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andy fardell Oct 2011
wings flapped in air not seen
as beauty desended upon the earth
green and white all golden in light
the butterfly flew

a gasp of breath did i request
as flight did show ...some god we know
a beauty sight.. in pure flight
a sign of life that had me cry

butter into the light
as I hang sight such wondeous delight
delicate wonders in such a world of hate and pain
less we learn to love this world
Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
The angel desended from the heavens falling hard and fast
In a blink of an eye she has landed
broken and bleeding
a world without dreaming

She is no longer dressed in the brillance of light
Nor is she donning the pitch black of darkness
The inbetween worldly color of a sullen gray
Is there still hope?

What can protect her
from this cataclysmic world?
What would cause her
to fall?

Only those that believe flock to her side
some in hopes of healing
some in hopes of believing
some in hopes of madness

People screaming, laughing, dying
tearing themselves apart
almost like a bleeding artwork
blood splattering everywhere

The angel cries
she didnt mean to fall from His grace
she only wanted to help
the human race

too late now it seems
too far gone
too long corrupted
by meaningless and wicked ways

only a small few can be saved
for they know the lesson in pain
not the pain as you may think
but as the sorrow, not knowing of tomorrow

Only hope can save them now
perhaps there still is some
children of today
forced to rebuild  for tomorrow

as it forever goes
corruption grows
as the generations continue
tomorrow we may never know

The angel gathers those close by
sings to them
kisses them goodbye
she had seen enough to know the truth

the world is what we make of it
which isnt simple but its true
we have the power to change it
to make it right

The angel's wings are healed
she waves to all
knowing she will one day
see some again
India Hares Aug 2017
At the moment i cant tell you the pain I feel,
I can only wish for it soon to heal.
The sound of your voice still lingers,
As does the gentle touch of your fingers.
At the moment this all feels like an illusion,
And causes me too much confusion.
The pain of not knowing if it was real,
And what you said isn't what you feel.
The pain of not knowing if your okay,
Or how I'm getting through another day.
The unknowns cause the most pain,
And make my tears fall down like the heaviest of rain.
I guess this was my mistake,
but my feelings were never fake.
My feelings for you remain the same,
In hopes this wasn't just a game.
I long for you now that we are apart,
But as in my mind, you live in my heart.
I miss you more than words can say,
And I hate that we are so far away.
But know I think of you every day
And want to be with you in that same way.
But I alrwady know it's ended.
I took you for graunted, but then you desended
There is only one more thing left on my mind,
So here it is I'll let it unwind...

I love you...
More than you'll ever knew.
I love you always have...always will
moving on
break up

— The End —