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Brent Kincaid Jul 2017
Hyperbole in front of me,
Political effrontery,
Lies dressed up as Scripture,
Treason beyond conjecture.
No hope of restitution
A gutted constitution
Guarded by mercenaries
Who hate blacks and fairies.

A pain to liberal brains
As hope goes down the drain
While major constituencies
Are sold out for SUVs.
Journalists lost their relevance
Kissing the haunches of elephants
In a mad rush every news day
To keep their beloved pay.

Chip-off-the-block jabberwocky;
Son talks his Daddy’s talky.
With no attempt at recompense
The fool makes little sense,
Hiding behind the leverage
He gets from his evil heritage.
There’s no need of morality
Or decency or much formality.

No matter how much criticized,
The wrongly, constantly victimized
Suffer the ignominy yearly
And continue to pay dearly
From our position down on our knees
As they try to rob everyone they see
And we are the casualties of infamy
Because neighbors stand by silently.
Samantha Goodman Sep 2013
This morning I woke up a little earlier than usual
and grabbed some leftover boiled peanuts out of the fridge,
which I ate cold.

They seemed to have lost a bit of their charm,
since I always ate them hot at a picnic table in the market,
and I was usually accompanied by a friend or two.

So I sat shelling the cold peanuts,
with a paperback in front of me on the table,
which I neglected to read because my fingers were rather wet.

After a significant amount of time, during which I shelled peanuts
and pondered the various happenings and constituencies of my small lifetime,
I began to read.

And as if days of time had lapsed,
the empty shells had turned a churlish gray color,
next I looked at them.

Upon wriggling my fingers through the mound of halved shells
in a sort of diaphanous trance as I read, I stumbled upon a shell that had yet to be cracked,
which awoke me from my reverie in bestseller prose.

I was quite puzzled about how I ever could have missed it earlier.
I proceeded to roll it around in the palm of my hand, noticing its incredibly light weight.
When I opened it, there was nothing inside.
Nitin Pandey Dec 2022
At any time,
To earn a valid reason.
There will be a knock,
On the threshold of time.
For people, to leave,
Yes, to just evacuating.
That time, as memory,
And they will be gone.
All Constituencies only be yours, not mine…,
Even, after you left I did not set you free, it was easy for you to cross the threshold of time, but equally difficult for me.
You know, I tried my best to forget everything.
But, still I remember all happens that imposed by you, that rough moon, that thirsty river, that bundle of wood, that screaming flames and that restless night, it was very difficult for me to accept that…

— The End —