling, "Who knows but that which seems omitted today, waits for tomorrow?"

Nothing is as it seams, just as beauty leans from the earth in a sunset--a harp for the soul to sing.
But You are life and you are the veil.
Beauty is eternity gazing at her self
But you are eternity and you are the mirror.
And if you want to know truth retire of solving riddles.

We wanderers, ever seeking the lonelier way,
begin no day where we have ended another day;
and no sunrise finds us where sunset left us.
Even while the earth sleeps we travel,
back into dreams.

Ay, my bow rests on my chest.
There is the flame spirit among a starry mountainside.
Oh it was but yesterday we met in a dream. You watched as I built a ship towards your shore.

My spirit goes wandering upon the wind, off to the desert sands, deep beneath the ocean's sound.
I am the gypsey and the fortuneteller, liken an honest thief. No I'm the myth builder and dream master.

who laughs with me when I destroy,
the sand castles of my innocence. The
sun warming my back just as the wicked, and drawing my image locked in a shadow.

Here the soul a battlefield, where
reason and passion become one.
they are the sails of my seafaring soul.

There I found the naked body of my dreams, in silent sleep my spriit walked the path.
I am the star-gazer who feels the power of endlessness, Aware of timelessness and
neverending space. The love in me still
present amidst the scattered fires that
burn in black ink.

Just as the caveman draws his fears on lost walls, speaking of misfortune and
treasures gallore.  A fantom ghost in Hade's Fate.
Now my ship wanders forever on a pearlous course but never sinking.
Ackshita Chauhan May 2012
The cloudy arena that spreads around

little dew drops on the pine leaf that i have found

Sweet cinnamon like fresh morning scent

that lingers through out the winter stretch.

Staring through the window pane

the sight of this mystical gallore

of the Winter Solstice that i adore.

The snow flakes that form a white cast

erasing the tracks from the past

pine cones that form a pile on the ground

and white little flowers  growing wild around.

Makes me hitched to the immortal gaze

of this winter solstice

it seems so quite and calm around

yet so perfectly profound

the breeze through the pines is the only sound

so cozy and snuggled appears every thing around.

As i step out to embrace this day

the winter binds me to its amaze

and i silently pray for this winter solstice to stay.

                                                                                 ~By Ashima
Matt Walls Dec 2017
Oh Christmas comes but once a year
Waistlines swell with good food and beer
Mince pies, chocolates, nibbles and nuts
Watch vintage TV, with no 'ifs' and no 'buts'

Wrapping paper deal, 2  rolls for a pound
Sneaky wrapping later, shhh, don't make a sound
Christmas tree needed you know what to do
Get a last minute deal down at Rhyl B & Q

Got the presents sorted, a job that so hard
That sinking feeling from a last minute card
A phone call and text is never too much
A welcome long chat just to keep in touch

Christmas day approaching are all the jobs done?
Eat drink and be merry is the way it should run
But often a snooze can be the best part
That can end with a grunt, a snore or a ****.

Turkey all gone but there are sandwiches still
Three helpings of trifle can make you quite ill
Then cheese and fine biscuits with coffee and cake
Might slow you right down on the After Eights

So off to the sofa  where you sit if you dare
Waistbands all loosened on the reclining chair
A tea or a beer shows who's still in the race
While a quick 40 winks puts a smile on your face

Well there it was done and soon off to bed
You sleep like a log having been so well fed
In the night you are gasping you must have a drink
You make it to the bathroom and drink from the sink

The next day is hellish, there are wrappers gallore
With crisps, cheese and crackers ground into the floor
Red wine in glasses fermenting and mulled
You turn and retreat with your senses quite dulled

So no breakfast needed just a whole lot of quiet
After indulging on what was a plain liquid diet
A quick clean around is a job for us males
As your partner heads out for the Boxing day sales!
Arjun Tyagi Oct 2014
On a chariot built on MRF,
Wearing jeans tapered;
She came along on the misty road,
To become the three day neighbour.

Seventy two hours,
Companionship formed on nerves.
The mountain boy saw
Perfection incarnate in the girl.

Giddiness was newfound freedom,
From the everyday, the mundane.
City girl, she with hair amber,
Object of desire she became.

A brave question burning holes;
Embers on his mind's hand.
He asked late, but in time,
"Where do our feelings stand?"

Rattled, she took a pilgrimage.
To the basketball court.
******* her eyes shut,
The biggest frog stuck in her throat.

Fifty seven minutes invested,
Pondering on this question.
Changing lives in the future,
Was then not thought, not mentioned.

"Yes", slow, measured response,
A jig for joy, delighting the teens,
Naivete thrives and blooms,
Where experience hasn't been.

Arms around her waist,
She let him feel like the one.
Their heads over heels,
Quickly, both made a run.

Breathing consciously,
The pair arrived at a Church.
Colonial structure, abandoned it beckoned,
An unbroken pew, his search.

He led her in, held her at
An arm's length.
Distance never crossed before,
His face came forward, an achievement.

And brushed softly
Against her mouth, his lips in trance.
He was sure when fire was found,
The Early Man danced the same dance.

Simple moment, evanescent,
It had to end of course.
Neither pulled back from the other,
Someone had opened the doors.

****** out of his revery,
Brought back to working cognition,
Realisation of the first kiss,
Dawned, it was beyond imagination.

Fourteen and in love,
Armed with a strong belief.
Life would never separate,
Him from the love he'd received.

Child, you were wrong
Says he, Seven years now dead.
Remembering the day she left,
A thousand tears were shed.

Were his wishes gallore.
To find her, reach her, to hear
Her voice once more.

Years spent in isolation,
Anger and Hate never his friends.
How does one feel animosity,
When the heart wants amends?

Amber angel, if you ever see
The mountain boy, do reach out.
Never a need to make up for time lost,
But return the love he had found.
Arjun Tyagi Mar 2014
Mother superior,
****** nurturer of a planted seed.
Embalming growth,
Reaped the fruit with an eyeful of dreams.
  Eternal gardener,
You have raised this fruit to a whole.
Life giver,
It has grown plump flesh and soul.
  Mother love,
I am what I was brought here to be.
Fear not,
For above all, your son I will be.
  Till death,
You will wish for your son to live on.
Need not,
For in life itself your name I will carry on.
  Mother believe,
Your lap has been my throne.
Choices gallore,
But I'd rather be with you, home.
Worry less,
Mother your boy will be a man.
Listen here,
He will always be there till the end.

— The End —