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Inayat Vasal Oct 2015
We gazed at the star-studded Sky
We knew it was time to say goodbye
All I could do was cry
I was gonna lo-ose my guy
Each passing day you had fought
So we could tie the knot
But we knew it was the end
Tears of blood fell from my broken heart
I could feel the pain during your chemos
More than the plight  of the flightless emus
People said love was the best medication
But they never talked about expiration
One last hug . One last time . One last question  :- "Why could my love not cure  your cancer ? "
I knew you would soon be gone
But I'd  always wait for ya right here in this lawn !
Feel free to criticise or appreciate
“ 74th Birthday Morning,

phone ringing for wishes… unattended

cup of tea and newspaper waiting for the sip… unattended

something not right…

blood in stool,


the fear…

diagnosed stage 3,

self ….silence…


question from mind : Life is at its evening , is night now near?

answer from will power : Life has a new day every day and evening to disappear.

months and weeks…

chemos & radiation ,

pain , irritation

exercise & running ,

will power , motivation

cheers over jeers

close competition


….the long day ….surgery

preference …on two legs not the stretcher

fun over depression,

proudly walking the red carpet of the theatre

few needles in back ,

….. six hours of unconsciousness


….dark deep silence

then the flash…

a rainbow from nowhere….

in brightness …. appears son’s face ….

congratulations you have won the battle

operation success-full

the smile of his will power replies , yes I hear ”
18th Aug 2018 , an Army Vet age around 74 years was diagnosed with colon cancer stage between two and three.

The picture below is of day 2 after surgery , clicked on 18th Dec 2018 where he is sitting and advising people around on how to defeat cancer.All credit of his success-full operation and recovery goes to his own will power and belief that Cancer is just another illness and can be cured if one is determined to beat it.

Doctors and staff attending him were saluting him for his will power and positivity as he was sitting fit and fine even after undergoing 6 longs hours of surgery.

From the day he was diagnosed Cancer to the day of surgery following was his routine:

8 kms brisk walk daily even on the radiation day.
2 hours exercise ,1 hour morning and 1 hour evening exercise — focused on abs.
no food restrictions everything he had other than non veg.
Main important thing carrying attitude of Positivity and Will Power that he will beat this illness .

— The End —