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Arcassin B Jan 2015
By Arcassin B and FNB

AB: flowers and trees,
A thousand degrees,
We ***** around in the winter,
But we could never freeze,

FNB: Leaves falling,
Fireplace calling,
The icy and cold wind is somewhat appalling,

AB: Lost In Translation,
Broken sacrifices,
Free extended vacations,
Let's perform a crisis,

FNB: Out in the dainty,
Crystalline frost,
I reach for your hand and my worries are lost,
But winter will fade,
And in comes the sun,
The cold left some ice that cant be undone,

AB: summer time when the spirit of a young god
Lay to rest,
Flowers in your hair signifies,
That you're at your best,
Love music and tattoos,
And some grain of sand,
Sitting in the corn fields,
We can't lose,
To a world created by man.
Thanks Alyssa <3
Arcassin B May 2015
By Arcassin B & fnb

I could turn a butterfly into a daffodil tear,
Growing the inside out,
Fly with me to paradise,
And forget all your peers,
Or you lose your body like poltergeist.
Feel the soft grass glide beneath your toes
The sweet flower scent rush through your nose
To paradise together we flew,
Or from my grave, crawling back to you,
And as I keep crawling,
Your loving keeps calling,
Not mad at your insecurity sometimes,
Red lights and stop signs,
Freeze in place while your ahead,
Like arriving in Oakland,
Please just follow what's along the lines,
Leave loose ends but your minds ties,
But we don't die we multiply,
We become as one,
And one in mind.
Thanks ally :) and also I'm back lol
LovelyBones Dec 2014
For anyone who ever wonders or forgets what FNB stands for,
For anyone who doesn't know my story:
FNB is three little words,
Fat No Bones, does that sound absurd?
It may not make that much sense to you, but in my mind it all is true.

F is for fat, it's how I feel.
I look in the mirror and see that it's real.
N is for no because nothing is right.
Everyday is another fight.
B is for bones as I wither away.
Put on a smile as my body decays.

That is my story in three little words,
I take it in stride through the twists and turns.
LovelyBones Jan 2015
AB:  Flowers and trees, a thousand degrees, we ***** around in the winter , we can't freeze.

FNB: Leaves are falling, fireplace calling. The icy cold wind is somewhat appalling.

AB: Lost in translation, broken sacrifices, free vacation, let's perform a crisis.

FNB: Out in the dainty, crystalline frost, I reach for your hand and my worries are lost.
But winter will fade and in comes the sun. The cold left some ice that can't be undone.

AB: Summer time when spirit of a young god lay to rest, flowers in your hair signifies that you're at your best. Love music and tattoos, a grain of sand, sitting in the corn fields, we can't lose, to a world created by man.
Another Collab with the talented Arcassin B. <3
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Your probably wondering why this poem is called J. It's because there aren't any Js
Arcassin B Jan 2015
Shout outs to :


Creep That Loved You

Wolf Spirit aka quinfinn

Soul Survivor


Elizabeth Squires


Vaugue remembrance

Joe malgeri

Ember Evanescent

Aesha nisar

Weeping willow

Correna Taylor






Lorena Lamas

Patty m
<3 love you guys I look up to y'all all day everyday ✌✌✌

If you don't **** with me , **** the rest of y'all ,
Especially the fake ones
The people I didn't mention , keep making me happy :)
Arcassin B Oct 2014
Remembered when I was 6,
And didn't think my life would turn out this way,
Wasn't suppose to have one,
She didn't get that abortion anyway,
So I have to go through situations,
I'm not suppose to,
And every time reaching confirmation,
To people know , and talk to,
Nobody help,
But they stood on the side lines,
Fake friends and smiles,
Are limited , but please don't get out of line,

Remembered when i was 6; didn't think my life would turn out this way.
Wasn't supposed to go through situations, but new lessons are learned each day.
Reaching confirmations, lines, fake friends, and half-hearted smiles.
Innocent kids become murderers, even pedophiles.
The good becomes limited, but please don't get out of line.
There's so much wrath and hatred, and we don't have a lot of time.

— The End —