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Murs, ville
Et port,
De mort,
Mer grise
Où brise
La brise,
Tout dort.

Dans la plaine
Naît un bruit.
C'est l'haleine
De la nuit.
Elle brame
Comme une âme
Qu'une flamme
Toujours suit !

La voix plus haute
Semble un grelot.
D'un nain qui saute
C'est le galop.
Il fuit, s'élance,
Puis en cadence
Sur un pied danse
Au bout d'un flot.

La rumeur approche.
L'écho la redit.
C'est comme la cloche
D'un couvent maudit ;
Comme un bruit de foule,
Qui tonne et qui roule,
Et tantôt s'écroule,
Et tantôt grandit,

Dieu ! la voix sépulcrale
Des Djinns !... Quel bruit ils font !
Fuyons sous la spirale
De l'escalier profond.
Déjà, s'éteint ma lampe,
Et l'ombre de la rampe,
Qui le long du mur rampe,
Monte jusqu'au plafond.

C'est l'essaim des Djinns qui passe,
Et tourbillonne en sifflant !
Les ifs, que leur vol fracasse,
Craquent comme un pin brûlant.
Leur troupeau, lourd et rapide,
Volant dans l'espace vide,
Semble un nuage livide
Qui porte un éclair au flanc.

Ils sont tout près ! - Tenons fermée
Cette salle, où nous les narguons.
Quel bruit dehors ! Hideuse armée
De vampires et de dragons !
La poutre du toit descellée
Ploie ainsi qu'une herbe mouillée,
Et la vieille porte rouillée
Tremble, à déraciner ses gonds !

Cris de l'enfer! voix qui hurle et qui pleure !
L'horrible essaim, poussé par l'aquilon,
Sans doute, ô ciel ! s'abat sur ma demeure.
Le mur fléchit sous le noir bataillon.
La maison crie et chancelle, penchée,
Et l'on dirait que, du sol arrachée,
Ainsi qu'il chasse une feuille séchée,
Le vent la roule avec leur tourbillon.

Prophète ! si ta main me sauve
De ces impurs démons des soirs,
J'irai prosterner mon front chauve
Devant tes sacrés encensoirs !
Fais que sur ces portes fidèles
Meure leur souffle d'étincelles,
Et qu'en vain l'ongle de leurs ailes
Grince et crie à ces vitraux noirs !

Ils sont passés ! - Leur cohorte
S'envole, et fuit, et leurs pieds
Cessent de battre ma porte
De leurs coups multipliés.
L'air est plein d'un bruit de chaînes,
Et dans les forêts prochaines
Frissonnent tous les grands chênes,
Sous leur vol de feu pliés !

De leurs ailes lointaines
Le battement décroît,
Si confus dans les plaines,
Si faible, que l'on croit
Ouïr la sauterelle
Crier d'une voix grêle,
Ou pétiller la grêle
Sur le plomb d'un vieux toit.

D'étranges syllabes
Nous viennent encor ;
Ainsi, des Arabes
Quand sonne le cor,
Un chant sur la grève
Par instants s'élève
Et l'enfant qui rêve
Fait des rêves d'or.

Les Djinns funèbres,
Fils du trépas,
Dans les ténèbres
Pressent leurs pas ;
Leur essaim gronde ;
Ainsi, profonde,
Murmure une onde
Qu'on ne voit pas.

Ce bruit vague
Qui s'endort,
C'est la vague
Sur le bord ;
C'est la plainte,
Presque éteinte,
D'une sainte
Pour un mort.

On doute
La nuit...
J'écoute : -
Tout fuit,
Tout passe ;
Le bruit.

Le 12 août 1828.
KUSTA BEN LUKA is my name, I write
To Abd Al-Rabban; fellow-roysterer once,
Now the good Caliph's learned Treasurer,
And for no ear but his.
Carry this letter
Through the great gallery of the Treasure House
Where banners of the Caliphs hang, night-coloured
But brilliant as the night's embroidery,
And wait war's music; pass the little gallery;
Pass books of learning from Byzantium
Written in gold upon a purple stain,
And pause at last, I was about to say,
At the great book of Sappho's song; but no,
For should you leave my letter there, a boy's
Love-lorn, indifferent hands might come upon it
And let it fall unnoticed to the floor.
pause at the Treatise of parmenides
And hide it there, for Caiphs to world's end
Must keep that perfect, as they keep her song,
So great its fame.
When fitting time has passed
The parchment will disclose to some learned man
A mystery that else had found no chronicler
But the wild Bedouin.  Though I approve
Those wanderers that welcomed in their tents
What great Harun Al-Rashid, occupied
With Persian embassy or Grecian war,
Must needs neglect, I cannot hide the truth
That wandering in a desert, featureless
As air under a wing, can give birds' wit.
In after time they will speak much of me
And speak but fantasy.  Recall the year
When our beloved Caliph put to death
His Vizir Jaffer for an unknown reason:
"If but the shirt upon my body knew it
I'd tear it off and throw it in the fire.'
That speech was all that the town knew, but he
Seemed for a while to have grown young again;
Seemed so on purpose, muttered Jaffer's friends,
That none might know that he was conscience-struck --
But that s a traitor's thought.  Enough for me
That in the early summer of the year
The mightiest of the princes of the world
Came to the least considered of his courtiers;
Sat down upon the fountain's marble edge,
One hand amid the goldfish in the pool;
And thereupon a colloquy took place
That I commend to all the chroniclers
To show how violent great hearts can lose
Their bitterness and find the honeycomb.
"I have brought a slender bride into the house;
You know the saying, ""Change the bride with spring.''
And she and I, being sunk in happiness,
Cannot endure to think you tread these paths,
When evening stirs the jasmine bough, and yet
Are brideless.'
"I am falling into years.'
"But such as you and I do not seem old
Like men who live by habit.  Every day
I ride with falcon to the river's edge
Or carry the ringed mail upon my back,
Or court a woman; neither enemy,
Game-bird, nor woman does the same thing twice;
And so a hunter carries in the eye
A mimic of youth.  Can poet's thought
That springs from body and in body falls
Like this pure jet, now lost amid blue sky,
Now bathing lily leaf and fish's scale,
Be mimicry?'
"What matter if our souls
Are nearer to the surface of the body
Than souls that start no game and turn no rhyme!
The soul's own youth and not the body's youth
Shows through our lineaments.  My candle's bright,
My lantern is too loyal not to show
That it was made in your great father's reign,
And yet the jasmine season warms our blood.'
"Great prince, forgive the freedom of my speech:
You think that love has seasons, and you think
That if the spring bear off what the spring gave
The heart need suffer no defeat; but I
Who have accepted the Byzantine faith,
That seems unnatural to Arabian minds,
Think when I choose a bride I choose for ever;
And if her eye should not grow bright for mine
Or brighten only for some younger eye,
My heart could never turn from daily ruin,
Nor find a remedy.'
"But what if I
Have lit upon a woman who so shares
Your thirst for those old crabbed mysteries,
So strains to look beyond Our life, an eye
That never knew that strain would scarce seem bright,
And yet herself can seem youth's very fountain,
Being all brimmed with life?'
"Were it but true
I would have found the best that life can give,
Companionship in those mysterious things
That make a man's soul or a woman's soul
Itself and not some other soul.'
"That love
Must needs be in this life and in what follows
Unchanging and at peace, and it is right
Every philosopher should praise that love.
But I being none can praise its opposite.
It makes my passion stronger but to think
Like passion stirs the peacock and his mate,
The wild stag and the doe; that mouth to mouth
Is a man's mockery of the changeless soul.'
And thereupon his bounty gave what now
Can shake more blossom from autumnal chill
Than all my bursting springtime knew.  A girl
Perched in some window of her mother's housc
Had watched my daily passage to and fro;
Had heard impossible history of my past;
Imagined some impossible history
Lived at my side; thought time's disfiguring touch
Gave but more reason for a woman's care.
Yet was it love of me, or was it love
Of the stark mystery that has dazed my sight,
perplexed her fantasy and planned her care?
Or did the torchlight of that mystery
Pick out my features in such light and shade
Two contemplating passions chose one theme
Through sheer bewilderment? She had not paced
The garden paths, nor counted up the rooms,
Before she had spread a book upon her knees
And asked about the pictures or the text;
And often those first days I saw her stare
On old dry writing in a learned tongue,
On old dry ******* that could never please
The extravagance of spring; or move a hand
As if that writing or the figured page
Were some dear cheek.
Upon a moonless night
I sat where I could watch her sleeping form,
And wrote by candle-light; but her form moved.
And fearing that my light disturbed her sleep
I rose that I might screen it with a cloth.
I heard her voice, "Turn that I may expound
What's bowed your shoulder and made pale your cheek
And saw her sitting upright on the bed;
Or was it she that spoke or some great Djinn?
I say that a Djinn spoke.  A livelong hour
She seemed the learned man and I the child;
Truths without father came, truths that no book
Of all the uncounted books that I have read,
Nor thought out of her mind or mine begot,
Self-born, high-born, and solitary truths,
Those terrible implacable straight lines
Drawn through the wandering vegetative dream,
Even those truths that when my bones are dust
Must drive the Arabian host.
The voice grew still,
And she lay down upon her bed and slept,
But woke at the first gleam of day, rose up
And swept the house and sang about her work
In childish ignorance of all that passed.
A dozen nights of natural sleep, and then
When the full moon swam to its greatest height
She rose, and with her eyes shut fast in sleep
Walked through the house.  Unnoticed and unfelt
I wrapped her in a hooded cloak, and she,
Half running, dropped at the first ridge of the desert
And there marked out those emblems on the sand
That day by day I study and marvel at,
With her white finger.  I led her home asleep
And once again she rose and swept the house
In childish ignorance of all that passed.
Even to-day, after some seven years
When maybe thrice in every moon her mouth
Murmured the wisdom of the desert Djinns,
She keeps that ignorance, nor has she now
That first unnatural interest in my books.
It seems enough that I am there; and yet,
Old fellow-student, whose most patient ear
Heard all the anxiety of my passionate youth,
It seems I must buy knowledge with my peace.
What if she lose her ignorance and so
Dream that I love her only for the voice,
That every gift and every word of praise
Is but a payment for that midnight voice
That is to age what milk is to a child?
Were she to lose her love, because she had lost
Her confidence in mine, or even lose
Its first simplicity, love, voice and all,
All my fine feathers would be plucked away
And I left shivering.  The voice has drawn
A quality of wisdom from her love's
Particular quality.  The signs and shapes;
All those abstractions that you fancied were
From the great Treatise of parmenides;
All, all those gyres and cubes and midnight things
Are but a new expression of her body
Drunk with the bitter sweetness of her youth.
And now my utmost mystery is out.
A woman's beauty is a storm-tossed banner;
Under it wisdom stands, and I alone --
Of all Arabia's lovers I alone --
Nor dazzled by the embroidery, nor lost
In the confusion of its night-dark folds,
Can hear the armed man speak.
Martin Narrod Aug 2017
Anything All of the Everything

Events of Summer quickly ensue, it takes hold of you quickly, while the police drive thru. You cannot find it half-way into the night, you could hold up on a park bench or lay your blanket on the slough. Perhaps when your dreams kick, your asterisks will come, build a map of your defense and then head for the sun. Some foe outwit the wounds of life, furry blister-like faces, when they take up the star dust diamonds, the trail guides take after hurrying up paces.

The festivities of fear are living oaths inside of marbled starve rocks, they harvest shoots and ladders, and keep tabs on wild beasts and livestock. There's no match throughout the campgrounds. There's no matchbook light to find us. If you're quick enough with your 70s, then perhaps you'll follow the nightness that's arrived us.

In aide of her lift-gate, shredding pensive miens and speeding mimes, taking ward of one thousand fathomed depths, assumes courageous anti-hate isms. She can come quickly with a syzygy, her van packed with fresh woes of Sunday, then around Monday humbly hides her stuff in the small hems of her bed linens. You can't outwit the governess who preys on handicapped children's thrift finds. She makes clothes and keeps her hands to bed. She bares new graves for time's new roman epithets and moving pictures. She  unplugs her bleeding tongues under some new sone for her monarchic archetypical audiophile party.

While the umberphiles sleep, nyctophiliacs stalk grizzlies. Mosquitos quaff at human blood, while their offspring keep drinking. The idle bugs throes, misanthropic and useless, teach electric lusters' mouths to grow into fiery hoops with which to slip past all the clueless.  The arachnids might dance, the haunting verbs they might fray. The Egyptians at first glance, try to hide their heroine pyramids away.

So hush little violet dormant flowers, fake your fertility and keep your skeptic drink. Keep each one you might meet, within one hundred feet of where you sleep. Keep your arms length's supine, your supplies out of reach, practice wrapping yourself up inside boxes where the souls can sleep.

If you only once catch a fool, avoid the plague-speak certain lips might tell. Each uttered word commanded with too much ******* across the bandwidth. Mortal courses can't be taught, human voices can't keep the draught, ferocious abstract engineered humanity has escaped this truant absence and immorality. You, you catch a fool, she could preach hurts and djinns, it could dot the I's of when, and unfurl the sighs of men. Berthed earthlings that the **** ascribes, hurts the worthless and sours true purpose widths of curfews and its curses, all these biomes perfervidly reserve the fury for their furtive perversity, elements to obscure the telemetry that has coddled such a dark conflagration of immensity, it's the cluelessness of these transgressors that forces the abhorrence towards all-white-everything professors.
While sitting in Grand Teton National Park at the entrance to Spalding Bay.
NateWest Sep 2024
Find a way to go and know that you'll be fine with it
If you choose a road that you know you're not fine with
There's a better way, you'll see better days
Life will be great when you're in your castle

Gotta roam alone but I know you'll find your way
If you're feeling low know you're still glowing to me
There's a better way, you'll see better days
Life will be great when you're in your castle now
I woke to a morning that called out in crystals,where mistletoe ice wands would grant me three wishes and wise men were wrapped up in kaftans and turbans.
The clock stuck at five,so the **** came alive and told time from cracked egg shells and church bells were snowed in,no dings and no dongs,the rights and the wrongs of it seem to fit in quite nicely,when at six the wind whips through the streets where I walk,it's like treading in chalk leaving footprints to read,with my toes feeling the way,so glad I wore two pairs of socks and my wellingtons today.

Then at eight there's hot chocolate and a muffin with jam and the work day begins.
No djinns and no genie,just the boss who's a skinflint and a tightfisted meanie
but it all ends at four when home seems to beckon,
I reckon I'll go and make more prints in the snow and maybe call in to see Andy for a pipe and a brandy,then off to feed Joe,(he's my cat dontya know) and then bed with my nightcap,take the bolt off the catflap and dive into a book I was saving for the time before I nap.
Justin Blaauw Jan 2013
You worry me, Shy One,
I'd love to get to know you.
But you are not shy, you are a bastion.
Quiet, unmoving, firm. Resolve.

You are a friend, fathoms deep,
I need to fathom you out.
I need to speak to your sleep.

Your pulse, is like the tide, constant, neap.
Under the moon, pale, we sleep
Speak out! Let's just talk about the weather today,
I don't mind. Talking about the weather is just as good,
How are you ? I know you're fine. We don't change those sands of time.

You are deep, but quiet, a firm resolve,
A revolver, rotating drum, by the fire light,
The din of the djinn, is quiet in your soul.
I stare into the embers of the coal.
The call of the night.

Talk to me. Tell me something about you.
Mystery of the mysterious ones,
The seven cities you lived in,
The seven sons,
The seven suns in the sky, revolve around us,
those djinns that live in the bastion

I want to know you, I like you,
Talk to me, even about the weather,
How are you, fine, as ever,
Tell me are you all right, is your family safe,
Do you eat at night ?
« Je lui dis : La rose du jardin, comme tu sais, dure peu ;
Et la saison des roses est bien vite écoulée. »

Saadi (Gulistan ou Le jardin des roses.)

Quand l'Automne, abrégeant les jours qu'elle dévore,
Éteint leurs soirs de flamme et glace leur aurore,
Quand Novembre de brume inonde le ciel bleu,
Que le bois tourbillonne et qu'il neige des feuilles,
Ô ma muse ! en mon âme alors tu te recueilles,
Comme un enfant transi qui s'approche du feu.

Devant le sombre hiver de Paris qui bourdonne,
Ton soleil d'orient s'éclipse, et t'abandonne,
Ton beau rêve d'Asie avorte, et tu ne vois
Sous tes yeux que la rue au bruit accoutumée,
Brouillard à ta fenêtre, et longs flots de fumée
Qui baignent en fuyant l'angle noirci des toits.

Alors s'en vont en foule et sultans et sultanes,
Pyramides, palmiers, galères capitanes,
Et le tigre vorace et le chameau frugal,
Djinns au vol furieux, danses des bayadères,
L'Arabe qui se penche au cou des dromadaires,
Et la fauve girafe au galop inégal !

Alors, éléphants blancs chargés de femmes brunes,
Cités aux dômes d'or où les mois sont des lunes,
Imans de Mahomet, mages, prêtres de Bel,
Tout fuit, tout disparaît : - plus de minaret maure,
Plus de sérail fleuri, plus d'ardente Gomorrhe
Qui jette un reflet rouge au front noir de Babel !

C'est Paris, c'est l'hiver. - À ta chanson confuse
Odalisques, émirs, pachas, tout se refuse.
Dans ce vaste Paris le klephte est à l'étroit ;
Le Nil déborderait ; les roses du Bengale
Frissonnent dans ces champs où se tait la cigale ;
A ce soleil brumeux les Péris auraient froid.

Pleurant ton Orient, alors, muse ingénue,
Tu viens à moi, honteuse, et seule, et presque nue.
- N'as-tu pas, me dis-tu, dans ton coeur jeune encor
Quelque chose à chanter, ami ? car je m'ennuie
A voir ta blanche vitre où ruisselle la pluie,
Moi qui dans mes vitraux avais un soleil d'or !

Puis, tu prends mes deux mains dans tes mains diaphanes ;
Et nous nous asseyons, et, **** des yeux profanes,
Entre mes souvenirs je t'offre les plus doux,
Mon jeune âge, et ses jeux, et l'école mutine,
Et les serments sans fin de la vierge enfantine,
Aujourd'hui mère heureuse aux bras d'un autre époux.

Je te raconte aussi comment, aux Feuillantines,
Jadis tintaient pour moi les cloches argentines ;
Comment, jeune et sauvage, errait ma liberté,
Et qu'à dix ans, parfois, resté seul à la brune,
Rêveur, mes yeux cherchaient les deux yeux de la lune,
Comme la fleur qui s'ouvre aux tièdes nuits d'été.

Puis tu me vois du pied pressant l'escarpolette
Qui d'un vieux marronnier fait crier le squelette,
Et vole, de ma mère éternelle terreur !
Puis je te dis les noms de mes amis d'Espagne,
Madrid, et son collège où l'ennui t'accompagne,
Et nos combats d'enfants pour le grand Empereur !

Puis encor mon bon père, ou quelque jeune fille
Morte à quinze ans, à l'âge où l'oeil s'allume et brille.
Mais surtout tu te plais aux premières amours,
Frais papillons dont l'aile, en fuyant rajeunie,
Sous le doigt qui la fixe est si vite ternie,
Essaim doré qui n'a qu'un jour dans tous nos jours.

Le 15 novembre 1828.
Thinkin' about the days
Of wayback
When I was just seed in my daddy's sack
Wish I could have avoided the capture
But then came the rapture
Opened up a new chapter and after
The math was settlin' in paradise wasn't friendly then
Since we took fruit in garden of Eden Who do you believe in?
Spirits witches God devils or djinns
Since I was born on earth
I knew I was cursed worse to worse
Why was I born only for my destiny
To end in a hearse I tried to nurse
My feelings but that wombs to deep
For the natural healing
Pain reaching sky's ceiling
It makes me wanna holla
Why we all chasin the dolla
Bustling and hustling
Everyday we strive for more
But still in end up struggling
Juggling over obstacles
And to make it it's gonna
Take a miracle
You see not many notice the change
Universe heals it's own pang
And shakes us off like fleas please believe
If you open your mind out of darkness
Let a shine
And watch blessing begin to proceed

So much pain madness surrounding my brain
Conscious higher than a plane insane
That most want the fame before game
Crime shame everything remains the same
Raw is an anagram for war
Understand words have power
And ya bodies will use it to store
Negative to positive meaning
We ghost in a shell I learned it well
Freedom is an optical illusion
Enjoy the fusion as my mind cruisin'
Pass the cosmos galaxities fantasies
And realities
I could manifest dynasties so lovely
But I'll just be
Lyin' thoughts preoccupied principles laid
My anger soon to explode like a grenade
Storming brigades thousands of brothers ready to raid
No longer afraid afros curls to ****** braids
Black nation wake up before we end up
Like the tasmanians not a homosapien
They can't break me in
I'm a brother that's a lost King
Long awaiting that's where my soul ties in
The angel with the black eyes in the script that I ripped up,
came back to haunt the pens I use.
I thought I knew her well, had undressed and pressed the cartridge ink but now I think,
creation's just a demon that stupefies the mind of men.
now I'm very careful even fearful of my imaginings
djinns and genies mean me harm,
no lamps can light my way.

I cut to the phone and with the lead around my neck
my therapist says,
'go home and have a rest'
he thinks that he knows best but he doesn't know I'm not paying him,
one more genie
one more djinn
the demon eyes me,begins to grin
I'm scoring well
three more points for free entry to hell.

The angel with the black eyes,
I should have given her wings,
sings to me of a mutiny.
The genie laughs
the djinn drinks gin
and heaven is closed
they won't let me in.
back to paradise
where the old life
was nice and had a slice
of the pie
no racism or prejudices
sick of this
this world im livin' in
everyday moved by sin
and them fake grins
nothing but plottin' djinns
every since i came in
into a world full of scorn
born with an open mind
to grind as i shine
my intellectual beam one man team
livin' this life called a dream
longed turned a nightmare
glimpse of glare stare
down into the dark crossroads
to marinate my soul
not sell my soul
must be nice in past time paradise  

not that im stuck with
this fake paradise added my own spice
so i could flavor up my own life
nothin' but painful memories
harmin' since i was a baby
lately i been seein'
the world crumble can't be humble
in a world made by rudeness
cuz them devils movin' this
hard to lose this
game clutched on our souls
grab a hold and control
the steerin' wheel of life
or ya brain everyday im growin' vain
cuz i cant explain?
the pain held inside my brain
and I know when it's time to go
the universe
will lay out a carpet of wisdom
so i can ride on glide on
to a place thats far from here
placin' my legacy in the atmosphere

now that im placed
as one of the judges
broke the grudges to smudges
laid upon my skin this sin
ain't really me
just a trapped energy
waitin' to break free
times await for the great serpent
im layin' my blueprints
for the battle in the killin' fields
take cover and shield
cuz if not?? you'll get killed
by these lions lyin'
in front of ya livin' to bedrooms
soon for the booms
as i consume I
blossom like a bloom
exposin' buffoons
attracts minds like a
scent of woman's perfume
transform on the scene
let the wind meditate my peen
played by cream this ain't a meme
this everyday livin' casted sinnin'
upon this beautiful land cursed man
with a sword in my hand
refuse to be mannequin
sell my soul? only to be rented  again
cloned in a laboratory check the allegory
they been clonin' since
The mid- forties
**** bein' a fiest
id rather die in this fake life
and reunite with the
spirits reigin' in paradise
Since I was a baby, I wore the crown of hades, no if ands or maybes,
Prior thoughts of killers lately, my enemies always set, a vision for me to see,
Sight em ahead, so many envious of bread, love of wars, got us by the heads,
Free money only for dummies, they being set up by the scummies,
Mastermind of commies, yo I watch every thing around me, like cream,
But it dont rule me, I just sit back like Poseidon guarding the seas,
My flows astronomical, disaster make tapes artificial, yall too superficial,
I spit the real Yo, no beats or an instrumental, some say I'm detrimental,
Cuz I speak truth, to the youths mental, verbal criminal, am I,
I graze the skies, too fast new flash, I got a ****, from a darkness clash,
Along with lightening, hands open like Raiden, another flawless victory,
And even if I die, yall will mourn me, in this youtube commentary,
A true visionary, twin Nastradmous, hypotnized by death and dramas,
Theatre of the war, see what we in for, see souls rotting to the very core,

They saying they ain't feeling me, but would feel me, if I was dead see,
Uh, that's how fake society, really is they got our kids, living in the grids,
Of they matrix, they staying playing tricks, inside ya mind, look behind,
So you can see what's ahead of you, only a few, understand what I do,
Some won't, cuz they caught up in the show, modern day fiascos,
I lasso my foes, everyday welcome to the ghetto rodeo, kick down the door,  
Of the industry, I shoot til they oozing, out the pores, as I polish the floor,
With my sins, I see the faded djinns, taking me in, and I ain't even cashin,
In yet, no matter the plot or a threat, I stand for wisdom, so I'll never regret,
Forget what, these other brothers sayin, I'm tryna level up my saiyan,
Understand what I'm saying, I'm Goku once I focus, on what I wanna go through,
No fear in my life, I'd ratha die a man, than a cowards, a million showered,
Tryna keep dirt off their name, it's a shame, never swelled on fortune, and fame
Looking amongst me I see the same enemies before me
He had three eyes said he wise gave us all of the sunrise
Nightfall was the biggest ball suddenly he became 100ft tall
These demons in all tailgate piggy banks watch the shanks
Folks love to give thanks when they see you on the ground
Solitude attitude very rude stuck in my ways of the crude
That's how they made me everybody out for self even family
No more morals no more love nothing but black ****** gloves
To the scholastics of classics now perform with the magic
Hands hidden forbidden sins made ***** but unforgiven  
In the land of lost I toss away the bible is our ultimate rival
Clergymen down for the same evil djinns got everybody believing
That they going to hell if dare tell I let my thoughts swell
Once I yell out that real **** from slumps of the pulpit
What about malcolm what about Garvey JFK to MLK?
I dont let my mind sway to the wicked says of the media portrays
They'll have you loving the haters and hating the lover brothers
Sisters and others of different colors understand the struggles
Paging poor folks with old school beeps used to be sleep
Now I creep like TLC I see the lies on TV ain't made for us to be
Stuck in permanent harm had the good luck charm icy arm
Now I'm ruining the alarms whistleblow ****** flow
Oh you dont know well let me let ya know I was down from the gitgo
True virgo climbing over deficits turned liabilities into profits
One wit one will one shot one **** living out the universe will
Eyes behold see the pale horse a cometh make ya *****
Chariots of fire mind dive desire reach for the cosmos much higher
The sire in me wont let me die freely impeach the president
Select he tryna take away our techs no respect to those hoes chose
I give a black rose and I love all peoples but most of 'em evil
Tryna plot a sigil sequel I see ya suspense dollars and sense
Make no mistake about it let my freedom fighters shout it!!!!!
Know the trufffff
Took the DOCs formula rock the cold tundra sound the thunder
Raiden lighting strikes faster with fresh nikes on bikes
Cycle fast like a flash of an adrenaline past cast
Myself into a pains definition never been a christian
Profit for the false prophets broke the orings dispense  
Mystery suspense yodeini moving lika genie got the beanie
No bean pies keep a solid third eye back hands living spy
Noble wise drew Ali holding the ravioli bags to drag
Brain cellular nags got the intellect to the slash corrupt
Magz toetags to enemies who love to lag no need for brags
Snow fort beat the courts with the imprints of my girth
For what's worth break the curse two shots from two glocks
Boondocks saints penny over ya lids close ya jibs pigs
Love to take a stab I jab ****** thrills to the rush of a cab
Daylight to dark nights shining bright it's a killer raging plights

Hard to breath when the bullets conceive hearts relieve
I recieved notice from a higher power intelligence
Due diligence heads above the fence keep my foes intense
Heads I pench to the very inch nerves peeling the dense
Mad intense surface the nervous sunday gun service
Bible scriptures taking from my mental picture ******
Jewels miracles witnessing no attesting smoke Wesson
Learn them many lessons this is a blessing no testing
Gods will let the blood spill bodies chill feel the wrath
Blood bath evils kins of pharaohs sin ***** living djinns
Still dodging the pens in this filthy world we live in
Demons mirages on my garages grapevine summertime
Is the worse time tryna get my head right but I'm out of sight

— The End —