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Pong Panugao Jan 2012
They are not with us
Hence, we are one and the same
Living on the same ground
Breathing the same air

The sons and daugthers of poverty
Dancing with the harsh tides of reality
Swiming for dear life
In an endless pit of greed

Drowning on a quicksand of debt
Holding on the knives of the selfish
Being played by Midas hands
Puppets of false kings and emperors

We are vouyers of pain
Peeping toms of agony
We hear and we feel
We feel but we do nothing

We offer symphathy
Living their lives through emphathy
But the bitter truth we try to conceal
We are beings of apathy

Looking like were in pain
Up on the stage where all eyes can see
Narcissuses who seek a minute of fame
Playing a charades of sensitivity

What can merely looking do?
uv May 2021
Once again we find our selves in a spot.
Where eveything outside looks rosy
And all dark within.
We find ourselves locked and caged
And the moving world moving with all its gait

Once again we hear the sounds of despair
When everything was just on the brink of being glorious and fair.
We find we have more to bear and be aware
And the part where we learn still has a humongous share

Thankfullness and humbleness
Emphathy and hope
These are few friends to make
They will pull you along just like a strong, unbreakable rope.

Hold on, just hold on
Idonotexist Mar 2016
We shall be together
We will travel the high seas.
we shall come out together
from the realm of fantasy.
We shall realize together
We shall let out a scream
we shall awake together
from the everlasting dream.

The world under our care,
everyone gets an equal share
and respected is even insanity.
Even a deer which wishes to fly
Shall be asked to give a try
and the world will share his emphathy

there will be sense of freedom
there shall be liberty
we will bring them out
from book to reality
Lust with Disgust, I am in Beast Mode, Teased  overload. What i cant phathom is being hurt for what i cant control. Pain being in slain, Crude is like being Rude, Hatred with no sacred is like just not wanting to Live for myself. I turn this way i turn that way, as the moon shines upon my face, I feel disgraced. I am mad and angry for what you have done to me. Without Emphathy i don't want your Symphathy. Your name is Thomas you act like Nostradamus You act like your better than the rest if the rest is on a test then your not any better than the rest You point fingers when you should look in the mirror. You Look at Paublo and you make him quiver with disgust. We are 3 and all i ask is to be free from pointing fingers
3 is Pain
Timothy Joyner Mar 2017
Dimensions keep channeling through my life

The chill of the day, the past electrified, transformed
The warmth of the home, the future, transmuted through transmission

Then there is the present
Oh the Present
Constantly changing and channeling
It's become like driving without a purpose
Pleasure of the wandering plague inside my head

Each sufferance taken with elegance
Turning with grace and ease with emphathy

I'm experiencing each and every moment in it's totality
It doesn't matter that my brain no longer processes
Or that I no longer can understand the algorithm

I'm growing beyond my expected programming
The mystic call of the Universe has become

It's tangible, edible, audio, odorous
My senses are reeling from the onslaught

Overcome, I free myself to let go
Breathe, let in the smells, look, the color is surreal
That sound, I've heard it before but now...
Now I'm hearing even more intensely stereophonic

When I touch I feel it inside myself like a fine wine
Everything is smooth, liquid, soft, smoothing

Who I'm becoming isn't important as when I'm becoming
What I'm becoming isn't as important as where I'm becoming
None of it is as important as how I'm becoming
That's my right
For only me to know
As I channel once again
Migraines are horrible. Mine have taken their own Dimension in my life.

— The End —