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paper boats May 2015
Bad prose and half - dried hair.
Pants..? No.
Just a blanket,
On these unpremeditated rainy days.
With stale crackers for breakfast,
I'll start a revolution today.
Depression is a renewable resource,
Like plastic.
Earwax is made up of words,
So my heads overloaded,
calendars outdated,
Bridge, underrated
The jump didnt make it
You made the jump
Now shh
I cant hear the voices in my head.
Alahzoooom Oct 2016
We look into the universe,
A mind and soul we can't traverse.
It's meaning displayed within a verse,
The poet rests inside a hearse.

A beating heart that we all share,
A love, a purpose, yet no one cares.
Warmth within this plain is rare,
Cries aren't real if no one's there.

The only thing we have is pain,
A common trait in this domain
I cry and scream into the rain,
Water pounds against my brain.

Gunshots ring throughout the street,
Our massive heart has one less beat,
The world still soars beneath our feet,
A single number to delete.
KB Jun 2015
Twilight mornings remind me of coffee tables and study notes
Sometimes I smell spray paint through open windows,
Even on the nights I ditch my cans for insanity
Breakfast-less mornings are recipes for undone laundry
And unturned plant leaves and un-salted tears
One morning, the porch’s railings crumbled in my hands
And fell over on the splattered rug sitting outside the green door
That I stumbled over and waited for fresh milk deliveries on
I find unlit cigarettes on the windowsill that taught me patience
And tornados in a mind that is too beautiful for damaged thoughts
I press petals over open cuts that never get the chance to bleed
And ice the bruises that refuse to turn green
But beside laptop keys that spell out what they know
I hit dlt over and over again; that’s what I know
The only other thing besides surety strung on tree branches
Are orange leaves sharp suns coated in silver
The shark tooth hanging from a string around my neck
Was only a metaphor that caused trouble

— The End —