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She feeds those chickens everyday
And the rooster struts and crows
As the steam  rolls from the ***
Plucking feathers for dinner she knows

Your wife sho taste good to me
Mister rooster chest puffs up
Sitting at the dinner table smiling
She fills up her drinking cup

Yall chillen leave those chicks lone
They might think their meal is a little pet
She keeps them away from the chickens
She is planning on wringing their neck

Bow yo head and thank the Laud
For this here chicken wez bout to eat
The children all obey their mother
To them the chicken is a real treat

Sitting at the dinner table
Smiles would shine from within
Now the children tell all their children
How everyday Granny fed them
This was very fun to write
Zoe Mae Sep 2021
So your heart's on fire
Mine's just gonna chill
I have no red-hot desire
But I got time to ****
yo, Listen to the story ima tell way back wen i saw this bad chick and she casted a spell right, I was chillen with the crew yeah u now my ****** we were rocking some snapbacks and the clippers I was checking her out I saw her face yeah u now lovey lovey dovey all up in my space my boys was sayin she's a seven she a nine in my mind i thought she's a dime so i was checking her out straight up and down i notice her just noticeing me she was rocking some J's with a short mini skirt she had the Jordan symbol on a v cut shirt i pulled up right next to her we was chitin chattin for a lil bit exchange numbers told to call me in a lil bit the relationship was in full gear i just told her all that she wanted hear like she pretty and like your  hair i don't wanna come across as thirst i just wanna **** and wanted to be her first wen she ask me if already had it i lied and told her yes try to look in her eys so she won't notice i was staring at her chest every time we kiss i take a deep breath she is feeling high cause I now what to do i bite her lips i kiss her neck grab her hips her body tight tying to set that mood right u now what I'm a do tonight started from the top worked my way down took her ******* off so i can see that view told I'm a do u right and eat it to told her I'm going make her feel brand new she said take it easy you now I'm new told her me too when I do what I'm a do when i get on top of you I'm a test your vocals out and you singing ooooooooh! girl you now it's nothing baby girl I'm not fronting was not lying when i said you are my first.
Michael Marchese Mar 2017
Check the twenty-twenty fission
Adam splittin' Eden vision
Bustin' caps in gas emissions
Spittin' written ammunition
For the first-world problem chillen'
Droppin' free speech bomb sedition
On the third-world problem villain
Grand old wizards' ku klux gizzards
All white **** meat chicken dinners
Suckin' Christian dictions'
Hissin' contests over spoils
House of Slyth'rins witherin'
The shale-shock sowing soil
With Satan seeds of ignorance
Still thirsting for indifference
From money hungry London royal
Global warming blizzards
As they're bleeding dry the rivers
Into liquidating oil
Treasure buried with a shovel
In oases brought to boil
Nine eleven popped the bubble
But with Jesus in the building
Turning metal into rubble
Smelting graces into gilding
From the melting *** he's spilling
Into off-shore power drilling
Making killings on the rigging
As Mohammed was displayed
As a scary, bearded, brown-skin man
Through tricks of terrorism's trade
And God's right sleights of winning hand
Pulled rabbits from Fatah's grenade
And cooked 'em in Afghanistan
For PTSD noise parades
And hot dog chugs for Uncle Sam
To waste the land, supply demand
For ol' Osama's unmarked grave
Obama hosted-masquerade
White-washing New World fear campaign
Them masks of patriotic acts
In place as they removed Hussein
Disguised the ethnic cleanse crusade
With bush league mass destruction claims
When the caliphate they made
Went Khomeini on Iran
A stand against the David camp
Shelling bibles to qurans
So the shah's Allah mirage
Put the profits in the pockets
Of the prophet's arbitrage
Camouflage the Green Zone spans
With pyramids of Reaganomics
Tricklin' into sovereign sands
Long before heathen jihadists
Flew their kamikaze plans
Into Trump towers' blacklist fists
Of modern warfare contra *bans
There are no limitations with this gravitational pull, No longer will you continue to play the fool. Your heart, the greatest tool. True to ones self, following your own lead. Never allowing that of another to impede. Into your mind, because everything there.. They will find. You're not behind. Take your time, build a solid ground. Because those who seem all put together, are chillen in the lost and found. It's true when they say "time heals all wounds". Those who are the strongest, aren't afraid to cry. And at night, when you lay your head to rest, do you tell yourself a lie to lift the weight up off your chest? Or do you deal with this world, and face it. Head on collision. No assurance, no anything. Just blurry eyed vision. It's when you feel you're at the bottom, your courage will be tested. You need to get up! Get out! And get somethin. Cuz when you die, no one remembers the man.. That did not try.
En mi rincón le insuflo a mi fagote
vientos de libre poesía.

Vale, vale la pena:
(como no brinquen multitudes en algarabía
-bárbara tribu diapreada de achiote-
y aunque no salten soledades de Góngora y Argote...):

¡surta clara, serena,
sincronizada, esbelta Arquitectura,
Música pura,
libre Poesía!

En mi rincón le insuflo a mi fagote
vientos de libre poesía!

Vale la pena, vale:
y así chillen don Pánfilo, don Zote,
doña Carraca, doña Chirimía:
¡toda la trinca! todo el cotarro! El zafio lote!
¡como apruebe la Onfale
cuya rueca devano, Esfinge Obscura,
sóla Aventura,
mía Fantasía!

En mi rincón le insuflo a mi fagote
vientos de libre poesía.

Vale, vale la brega:
¿muy ronco el timbre para el flébil estrambote
de mi Balada? ¿muy áspera la voz? ¿la
muy tosca? ¿a los oídos es azote
mi troya nocharniega?

¡no me importe!: si ríspida y si dura,
de ésa sólo se cura
la Musa mía!

En mi rincón le insuflo a mi fagote
-don Pánfilo, don Péndolo, don Zote,
doña Carraca, doña Chirimía-
vientos de libre y pura y de díscola y recia poesía.
There are no limitations with this gravitational pull, No longer will you continue to play the fool. Your heart, the greatest tool. True to ones self, following your own lead. Never allowing that of another to impede. Into your mind, because everything there.. They will find. You're not behind. Take your time, build a solid ground. Because those who seem all put together, are chillen in the lost and found. It's true when they say "time heals all wounds". Those who are the strongest, aren't afraid to cry. And at night, when you lay your head to rest, do you tell yourself a lie to lift the weight up off your chest? Or do you deal with this world, and face it. Head on collision. No assurance, no anything. Just blurry eyed vision. It's when you feel you're at the bottom, your courage will be tested. You need to get up! Get out! And get somethin. Cuz when you die, no one remembers the man.. That did not try.
alexis hill May 2016
I was happy with that life
time being
but you changed up

started chillen on a different block
you were differently treated with
different clothes
new chain and slang talk

cigarettes lips to fit in//
carcinogen lungs
to impress them with the tar black esophagus compressed in your chest cough

now you walking different too
and them kids got you locked
and even tighter than a *****
I just knew it
when you fronted them up on that block

but if you got shot up
you know they wouldn't have your
back unless it was to steal your coat keys
and wallet leave you ****** dead or not

and hey I'm just saying
you started changing
and I can see this kind of ****
happening when everything around

YOU started changing...
look I don't want you to be suffering
but I try and warn you
about the world we're in

love isn't anger
love is black and blue
come stranger times like
love isn't "who can take the first blow"
love isn't hands around a throat

love isn't here
so don't come back no more.
Jimmy Desire Sep 2010
By: James Desire
Why do you put us through so much pain?
Do you really love him?
I guess we ain't the same…
A year ago,
We took a ride together,
In the rain and all the other bad weather
And yes we were cool,
Cause even after school
We were side by side
Chillen, laughin' and livin' the life
It was about a year later
And things got greater
Could've sworn you and I were meant for each other
But then things changed
We got so rearranged
And in the confusion of it all
Our connection was lost in the wash of the rain
And I understand what ever I thought we had is gone…
But whatever the situation may be
You know I'll always be there for my baby
And what I really want to know is…
Is this what you really want?
You still the same girl I met last year?
And Finally,
Since you wear a mask
Whenever I pass
Sometimes hesitate to ask
Are you REALLY okay?
Cause now a days,
The rain falls harder every time I hear your name.
Jimmy Desire ©2010
Cecelia Francis Feb 2015
Third tooth
chillen on land,
Dales la vuelta,
cógelas del rabo (chillen, putas),
dales azúcar en la boca a las rejegas,
ínflalas, globos, pínchalas,
sórbeles sangre y tuétanos,
písalas, gallo galante,
tuérceles el gaznate, cocinero,
destrípalas, toro,
buey, arrástralas,
hazlas, poeta,
haz que se traguen todas sus palabras.
Amanda Shelton May 2021
On a cold dark road
there was a shimmer
in the distance, like
a ocean chillen in the night
the reflection was clear
and blue.

A cool breeze is blowing
over the hills, as the stars
wink and gaze upon the dark

You think to yourself,
this must be a dream.

Then a lite music slowly begins
to play, the sound is drawing
you closer to the edge of the

A mist starts to gather,
a fog is coming in, the
cool wind kisses your skin.
Chills run down your spine,
goosebumps rise and you shiver
from its icy touch.

The song dances in your mind,
it pokes and pinches your
brain with stimulation from its
heavy sounds of water swooshing

You feel like an ocean of
waves, lisping up and down.

Your mind is drifting upon
a dreamers raft, drifting
deeper into the fog and wind.

©️ 2021 By Amanda Shelton

— The End —