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megan Jul 2014
september 14, 2009
10:13 pm
why is the garage door shut? i cant get in
your phone must be dead my messages wont go through

september 14, 2009
10:15 pm
i can hear the car running in the garage oh god oh god i called an ambulance butm my fingers arree shakingi you have to be okay dont

september 15, 2009
11:27 am
i opened the garage and you were sitting there with a tube running into the drivers seat and why did you ******* do this you cant you wouldnt you shouldnt this isnt real none of this is real

september 17, 2009
3:04 am
babe, i miss you
i miss you so much i cant take it

september 17, 2009
3:07 am
they havent shut down everything yet its only been three days
how has it only been three days

september 19, 2009
11:17 pm
your funeral was today (i didn’t cry)

september 29, 2009
12:23 pm
did it hurt? i need to know if i should join you but i dont want it to hurt because im scared, im too scared
im scared of the fact that ill never see you smile again
i love you. did i tell you that enough? i dont think i did

october 17, 2009
1:39 am
mayvbe ive benee drinnking a litlter morre than mnusula but yoi shouldve let me comem with hoyu becaussee youre my hnhome and evertyone think sims  insanen i just miss you msoo much comee hooome to mew

october 31, 2009
7:01 pm
its halloween and im going alone this year
why do i have to go alone

november 24, 2009
2:24 am
i had a dream that you were making me dinner and you gave me a spoonful of something tomato-y and we were laughing and dancing in the kitchen and you kissed me but your lips dissolved into paper and your skin slid off into a puddle on the floors and the walls collapsed around me but i could still hear your voice telling me everything was okay
when i woke up my lips tasted like tears and i couldnt breathe

december 2, 2009
3:36 am
you cant be dead on my birthday
last year we had a picnic in the park and drank macchiatos and you told me a story about the magician you had at your birthday party when you were seven and barely tall enough to see over the table he was doing tricks on
you cant be dead on my birthday you cant

december 24, 2009
10:17 pm
christmas eve was ****** without you
i hope its better wherever you are

december 25, 2009
9:03 pm
christmas day was also ****** without you
how do i get rid of this ******* headache

january 3, 2010
4:19 am
how do i do anything when everything we did together is laced with arsenic?
******* for taking away my favorite places
******* for taking away my favorite bands
******* for taking away everything

january 10, 2010
8:56 am
your pillow doesnt smell like you anymore

january 17, 2010
5:49 pm
this is so pathetic im still sending you messages its been months
my eyes should be dry by now

january 22, 2010
7:08 am
did you know that your mom called me crying yesterday because she found your old baseball trophy in the attic and we cried over the phone together and its the closest ive felt to you in ages and ages but it slipped away through my fingers faster than quicksand

january 25, 2010
3:45 pm
i almost took a whole bottle of pills and slit my wrists last night but you were standing above me whispering to me and i couldnt do that to you even though you did it to me first

february 4, 2010
1:01 am
was this my fault? did i do this to you? i warned you that i was broken but you pieced me back together with strands of moonlight and i wish i wouldve seen how bad you were hurting before you stepped off the edge

february 6, 2010
6:36 pm
i hate you

february 7, 2010
4:49 am
i could never hate you
you know that
my head is pounding

february 27, 2010
12:32 am
happy anniversary sweetheart
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recipient account terminated
Como o mundo tem mudado a cada dia, tanto e tão depressa, fica cada vez mais difícil aprofundar qualquer assunto. Sobrepõem-se as promessas e os candidatos, mas a essência na procura de um lugar melhor está a afastar-se cada dia mais.
Cada vez vamos sabendo mais sobre mais coisas, e cada vez mais estamos frágeis.
Outrora falar publicamente de um assunto era uma arte de estudiosos e quem sabe, gente preparada para o fazer. Hoje todos têm o seu público e conseguimos até  escolher a plateia.
Existe uma falsa sensação de audiência, porque ela é oculta e rapidamente se divide em outras opiniões.
Vejamos o que acontece diariamente na própria comunicação social. Como sabem ela divulga artigos com base em jornalismo, política, desporto e sobretudo em dinheiro. E por isso mesmo, podem não ser verdades absolutas.
Perigosamente orientam também o seu rebanho e o conduzem à ordenha.
Não creio que tudo isto deixe de ter um propósito tirânico, como acredito que estão no pleno controle da nossa vida, humana, social, religiosa e financeira.
Uma cruzada polivalente do capitalismo que como em outros tempos, agora de outras formas comandam o leme, protegendo a sua estirpe desprovida de qualquer fé ou solidariedade.
Têm certamente um propósito garantir a prosperidade dos quem comem há mesa tal e qual como na seia do senhor.
Autor: António Benigno
Código de autor: 2020121522541201
dead0phelia Dec 2019
você diz que eu sou muito afobada
"você é muito... afobada"
é que eu perdi as dobradiças da porta
como é aquela palavra em inglês que explica bem isso
"unhinged" eu tava unhinged
engraçado porque eu nunca tinha sido essa pessoa e os meus pés sempre estiveram guardados debaixo da terra
"mas eu não vou pra lugar nenhum" e
"a gente tem todo tempo do mundo"
você disse
mas eu conheço bem a impermanência das coisas
e é difícil sentir o tempo. entende?
é doloroso demais você sabe que é
quando o tempo passa assim devagar e eu passo assim devagar na sua pele
dá tempo pra sentir tudo tudo
é que nem uma lesma quando rasteja
fica marcas. entende?
você sabe, eu não gosto de marcas
elas ocupam muito espaço e comem a memória da gente então acho que é isso que acontece uma pressa de te engolir toda
que é pra eu te vomitar de uma vez e te expulsar de dentro

— The End —