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Joanna Rose Jun 2016
Although I know you are poison I would still let you back in
Excited for you to ruin me again and again and again
Until I've been beaten down to the point of giving up on you

You've caused me enough psychological damage  to last me a lifetime
Best friends forever
Best friends forever
Three words that cause my hands to shake and the blood in my veins to boil
You promised me forever and gave me two months
Were the "I love you's" just another way to get me to shut up
Did any of this year mean anything at all to you
Did I ever mean anything to you

I can tell myself you didn't mean a **** thing
I can say that I never needed you
I can tell everyone that I never loved you
But unfortunately I am an awful liar and they all know the truth
They know that I loved your green eyes and how you always smelled of cigarette smoke
They know that when I was high with you all I wanted was to taste your lips
They know that I loved you
They know
They know it all
But do you?

The amount of time I spent keeping you alive was love
The notes and the hugs and the promises of forever was love
I said I loved you every single day and I truly meant it
I guess I wasn't enough

— The End —