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David Johnson Oct 2013
Some things, told me, I shouldn't feel this way.
Not a voice..... Just small things.

The instruments,
Her heart speaks, revealed a smile,
That brought the sun
Above us.

The decades of stone & brick.
It took awhile to shadow the hurt.
To build this empire of air around me.
To get the confidence,
To not care anymore.

The guy I am.
Usually sits on the darkest rock,
Under a bridge, by a stream.
Just thinking.

& She,
The woman she was, wasn't there.
I remember the moon & a dream.
Building a secure SELF
For accepting, but isolated.

The furthest things were so close,
She couldn't understand.
I'm really no-one.
Not anything more then human.

On this bench, I sat.
It was worn from all the years.
The silent disappointments from rejection.
Peeled the paint.
At my feet, the concrete, discolored.

I thought I had the power to heal,
But the guy I am,
Was left without a hammer,
Or even the smallest axe,
Or a plug,
For the furniture,
In the plasmic gleam,
Under the sunrise.

"Who am I?"
I whispered to a breeze.
It carried it with it.
"Your You."
Was the musically fading answer.
I turned back to the moon in a daze.
" I Am WHO I Am "
EP Robles Oct 2018
Nearest  is closer   than furtherest dead

  will you walk  with me   i am stepping
  over tomorrow  into  my wonderful-est
  dreams   over and beyond nearest
   further than furtherest within my head

   and of my heart are melodious feelings
   will you walk  with me  i am stepping
   over  tomorrow and into a bliss
   where tenderest is softest as love

As nearest is closer than furtherest dead

:: 10-07-----2018
I never may turn the loop of a road
  Where sudden, ahead, the sea is lying,
But my heart drags down with an ancient load--
  My heart, that a second before was flying.

I never behold the quivering rain--
  And sweeter the rain than a lover to me--
But my heart is wild in my breast with pain;
  My heart, that was tapping contentedly.

There's never a rose spreads new at my door
  Nor a strange bird crosses the moon at night
But I know I have known its beauty before,
  And a terrible sorrow along with the sight.

The look of a laurel tree birthed for May
  Or a sycamore bared for a new November
Is as old and as sad as my furtherest day--
  What is it, what is it, I almost remember?
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2015
you must know how i feel
when the boy next door decides to shoot hoops
rather than kick a football against the shed
and the woman next door takes off the clothes
from the washing-line
while slayer’s raining blood blasts in my room
and is audible to a teasing treat outside,
while the grey grey skies of england make me wear sunglasses...
home... that’s what it feels like,
it could almost be 1666 with charles the second organising
the excavation of the z in ß - and as due concerns go...
having no diacritic in the sphere of letters
will only provoke a monster of youth debasing language furtherest
from the furtherest use of truth (emoticons)... making swear words holy
will only provide excuses to pulverise the eyes with *******...
it will end up a mistake to have crafted such eloquent reminders of the said
and unsaid with: f*ck smear cow s&@~ on your face.
Dave Williams Oct 2015
life is too short to give a **** about a country when cats that aren't yours come and **** in your house.

life is too short to give a **** about impression when the art you provide is offensive to most.

life is too short to give a **** about indifference when commerce makes ******* of practical need.

life is too short to give a **** about regret when regret is the debt that you stepped in, you wept yet you kept it aside and it crept, then it slept, then you swept it away, the intrepid, tepid, jelly-like method that weathers fake smiles like the wear in your tires, and claws its way through what you see as desire, then tears it all down when its aimed at yourself before putting you up on the furtherest shelf, and then blaming you, shaming you, changing the way that you saw what you thought that you ought, what you sought, what you bought, why you fought; its the same: you're distraught because any way you look at it, life is just too ******* short.
Donall Dempsey Jan 2016

His head full
of Irish myth.

The here & there
of this & that

bits that stick
in the mind

for as long as
forever is.

Sticky backs hitching
a ride on a boy's blue jumper.

This the emotional
archeology of me

sifting what's left
of times

long long gone by
in the time of his own

long long gone byes.

A winter of '63.

That 67-ish summer.

An Easter
that brought death.

There was a woman
(was there a woman?)

turned into a pool
turned into a fly
blown away by a wind

her name eroded
by a sea of time.

And the legendary heroes
like little boys

building a snowman
that would be the biggest

of the biggest

that the women would
compete to see

who could ***
furtherest through this

man of snow.

Some things are
not made

. . .to forget.

Oh such
artifacts of thoughts!

Such shards of stories
come back

to see what
kind of man

the little boy
would become.

He smiles as he remembers
& un-remembers

the such
of such

the unforgettable
calling to him

in mythic voices
the tallest tales

still easier
to resurrect

that his time
of 9

when he was going on
A stickyback is what we called burrs which do hitchhike on the backs of cows and small blue jumpered bows.

The nameless woman is of course that old tale of Étaín Echraide changed into such changings by her husband Midir's former wife Fuamnach in that wondrous tale of various incarnations and reincarnations.

So she actually is changed to water on a pool then a worm then a fly which is blown away and falls into a cup of wine that is drunk by a lady who then gives birth to...another Étaín. And goes.

As a little boy making snowmen bigger than my self I was surprised to learn that even the legendary heroes got up to the same thing! Their women peeing through it was a different thing altogether. These are the flotsam and jetsam of tales told by my sisters that somehow find their way back into my mind even though I have gone through many incarnations since...the present one being of course...the auld fella I am this day.

The title comes from that old Irish school chestnut by Mr. Mangan.

King Cahal Mór Of The Wine-Red Hand

I WALKED entranced
Through a land of Morn:
The sun, with wondrous excess of light,
Shone down and glanced
Over seas of corn
And lustrous gardens aleft and right.
Even in the clime
Of resplendent Spain,
Beams no such sun upon such a land;
But it was the time,
’T was in the reign,
Of Cahal Mór of the Wine-red Hand.

Anon stood nigh
By my side a man
Of princely aspect and port sublime
Him queried I—
“Oh, my Lord and Khan,
What clime is this, and what golden time?”
When he—“The clime
Is a clime to praise,
The clime is Erin’s, the green and bland;
And it is the time,
These be the days,
Of Cahal Mór of the Wine-red Hand.”

Then saw I thrones
And circling fires,
And a Dome rose near me, as by a spell,
Whence flowed the tones
Of silver lyres,
And many voices in wreathèd swell;
And their thrilling chime
Fell on mine ears
As the heavenly hymn of an angel-band—
“It is now the time
These be the years,
Of Cahal Mór of the Wine-red Hand.”

I sought the hall,
And behold!—a change
From light to darkness, from joy to woe!
Kings, nobles, all,
Looked aghast and strange;
The minstrel group sate in dumbest show!
Had some great crime
Wrought this dread amaze,
This terror? None seemed to understand
’Twas then the time,
We were in the days,
Of Cahal Mór of the Wine-red Hand.

I again walked forth;
But lo! the sky
Showed flecked with blood, and an alien sun
Glared from the north,
And there stood on high,
Amid his shorn beams, a skeleton!
It was by the stream
Of the castled Maine,
One Autumn eve, in the Teuton’s land,
That I dreamed this dream
Of the time and reign
Of Cahal Mór of the Wine-red Hand.

James Clarence Mangan
insane hatter Nov 2014
You are crazy and always fun
I think we are furtherest apart but are the closest at the same time
You have been there withall of us through thick and thin
And always done the right thing thats why
I can call you a friend
To Rose
Daytra Feb 2018
I am rich beyond measures because you love me unconditionally and you have allowed yourself to open up for me to love you unconditionally... please remember me and how much I love you beyond the furtherest stars seen by man... from the beginning you were a thief have stolen my heart... but I am your willing victim and I will gladly let you keep it... I have found out how to truly love ... I used to think that true loves kiss in fairy tales were a load of crap but you my Prince Charming have found me .... I am excited that I will have true loves kiss for the rest of my life... our hearts are repairing each other as we learn the real meaning of love... we aren’t broken anymore.... I am the reflection of you and you are the true definition of a good man...
JLC Eternity Oct 2017
Kidnap me from my current reality
and the crushed dreams of my entrepreneurial ambition.

Color me inside my soul
until my shattered existence is whole once again.

Hold me tight in your loving arms until the sun rises in the next millennium.

For I love you from the furtherest depth of my heart my dear JLC.
TW Rice Nov 2019
Is act like i dont want you, thats the furtherest thing from the truth.
Not looking your way as i walk by, my eyes cant help but want to behold your beauty.
To not tell you a million times i love you, its not just saying the words buts its all the verbage love brings.
To not smile when i encounter you, its the blissful state of our love running over.
Some how ill have to manage all my feelings for you, **** i need self control.
Everything ive been through youve been by my side and now im here and i have to hold back until "one day".
This is the hardest thing ill ever do!

Dedicated to Special K
Donall Dempsey Jan 2019

His head full
of Irish myth.

The here & there
of this & that

bits that stick
in the mind

for as long as
forever is.

Sticky backs hitching
a ride on a boy's blue jumper.

This the emotional
archeology of me

sifting what's left
of times

long long gone by
in the time of his own

long long gone byes.

A winter of '63.

That 67-ish summer.

An Easter
that brought death.

There was a woman
(was there a woman?)

turned into a pool
turned into a fly
blown away by a wind

her name eroded
by a sea of time.

And the legendary heroes
like little boys

building a snowman
that would be the biggest

of the biggest

that the women would
compete to see

who could ***
furtherest through this

man of snow.

Some things are
not made

. . .to forget.

Oh such
artifacts of thoughts!

Such shards of stories
come back

to see what
kind of man

the little boy
would become.

He smiles as he remembers
& un-remembers

the such
of such

the unforgettable
calling to him

in mythic voices
the tallest tales

still easier
to resurrect

that his time
of 9

when he was going on

— The End —